Maximilian Keßler
We now only use relative imports for files in the same directory Also, only modules are imported, never classes/functions etc Furthermore, main methods in package files have been removed, since they do not belong there
372 lines
16 KiB
372 lines
16 KiB
import copy
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from pysmt.shortcuts import Symbol, Bool, Not, Implies, Iff, And, Or, AtMostOne, get_model, Equals, GE, NotEquals, Int
from pysmt.typing import INT
from hanabi import logger
from hanabi import constants
from hanabi import hanab_game
# literals to model game as sat instance to check for feasibility
# variants 'throw it in a hole not handled', 'clue starved' and 'up or down' currently not handled
class Literals():
# num_suits is total number of suits, i.e. also counts the dark suits
# default distribution among all suits is assumed
def __init__(self, instance: hanab_game.HanabiInstance):
# clues[m][i] == "after move m we have i clues", in clue starved, this counts half clues
self.clues = {
-1: Int(16 if instance.clue_starved else 8) # we have 8 clues after turn
, **{
m: Symbol('m{}clues'.format(m), INT)
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
self.pace = {
-1: Int(instance.initial_pace)
, **{
m: Symbol('m{}pace'.format(m), INT)
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# strikes[m][i] == "after move m we have at least i strikes"
self.strikes = {
-1: {i: Bool(i == 0) for i in range(0, instance.num_strikes + 1)} # no strikes when we start
, **{
m: {
0: Bool(True),
**{s: Symbol('m{}strikes{}'.format(m, s)) for s in range(1, instance.num_strikes)},
instance.num_strikes: Bool(False)
# never so many clues that we lose. Implicitly forbids striking out
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# extraturn[m] = "turn m is a move part of the extra round or a dummy turn"
self.extraround = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Bool(False) if m < instance.draw_pile_size else Symbol('m{}extra'.format(m))
# it takes at least as many turns as cards in the draw pile to start the extra round
for m in range(0, instance.max_winning_moves)
# dummyturn[m] = "turn m is a dummy nurn and not actually part of the game"
self.dummyturn = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Bool(False) if m < instance.draw_pile_size + instance.num_players else Symbol('m{}dummy'.format(m))
for m in range(0, instance.max_winning_moves)
# draw[m][i] == "at move m we play/discard deck[i]"
self.discard = {
m: {i: Symbol('m{}discard{}'.format(m, i)) for i in range(instance.deck_size)}
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# draw[m][i] == "at move m we draw deck card i"
self.draw = {
-1: {i: Bool(i == instance.num_dealt_cards - 1) for i in
range(instance.num_dealt_cards - 1, instance.deck_size)}
, **{
m: {
instance.num_dealt_cards - 1: Bool(False),
**{i: Symbol('m{}draw{}'.format(m, i)) for i in range(instance.num_dealt_cards, instance.deck_size)}
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# strike[m] = "at move m we get a strike"
self.strike = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Symbol('m{}newstrike'.format(m))
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# progress[m][card = (suitIndex, rank)] == "after move m we have played in suitIndex up to rank"
self.progress = {
-1: {(s, r): Bool(r == 0) for s in range(0, instance.num_suits) for r in range(0, 6)}
# at start, have only played rank zero
, **{
m: {
**{(s, 0): Bool(True) for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)},
**{(s, r): Symbol('m{}progress{}{}'.format(m, s, r)) for s in range(0, instance.num_suits) for r in
range(1, 6)}
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
## Utility variables
# discard_any[m] == "at move m we play/discard a card"
self.discard_any = {m: Symbol('m{}discard_any'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# draw_any[m] == "at move m we draw a card"
self.draw_any = {m: Symbol('m{}draw_any'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# play[m] == "at move m we play a card"
| = {m: Symbol('m{}play'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# play5[m] == "at move m we play a 5"
self.play5 = {m: Symbol('m{}play5'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# incr_clues[m] == "at move m we obtain a clue"
self.incr_clues = {m: Symbol('m{}c+'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
def solve_sat(starting_state: hanab_game.GameState | hanab_game.HanabiInstance, min_pace: Optional[int] = 0) -> Tuple[
