Maximilian Keßler
We now only use relative imports for files in the same directory Also, only modules are imported, never classes/functions etc Furthermore, main methods in package files have been removed, since they do not belong there
333 lines
12 KiB
333 lines
12 KiB
from typing import Optional, List, Generator
from enum import Enum
from termcolor import colored
from hanabi import constants
class DeckCard:
def __init__(self, suitIndex: int, rank: int, deck_index=None):
self.suitIndex: int = suitIndex
self.rank: int = rank
self.deck_index: Optional[int] = deck_index
def from_json(deck_card):
return DeckCard(**deck_card)
def colorize(self):
color = ["green", "blue", "magenta", "yellow", "white", "cyan"][self.suitIndex]
return colored(str(self), color)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.suitIndex == other.suitIndex and self.rank == other.rank
def __repr__(self):
return constants.COLOR_INITIALS[self.suitIndex] + str(self.rank)
def __hash__(self):
# should be injective enough, we never use cards with ranks differing by 1000
return 1000 * self.suitIndex + self.rank
def pp_deck(deck: Generator[DeckCard, None, None]) -> str:
return "[" + ", ".join(card.colorize() for card in deck) + "]"
class ActionType(Enum):
Play = 0
Discard = 1
ColorClue = 2
RankClue = 3
EndGame = 4
VoteTerminate = 5 ## hack: online, this is encoded as a 10
class Action:
def __init__(self, type_: ActionType, target: int, value: Optional[int] = None):
self.type = type_
| = target
self.value = value
# enforce no values on play / discard
if self.type in [ActionType.Discard, ActionType.Play]:
self.value = None
def from_json(action):
return Action(
action.get('value', None)
def __repr__(self):
match self.type:
case ActionType.Play:
return "Play card {}".format(
case ActionType.Discard:
return "Discard card {}".format(
case ActionType.ColorClue:
return "Clue color {} to player {}".format(self.value,
case ActionType.RankClue:
return "Clue rank {} to player {}".format(self.value,
case ActionType.EndGame:
return "Player {} ends the game (code {})".format(, self.value)
case ActionType.VoteTerminate:
return "Players vote to terminate the game (code {})".format(self.value)
return "Undefined action"
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.type == other.type and == and self.value == other.value
class HanabiInstance:
def __init__(
deck: List[DeckCard],
# assumes a default deck, every suit has to be distributed either [1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5] or [1,2,3,4,5]
num_players: int, # number of players that play this deck, in range [2,6]
hand_size: Optional[int] = None, # number of cards that each player holds
num_strikes: Optional[int] = None, # number of strikes that leads to game loss
clue_starved: bool = False, # if true, discarding and playing fives only gives back half a clue
fives_give_clue: bool = True, # if false, then playing a five will not change the clue count
deck_plays: bool = False,
all_or_nothing: bool = False
# defining properties
self.deck = deck
self.num_players = num_players
self.hand_size = hand_size or constants.HAND_SIZES[self.num_players]
self.num_strikes = num_strikes or constants.NUM_STRIKES
self.clue_starved = clue_starved
self.fives_give_clue = fives_give_clue
self.deck_plays = deck_plays,
self.all_or_nothing = all_or_nothing
assert not self.all_or_nothing, "All or nothing not implemented"
# normalize deck indices
for (idx, card) in enumerate(self.deck):
card.deck_index = idx
# deducable properties, to be calculated once
self.num_suits = max(map(lambda c: c.suitIndex, deck)) + 1
self.num_dark_suits = (len(deck) - 10 * self.num_suits) // (-5)
self.player_names = constants.PLAYER_NAMES[:self.num_players]
self.deck_size = len(self.deck)
self.initial_pace = self.deck_size - 5 * self.num_suits - self.num_players * (self.hand_size - 1)
# # maximum number of moves in any game that can achieve max score each suit gives 15 moves, as we can play
# and discard 5 cards each and give 5 clues. dark suits only give 5 moves, since no discards are added number
# of cards that remain in players hands after end of game. they cost 2 turns each, since we cannot discard
# them and also have one clue less 8 clues at beginning, one further clue for each suit but one (the clue of
# the last 5 is never useful since it is gained in the extra-round) subtract a further move for a second
# 5-clue that can't be used in 5 or 6-player games, since the extraround starts too soon
self.max_winning_moves = 15 * self.num_suits - 10 * self.num_dark_suits \
- 2 * self.num_players * (self.hand_size - 1) \
+ 8 + (self.num_suits - 1) \
+ (-1 if self.num_players >= 5 else 0)
def num_dealt_cards(self):
return self.num_players * self.hand_size
def draw_pile_size(self):
return self.deck_size - self.num_dealt_cards
