Felix Bauckholt 385feeb6ba Slight tweaks that increase 3-player win rate to 75%
- When there are less than 5 players, and we're near the discard threshold, prefer
  hinting over discarding, even if there are known useless cards.

- We now ask questions like "what's the first playable card in this list?"

  This means that if a playable card is in the asking player's list,
  the player will learn that it's playable, and that every card before
  it is not playable.

  Additionally, if a player doesn't know of any dead cards in their hand
  and there is enough information available, we use this mechanism so that
  if the player doesn't have a playable card, they will learn about one
  dead card in their hand.

(These were two commits that got joined in a rebase accident, sorry.)
2019-02-21 10:19:54 -08:00

2.8 KiB

Simulations of Hanabi strategies

Hanabi is a cooperative card game of incomplete information. Despite relatively simple rules, the space of Hanabi strategies is quite interesting. This project provides a framework for implementing Hanabi strategies in Rust. It also explores some implementations, based on ideas from this paper. In particular, it contains an improved version of their "information strategy", which achieves the best results I'm aware of for games with more than 2 players (see below).

Please feel free to contact me about Hanabi strategies, or this framework.

Most similar projects I am aware of:


Install rust (rustc and cargo), and clone this git repo.

Then, in the repo root, run cargo run -- -h to see usage details.

For example, to simulate a 5 player game using the cheating strategy, for seeds 0-99:

cargo run -- -n 100 -s 0 -p 5 -g cheat

Or, if the simulation is slow, build with --release and use more threads:

time cargo run --release -- -n 10000 -o 1000 -s 0 -t 4 -p 5 -g info

Or, to see a transcript of the game with seed 222:

cargo run -- -s 222 -p 5 -g info -l debug | less


To write a strategy, you simply implement a few traits.

The framework is designed to take advantage of Rust's ownership system so that you can't cheat, without using stuff like Cell or Arc or Mutex.

Generally, your strategy will be passed something of type &BorrowedGameView. This game view contains many useful helper functions (see here). If you want to mutate a view, you'll want to do something like let mut self.view = OwnedGameView::clone_from(borrowed_view);. An OwnedGameView will have the same API as a borrowed one.

Some examples:


On seeds 0-9999, we have these average scores and win rates:

2p 3p 4p 5p
cheat 24.8600 24.9781 24.9715 24.9570
90.52 % 98.12 % 97.74 % 96.57 %
info 20.9745 24.6041 24.8543 24.8942
04.40 % 75.07 % 89.59 % 91.53 %

To reproduce:

n=10000   # number of rounds to simulate
t=4       # number of threads
for strategy in info cheat; do
  for p in $(seq 2 5); do
    time cargo run --release -- -n $n -s 0 -t $t -p $p -g $strategy;