bool, Optional[hanab_game.GameState]]:
if isinstance(starting_state, hanab_game.HanabiInstance):
instance = starting_state
game_state = hanab_game.GameState(instance)
elif isinstance(starting_state, hanab_game.GameState):
instance = starting_state.instance
game_state = starting_state
raise ValueError("Bad argument type")
ls = Literals(instance)
##### setup of initial game state
# properties used later to model valid moves
starting_hands = [[card.deck_index for card in hand] for hand in game_state.hands]
first_turn = len(game_state.actions)
if isinstance(starting_state, hanab_game.GameState):
# have to set additional variables
# set initial clues
for i in range(0, 10):
ls.clues[first_turn - 1] = Int(game_state.clues)
# set initial pace
ls.pace[first_turn - 1] = Int(game_state.pace)
# set initial strikes
for i in range(0, instance.num_strikes + 1):
ls.strikes[first_turn - 1][i] = Bool(i <= game_state.strikes)
# check if extraround has started (usually not)
ls.extraround[first_turn - 1] = Bool(game_state.remaining_extra_turns < game_state.num_players)
ls.dummyturn[first_turn - 1] = Bool(False)
# set recent draws: important to model progress
# we just pretend that the last card drawn was in fact drawn last turn,
# regardless of when it was actually drawn
for neg_turn in range(1, min(9, first_turn + 2)):
for i in range(instance.num_players * instance.hand_size, instance.deck_size):
ls.draw[first_turn - neg_turn][i] = Bool(neg_turn == 1 and i == game_state.progress - 1)
# forbid re-drawing of the last card drawn
for m in range(first_turn, instance.max_winning_moves):
ls.draw[m][game_state.progress - 1] = Bool(False)
# model initial progress
for s in range(0, game_state.num_suits):
for r in range(0, 6):
ls.progress[first_turn - 1][s, r] = Bool(r <= game_state.stacks[s])
### Now, model all valid moves
valid_move = lambda m: And(
# in dummy turns, nothing can be discarded
Implies(ls.dummyturn[m], Not(ls.discard_any[m])),
# definition of discard_any
Iff(ls.discard_any[m], Or(ls.discard[m][i] for i in range(instance.deck_size))),
# definition of draw_any
Iff(ls.draw_any[m], Or(ls.draw[m][i] for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size))),
# ls.draw implies ls.discard (and converse true before the ls.extraround)
Implies(ls.draw_any[m], ls.discard_any[m]),
Implies(ls.discard_any[m], Or(ls.extraround[m], ls.draw_any[m])),
# requires ls.discard
Implies([m], ls.discard_any[m]),
# definition of ls.play5
And([m], Or(ls.discard[m][i] for i in range(instance.deck_size) if instance.deck[i].rank == 5))),
# definition of ls.incr_clues
And(ls.discard_any[m], NotEquals(ls.clues[m - 1], Int(16 if instance.clue_starved else 8)),
Implies([m], ls.play5[m]))),
# change of ls.clues
Implies(And(Not(ls.discard_any[m]), Not(ls.dummyturn[m])),
Equals(ls.clues[m], ls.clues[m - 1] - (2 if instance.clue_starved else 1))),
Implies(ls.incr_clues[m], Equals(ls.clues[m], ls.clues[m - 1] + 1)),
Implies(And(Or(ls.discard_any[m], ls.dummyturn[m]), Not(ls.incr_clues[m])),
Equals(ls.clues[m], ls.clues[m - 1])),
# change of pace
Implies(And(ls.discard_any[m], Or(ls.strike[m], Not([m]))), Equals(ls.pace[m], ls.pace[m - 1] - 1)),
Implies(Or(Not(ls.discard_any[m]), And(Not(ls.strike[m]),[m])), Equals(ls.pace[m], ls.pace[m - 1])),
# pace is nonnegative
GE(ls.pace[m], Int(min_pace)),
## more than 8 clues not allowed, ls.discarding produces a strike
# Note that this means that we will never strike while not at 8 clues.
# It's easy to see that if there is any solution to the instance, then there is also one where we only strike at 8 clues
# (or not at all) -> Just strike later if neccessary
# So, we decrease the solution space with this formulation, but do not change whether it's empty or not
And(ls.discard_any[m], Not([m]), Equals(ls.clues[m - 1], Int(16 if instance.clue_starved else 8)))),
# change of strikes
*[Iff(ls.strikes[m][i], Or(ls.strikes[m - 1][i], And(ls.strikes[m - 1][i - 1], ls.strike[m]))) for i in
range(1, instance.num_strikes + 1)],
# less than 0 clues not allowed
Implies(Not(ls.discard_any[m]), Or(GE(ls.clues[m - 1], Int(1)), ls.dummyturn[m])),
# we can only draw card i if the last ls.drawn card was i-1
*[Implies(ls.draw[m][i], Or(
And(ls.draw[m0][i - 1], *[Not(ls.draw_any[m1]) for m1 in range(m0 + 1, m)]) for m0 in
range(max(first_turn - 1, m - 9), m))) for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size)],
# we can only draw at most one card (NOTE: redundant, FIXME: avoid quadratic formula)
AtMostOne(ls.draw[m][i] for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size)),
