from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Optional import requests_cache import platformdirs import csv import constants from config import config_manager import database from log_setup import logger session = requests_cache.CachedSession( platformdirs.user_cache_dir(constants.APP_NAME) + '/google-docs.requests-cache', urls_expire_after={"*": 60 * 5} # Cache entries for 5 minutes (good especially during development) ) @dataclass class Registration: user_account: str player_name: str discord_tag: Optional[str] def fetch_csv() -> List[str]: config = config_manager.get_config() url = "{}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv".format(config.google_spreadsheet_id) response = session.get(url) if not response.status_code == 200: err_msg = "Failed to fetch signup spreadsheet, url tried was {}".format(url) logger.error(err_msg) raise ConnectionError(err_msg) return response.text.split("\n") def parse_csv(lines: List[str]): reader = csv.reader(lines, delimiter=",", quotechar='"') ret = [] for row in reader: if len(row) != 0: user_account = row[1] player_name = row[2] discord_tag = row[3] ret.append(Registration(user_account, player_name, discord_tag)) # We ignore the first row, since that corresponds to the column names return ret[1:] def get_new_registrations(): data = fetch_csv() registrations = sorted(parse_csv(data), key=lambda registration: registration.player_name.lower()) registered_players = database.get_player_names() new_registrations = [] i = 0 # Index in registrations j = 0 # Index in registered players # We will traverse both lists at the same time, where we maintain the invariant that j always points to the # lowest index whose player name is at least as big as where i points to: while i < len(registrations): if j == len(registered_players) or registrations[i].player_name.lower() < registered_players[j].lower(): new_registrations.append(registrations[i]) i += 1 elif registrations[i].player_name == registered_players[j]: i += 1 else: j += 1 return new_registrations def check_account_exists(user_account): response = session.get("{}".format(user_account)) ok = response.status_code == 200 return ok def ask_for_registration_confirmations(registrations: List[Registration], check_existence: bool = True) -> List[Registration]: accepted = [] for registration in registrations: if check_existence and not check_account_exists(registration.user_account): logger.warning("Rejecting registration {}: Account does not exist on".format(registration)) continue response = input("Accept registration account={}, player_name={}, discord_tag={}? [Y/n]".format( registration.user_account, registration.player_name, registration.discord_tag )) if response in ["y", "Y", ""]: accepted.append(registration)"Accepted registration".format()) else:"Rejected registration") return accepted def fetch_players_interactive():"Fetching new players.") regs = get_new_registrations() if len(regs) == 0:"No new players to register") return accepted = ask_for_registration_confirmations(regs) for registration in accepted: database.add_player(registration.user_account, registration.player_name)"Successfully registered {} new players".format(len(accepted)))