def max_score(self):
return 5 * self.num_suits
def clue_increment(self):
return 0.5 if self.clue_starved else 1
class GameState:
def __init__(self, instance: HanabiInstance, starting_player: int = 0):
# will not be modified
self.instance = instance
# dynamic game state
self.progress = self.instance.num_players * self.instance.hand_size # index of next card to be drawn
self.hands = [self.instance.deck[self.instance.hand_size * p: self.instance.hand_size * (p + 1)] for p in
range(0, self.instance.num_players)]
self.stacks = [0 for i in range(0, self.instance.num_suits)]
self.strikes = 0
self.clues = 8
self.turn = starting_player
self.pace = self.instance.initial_pace
self.remaining_extra_turns = self.instance.num_players + 1
self.trash = []
# can be set to true if game is known to be in a lost state
self.in_lost_state = False
# automatically set upon third strike, when extar round is over or when explicitly taking EndGame or
# VoteTerminate actions
self.over = False
# will track replay as game progresses
self.actions = []
# Methods to control game state change
def play(self, card_idx):
card = self.instance.deck[card_idx]
if card.rank == self.stacks[card.suitIndex] + 1:
self.stacks[card.suitIndex] += 1
if card.rank == 5 and self.clues != 8 and self.instance.fives_give_clue:
self.clues += self.instance.clue_increment
self.strikes += 1
self.pace -= 1
self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.Play, target=card_idx))
self._replace(card_idx, allow_not_present=self.instance.deck_plays and (card_idx == self.deck_size - 1))
if all(s == 5 for s in self.stacks) or self.strikes >= self.instance.num_strikes:
self.over = True
def discard(self, card_idx):
assert (self.clues < 8)
self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.Discard, target=card_idx))
self.clues += self.instance.clue_increment
self.pace -= 1
def clue(self):
assert (self.clues > 0)
self.clues -= 1
# Forward some properties of the underlying instance
def num_players(self):
return self.instance.num_players
def num_suits(self):
return self.instance.num_suits
def num_dark_suits(self):
return self.instance.num_dark_suits
def deck(self):
return self.instance.deck
def hand_size(self):
return self.instance.hand_size
def deck_size(self):
return self.instance.deck_size
# Properties of GameState
def is_over(self):
return self.over or self.is_known_lost()
def is_won(self):
return self.score == self.instance.max_score
def is_known_lost(self):
return self.in_lost_state
def score(self):
if self.strikes >= self.instance.num_strikes:
return 0
return sum(self.stacks)
def cur_hand(self):
return self.hands[self.turn]
# Utilities
def holding_players(self, card):
for (player, hand) in enumerate(self.hands):
if card in hand:
yield player
def to_json(self):
# ensure we have at least one action
if len(self.actions) == 0:
return {
"deck": self.instance.deck,
"players": self.instance.player_names,
"actions": self.actions,
"first_player": 0,
"options": {
"variant": "No Variant",
# Query helpers for implementing bots
def copy_holders(self, card: DeckCard, exclude_player: Optional[int]):
return [
player for player in range(self.num_players)
if player != exclude_player and card in self.hands[player]
def in_strict_order(player_a, player_b, player_c):
Check whether the three given players sit in order, where equality is not allowed
:param player_a:
:param player_b:
:param player_c:
return player_a < player_b < player_c or player_b < player_c < player_a or player_c < player_a < player_b
def is_in_extra_round(self):
return self.remaining_extra_turns <= self.instance.num_players
# Private helpers
# increments turn counter and tracks extra round
def _make_turn(self):
assert (not self.over)
self.turn = (self.turn + 1) % self.instance.num_players
if self.progress == self.instance.deck_size:
self.remaining_extra_turns -= 1
if self.remaining_extra_turns == 0:
self.over = True
# replaces the specified card (has to be in current player's hand) with the next card of the deck (if nonempty)
def _replace(self, card_idx, allow_not_present: bool = False):
idx_in_hand = next((i for (i, card) in enumerate(self.cur_hand) if card.deck_index == card_idx))
except StopIteration:
if not allow_not_present:
self.progress += 1
for i in range(idx_in_hand, self.instance.hand_size - 1):
self.cur_hand[i] = self.cur_hand[i + 1]
if self.progress < self.instance.deck_size:
self.cur_hand[self.instance.hand_size - 1] = self.instance.deck[self.progress]
self.progress += 1
# in HanabLiveInstances, this will be overridden with something that checks defaults
def _waste_clue(self) -> Action:
return Action(
target=(self.turn + 1) % self.instance.num_players, # clue next plyaer
value=self.hands[(self.turn + 1) % self.instance.num_players][0].rank # clue index 0