
204 lines
7.9 KiB

from typing import Optional
import pebble.concurrent
import concurrent.futures
import traceback
from sat import solve_sat
from database.database import conn, cur
from download_data import detailed_export_game
from alive_progress import alive_bar
from compress import decompress_deck, link
from hanabi import HanabiInstance
from threading import Lock
from time import perf_counter
from greedy_solver import GameState, GreedyStrategy
from log_setup import logger
from deck_analyzer import analyze, InfeasibilityReason
from variants import Variant
def update_seeds_db():
cur2 = conn.cursor()
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("SELECT num_players, seed, variant_id from games;")
for (num_players, seed, variant_id) in cur:
cur2.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from seeds WHERE seed = (%s);", (seed,))
if cur2.fetchone()[0] == 0:
print("new seed {}".format(seed))
cur2.execute("INSERT INTO seeds"
"(seed, num_players, variant_id)"
"(%s, %s, %s)",
(seed, num_players, variant_id)
print("seed {} already found in DB".format(seed))
def get_decks_of_seeds():
cur2 = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT seed, variant_id FROM seeds WHERE deck is NULL")
for (seed, variant_id) in cur:
cur2.execute("SELECT id FROM games WHERE seed = (%s) LIMIT 1", (seed,))
(game_id,) = cur2.fetchone()
logger.verbose("Exporting game {} for seed {}.".format(game_id, seed))
detailed_export_game(game_id, var_id=variant_id, seed_exists=True)
def update_trivially_feasible_games(variant_id):
variant: Variant = Variant.from_db(variant_id)
cur.execute("SELECT seed FROM seeds WHERE variant_id = (%s) AND feasible is null", (variant_id,))
seeds = cur.fetchall()
print('Checking variant {} (id {}), found {} seeds to check...'.format(, variant_id, len(seeds)))
with alive_bar(total=len(seeds), title='{} ({})'.format(, variant_id)) as bar:
for (seed,) in seeds:
cur.execute("SELECT id, deck_plays, one_extra_card, one_less_card, all_or_nothing "
"FROM games WHERE score = (%s) AND seed = (%s) ORDER BY id;",
(variant.max_score, seed)
res = cur.fetchall()
logger.debug("Checking seed {}: {:3} results".format(seed, len(res)))
for (game_id, a, b, c, d) in res:
if None in [a, b, c, d]:
logger.debug(' Game {} not found in database, exporting...'.format(game_id))
detailed_export_game(game_id, var_id=variant_id)
logger.debug(' Game {} already in database'.format(game_id, valid))
valid = not any([a, b, c, d])
if valid:
logger.verbose('Seed {:10} (variant {}) found to be feasible via game {:6}'.format(seed, variant_id, game_id))
cur.execute("UPDATE seeds SET feasible = (%s) WHERE seed = (%s)", (True, seed))
logger.verbose(' Cheaty game found')
def get_decks_for_all_seeds():
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT id "
"FROM games "
" INNER JOIN seeds "
" ON seeds.seed = games.seed"
" seeds.deck is null"
" AND"
" = ("
" SELECT id FROM games WHERE games.seed = seeds.seed LIMIT 1"
" )"
print("Exporting decks for all seeds")
res = cur.fetchall()
with alive_bar(len(res), title="Exporting decks") as bar:
for (game_id,) in res:
mutex = Lock()
def solve_instance(instance: HanabiInstance):
# first, sanity check on running out of pace
result = analyze(instance)
if result is not None:
assert type(result) == InfeasibilityReason
logger.debug("found infeasible deck")
return False, None, None
for num_remaining_cards in [0, 20]:
#"trying with {} remaining cards".format(num_remaining_cards))
game = GameState(instance)
strat = GreedyStrategy(game)
# make a number of greedy moves
while not game.is_over() and not game.is_known_lost():
if num_remaining_cards != 0 and game.progress == game.deck_size - num_remaining_cards:
break # stop solution here
# check if we won already
if game.is_won():
# print("won with greedy strat")
return True, game, num_remaining_cards
# now, apply sat solver
if not game.is_over():
logger.debug("continuing greedy sol with SAT")
solvable, sol = solve_sat(game)
if solvable is None:
return True, sol, num_remaining_cards
"No success with {} remaining cards, reducing number of greedy moves, failed attempt was: {}".format(
num_remaining_cards, link(game)))
# print("Aborting trying with greedy strat")
logger.debug("Starting full SAT solver")
game = GameState(instance)
a, b = solve_sat(game)
return a, b, instance.draw_pile_size
def solve_seed_with_timeout(seed, num_players, deck_compressed, var_name: Optional[str] = None):
logger.verbose("Starting to solve seed {}".format(seed))
deck = decompress_deck(deck_compressed)
t0 = perf_counter()
solvable, solution, num_remaining_cards = solve_instance(HanabiInstance(deck, num_players))
t1 = perf_counter()
logger.verbose("Solved instance {} in {} seconds: {}".format(seed, round(t1 - t0, 2), solvable))
if solvable is not None:
cur.execute("UPDATE seeds SET feasible = (%s) WHERE seed = (%s)", (solvable, seed))
if solvable == True:
logger.verbose("Success with {} cards left in draw by greedy solver on seed {}: {}\n".format(
num_remaining_cards, seed, link(solution))
elif solvable == False:
logger.debug("seed {} was not solvable".format(seed))
logger.debug('{}-player, seed {:10}, {}\n'.format(num_players, seed, var_name))
elif solvable is None:
logger.verbose("seed {} skipped".format(seed))
raise Exception("Programming Error")
except Exception as e:
print("exception in subprocess:")
def solve_seed(seed, num_players, deck_compressed, var_name: Optional[str] = None):
f = solve_seed_with_timeout(seed, num_players, deck_compressed, var_name)
return f.result()
except TimeoutError:
logger.verbose("Solving on seed {} timed out".format(seed))
def solve_unknown_seeds(variant_id, variant_name: Optional[str] = None):
cur.execute("SELECT seed, num_players, deck FROM seeds WHERE variant_id = (%s) AND feasible IS NULL", (variant_id,))
res = cur.fetchall()
# for r in res:
# solve_seed(r[0], r[1], r[2], variant_name)
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_PROCESSES) as executor:
fs = [executor.submit(solve_seed, r[0], r[1], r[2], variant_name) for r in res]
with alive_bar(len(res), title='Seed solving on {}'.format(variant_name)) as bar:
for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(fs):
solve_unknown_seeds(0, "No Variant")