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import json
import requests
from pathlib import Path
import platformdirs
from hanabi import logger
from hanabi import constants
from hanabi.database import cur, conn
2023-07-05 09:33:55 +02:00
def get_existing_tables():
" SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables"
" schemaname = 'public' AND "
" tablename IN ("
" 'seeds',"
" 'games',"
" 'suits',"
" 'colors',"
" 'suit_colors',"
" 'variants',"
" 'variant_suits',"
" 'variant_game_downloads'"
" )"
return [table for (table,) in cur.fetchall()]
def init_database_tables():
this = Path(__file__)
logger.verbose("Initialising games and seeds tables...")
with open(this.parent / "games_seeds_schema.sql") as f:
logger.verbose("Successfully initialised games and seeds tables.")
logger.verbose("Initialising variants, colors and suits tables...")
with open(this.parent / "variant_suits_schema.sql", "r") as f:
logger.verbose("Successfully initialised variants, colors and suits tables...")
def populate_static_tables():
def _populate_static_tables(suits, variants):
logger.verbose("Populating static tables with format information")
suits_to_reverse = set()
for var in variants:
for suit in var['suits']:
if 'Reversed' in suit:
suits_to_reverse.add(suit.replace(' Reversed', ''))
_populate_suits(suits, suits_to_reverse)
def _populate_suits(suits, suits_to_reverse):
logger.verbose("Populating suits and colors tables...")
logger.debug("Needing to reverse the following suits: {}".format(suits_to_reverse))
for suit in suits:
name: str = suit['name']
display_name: str = suit.get('displayName', name)
abbreviation = suit.get('abbreviation', name[0].upper())
all_colors = suit.get('allClueColors', False)
no_color_clues = suit.get('noClueColors', False)
all_ranks = suit.get('allClueRanks', False)
no_rank_clues = suit.get('noClueRanks', False)
prism = suit.get('prism', False)
dark = suit.get('oneOfEach', False)
assert([all_colors, no_color_clues, prism].count(True) <= 1)
assert(not all([no_rank_clues, all_ranks]))
2023-05-12 23:15:53 +02:00
color_clues = 2 if all_colors else (0 if no_color_clues else 1)
rank_clues = 2 if all_ranks else (0 if no_rank_clues else 1)
2023-05-12 23:15:53 +02:00
clue_colors = suit.get('clueColors', [name] if (color_clues == 1 and not prism) else [])
for rev in [False, True]:
if rev is True and name not in suits_to_reverse:
suit_name = name
suit_name += ' Reversed' if rev else ''
2023-05-12 23:15:53 +02:00
"INSERT INTO suits (name, display_name, abbreviation, rank_clues, color_clues, dark, reversed, prism)"
"(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
2023-05-12 23:15:53 +02:00
(suit_name, display_name, abbreviation, rank_clues, color_clues, dark, rev, prism)
logger.debug("New suit {} imported.".format(name))
"SELECT id FROM suits WHERE name = %s",
suit_id = cur.fetchone()
for color in clue_colors:
2023-05-12 15:36:00 +02:00
if not rev:
"INSERT INTO colors (name) VALUES (%s)"
logger.debug("New clue color {} imported.".format(color))
"SELECT id FROM colors WHERE name = %s",
color_id = cur.fetchone()
"INSERT INTO suit_colors (suit_id, color_id) VALUES"
"(%s, %s)",
(suit_id, color_id)
def _populate_variants(variants):
logger.verbose("Populating variants table...")
for var in variants:
var_id = var['id']
name = var['name']
clue_starved = var.get('clueStarved', False)
throw_it_in_a_hole = var.get('throwItInHole', False)
alternating_clues = var.get('alternatingClues', False)
synesthesia = var.get('synesthesia', False)
chimneys = var.get('chimneys', False)
funnels = var.get('funnels', False)
no_color_clues = var.get('clueColors', None) == []
no_rank_clues = var.get('clueRanks', None) == []
empty_color_clues = var.get('colorCluesTouchNothing', False)
empty_rank_clues = var.get('rankCluesTouchNothing', False)
odds_and_evens = var.get('oddsAndEvens', False)
up_or_down = var.get('upOrDown', False)
critical_fours = var.get('criticalFours', False)
suits = var['suits']
num_suits = len(suits)
special_rank_no_ranks = var.get('specialNoClueRanks', False)
special_rank_all_ranks = var.get('specialAllClueRanks', False)
special_rank_no_colors = var.get('specialNoClueColors', False)
special_rank_all_colors = var.get('specialAllClueColors', False)
special_rank = var.get('specialRank', None)
2023-05-13 00:01:35 +02:00
special_deceptive = var.get('specialDeceptive', False)
assert(not all([special_rank_all_ranks, special_rank_no_ranks]))
assert(not all([special_rank_all_colors, special_rank_no_colors]))
special_rank_ranks = 2 if special_rank_all_ranks else (0 if special_rank_no_ranks else 1)
special_rank_colors = 2 if special_rank_all_colors else (0 if special_rank_no_colors else 1)
"INSERT INTO variants ("
"id, name, clue_starved, throw_it_in_a_hole, alternating_clues, synesthesia, chimneys, funnels,"
"no_color_clues, no_rank_clues, empty_color_clues, empty_rank_clues, odds_and_evens, up_or_down,"
2023-05-13 00:01:35 +02:00
"critical_fours, num_suits, special_rank, special_rank_ranks, special_rank_colors, special_deceptive"
2023-05-13 00:01:35 +02:00
"(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
var_id, name, clue_starved, throw_it_in_a_hole, alternating_clues, synesthesia, chimneys, funnels,
no_color_clues, no_rank_clues, empty_color_clues, empty_rank_clues, odds_and_evens, up_or_down,
2023-05-13 00:01:35 +02:00
critical_fours, num_suits, special_rank, special_rank_ranks, special_rank_colors, special_deceptive
for index, suit in enumerate(suits):
"SELECT id FROM suits WHERE name = %s",
suit_id = cur.fetchone()
if suit_id is None:
err_msg = "Invalid suit name {} encountered while importing variant {} [{}]." \
"Is the suits DB not populated?"\
.format(suit, var_id, name)
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
"INSERT INTO variant_suits (variant_id, suit_id, index) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
(var_id, suit_id, index)
def _download_json_files():
logger.verbose("Downloading JSON files for suits and variants from github...")
base_url = ""
cache_dir = Path(platformdirs.user_cache_dir(constants.APP_NAME))
cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
data = {}
for name in ["suits", "variants"]:
file = (cache_dir / name).with_suffix(".json")
if file.exists():
data[name] = json.loads(file.read_text())
url = base_url + "/" +
response = requests.get(url)
if not response.status_code == 200:
err_msg = "Could not download initialization file {} from github (tried url {})".format(filename, url)
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
data[name] = json.loads(response.text)
2023-07-06 23:49:33 +02:00
return data['suits'], data['variants']