# we can only discard a card if we drew it earlier...
Or(ls.draw[m0][i] for m0 in range(m - instance.num_players, first_turn - 1, -instance.num_players)))
for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size)],
# ...or if it was part of the initial hand
*[Not(ls.discard[m][i]) for i in range(0, game_state.progress) if
i not in starting_hands[m % instance.num_players]],
# we can only discard a card if we did not discard it yet
*[Implies(ls.discard[m][i], And(
Not(ls.discard[m0][i]) for m0 in range(m - instance.num_players, first_turn - 1, -instance.num_players)))
for i in range(instance.deck_size)],
# we can only discard at most one card (FIXME: avoid quadratic formula)
AtMostOne(ls.discard[m][i] for i in range(instance.deck_size)),
# we can only play a card if it matches the progress
Not(ls.progress[m - 1][instance.deck[i].suitIndex, instance.deck[i].rank]),
ls.progress[m - 1][instance.deck[i].suitIndex, instance.deck[i].rank - 1]
for i in range(instance.deck_size)
# change of progress
ls.progress[m][s, r],
ls.progress[m - 1][s, r],
And([m], Or(ls.discard[m][i]
for i in range(0, instance.deck_size)
if instance.deck[i] == hanab_game.DeckCard(s, r)))
for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)
for r in range(1, 6)
# extra round bool
Iff(ls.extraround[m], Or(ls.extraround[m - 1], ls.draw[m - 1][instance.deck_size - 1])),
# dummy turn bool
*[Iff(ls.dummyturn[m], Or(ls.dummyturn[m - 1], ls.draw[m - 1 - instance.num_players][instance.deck_size - 1]))
for i in range(0, 1) if m >= instance.num_players]
win = And(
# maximum progress at each color
*[ls.progress[instance.max_winning_moves - 1][s, 5] for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)],
# played every color/value combination (NOTE: redundant, but makes solving faster)
for m in range(first_turn, instance.max_winning_moves)
for i in range(instance.deck_size)
if game_state.deck[i] == hanab_game.DeckCard(s, r)
for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)
for r in range(1, 6)
if r > game_state.stacks[s]
constraints = And(*[valid_move(m) for m in range(first_turn, instance.max_winning_moves)], win)
# print('Solving instance with {} variables, {} nodes'.format(len(get_atoms(constraints)), get_formula_size(constraints)))
model = get_model(constraints)
if model:
log_model(model, game_state, ls)
solution = evaluate_model(model, copy.deepcopy(game_state), ls)
return True, solution
# conj = list(conjunctive_partition(constraints))
# print('statements: {}'.format(len(conj)))
# ucore = get_unsat_core(conj)
# print('unsat core size: {}'.format(len(ucore)))
# for f in ucore:
# print(f.serialize())
return False, None
def log_model(model, cur_game_state, ls: Literals):
deck = cur_game_state.deck
first_turn = len(cur_game_state.actions)
if first_turn > 0:
logger.debug('[print_model] Note: Omitting first {} turns, since they were fixed already.'.format(first_turn))
for m in range(first_turn, cur_game_state.instance.max_winning_moves):
logger.debug('=== move {} ==='.format(m))
logger.debug('clues: {}'.format(model.get_py_value(ls.clues[m])))
logger.debug('strikes: ' + ''.join(str(i) for i in range(1, 3) if model.get_py_value(ls.strikes[m][i])))
logger.debug('draw: ' + ', '.join(
'{}: {}'.format(i, deck[i]) for i in range(cur_game_state.progress, cur_game_state.instance.deck_size) if
logger.debug('discard: ' + ', '.join(
'{}: {}'.format(i, deck[i]) for i in range(cur_game_state.instance.deck_size) if
logger.debug('pace: {}'.format(model.get_py_value(ls.pace[m])))
for s in range(0, cur_game_state.instance.num_suits):
logger.debug('progress {}: '.format(constants.COLOR_INITIALS[s]) + ''.join(
str(r) for r in range(1, 6) if model.get_py_value(ls.progress[m][s, r])))
flags = ['discard_any', 'draw_any', 'play', 'play5', 'incr_clues', 'strike', 'extraround', 'dummyturn']
logger.debug(', '.join(f for f in flags if model.get_py_value(getattr(ls, f)[m])))
# given the initial game state and the model found by the SAT solver,
# evaluates the model to produce a full game history
def evaluate_model(model, cur_game_state: hanab_game.GameState, ls: Literals) -> hanab_game.GameState:
for m in range(len(cur_game_state.actions), cur_game_state.instance.max_winning_moves):
if model.get_py_value(ls.dummyturn[m]) or cur_game_state.is_over():
if model.get_py_value(ls.discard_any[m]):
card_idx = next(
i for i in range(0, cur_game_state.instance.deck_size) if model.get_py_value(ls.discard[m][i]))
if model.get_py_value([m]) or model.get_py_value(ls.strike[m]):
return cur_game_state