make working directories of topics persistent (where not explictly given from initial config)

This commit is contained in:
Maximilian Keßler 2022-07-19 21:34:01 +02:00
parent cfbc283c3a
commit 562c8b68fb

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module XMonad.Custom.TopicSpace (
, spawnInTopicDir
, setTopicDir
, promptSetTopicDir
, updateTopicConfig
, currentTopicConfig
) where
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad
import XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Workspace
import XMonad.Prompt.Directory (directoryPrompt)
-- | An alias for topicNames.
@ -72,34 +74,115 @@ inHomeTI = inHome
simpleTI :: Topic -> TopicItem
simpleTI n = TI n "~/." (pure ())
-- X state implementation and tools
-- | Store config in X extensible state
-- We do this by wrapping into a store type to avoid
-- orphan instance declarations
data StoreTopicConfig = StoreTopicConfig TopicConfig
instance ExtensionClass StoreTopicConfig where
initialValue = StoreTopicConfig def
-- We want to store the associated directories as persistent (surviving restarts of XMonad)
-- Thus, we actually have to split the data of TopicConfig up into the directory mapping
-- and the rest (associated actions etc)
-- | Management for storage of the associated topic dirs
-- | associated directories
type DirTopicConfig = Map Topic Dir
data StoreDirTopicConfig = StoreDirTopicConfig DirTopicConfig deriving (Read, Eq, Show)
-- | Make this new type storable
instance ExtensionClass StoreDirTopicConfig where
initialValue = StoreDirTopicConfig empty
extensionType = PersistentExtension
-- | Unwrap a stored dir topic config
unwrapDirTopicConfig :: StoreDirTopicConfig -> DirTopicConfig
unwrapDirTopicConfig (StoreDirTopicConfig tc) = tc
-- | store new DirTopicConfig
updateDirTopicConfig :: DirTopicConfig -> X ()
updateDirTopicConfig = XS.put . StoreDirTopicConfig
-- | retrieve current value of DirTopicConfig
currentDirTopicConfig :: X DirTopicConfig
currentDirTopicConfig = fmap unwrapDirTopicConfig XS.get
-- | All other associated data
-- | This is just copied from XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace, but with the directory map left out
-- Also, maxTopicHistory is left out, since this field is deprecated anyways
data ShallowTopicConfig = ShallowTopicConfig { sTopicActions :: Map Topic (X ())
-- ^ This mapping associates an action to trigger when
-- switching to a given topic which workspace is empty.
, sDefaultTopicAction :: Topic -> X ()
-- ^ This is the default topic action.
, sDefaultTopic :: Topic
-- ^ This is the default (= fallback) topic.
instance Default ShallowTopicConfig where
def = shallowTopicConfig def
data StoreShallowTopicConfig = StoreShallowTopicConfig ShallowTopicConfig
instance ExtensionClass StoreShallowTopicConfig where
initialValue = StoreShallowTopicConfig def
-- | Unwrap a stored topic config
topicConfig :: StoreTopicConfig -> TopicConfig
topicConfig (StoreTopicConfig tc) = tc
unwrapShallowTopicConfig :: StoreShallowTopicConfig -> ShallowTopicConfig
unwrapShallowTopicConfig (StoreShallowTopicConfig tc) = tc
-- | Update currently stored ShallowTopicConfig
updateShallowTopicConfig :: ShallowTopicConfig -> X ()
updateShallowTopicConfig = XS.put . StoreShallowTopicConfig
-- | Retrieve current value of ShallowTopicConfig
currentShallowTopicConfig :: X ShallowTopicConfig
currentShallowTopicConfig = fmap unwrapShallowTopicConfig XS.get
-- | Easy methods for mergin/splitting TopicConfigs
dirTopicConfig :: TopicConfig -> DirTopicConfig
dirTopicConfig = topicDirs
shallowTopicConfig :: TopicConfig -> ShallowTopicConfig
shallowTopicConfig tc = ShallowTopicConfig (topicActions tc) (defaultTopicAction tc) (defaultTopic tc)
combineConfigs :: DirTopicConfig -> ShallowTopicConfig -> TopicConfig
combineConfigs dirs s = def { topicDirs = dirs
, topicActions = sTopicActions s
, defaultTopicAction = sDefaultTopicAction s
, defaultTopic = sDefaultTopic s
-- | Update the value of the topic config in the X state
updateTopicConfig :: TopicConfig -> X ()
updateTopicConfig = XS.put . StoreTopicConfig
updateTopicConfig c = (updateDirTopicConfig $ dirTopicConfig c)
>> (updateShallowTopicConfig $ shallowTopicConfig c)
-- | Retrieve the current topic config from the X state
currentTopicConfig :: X TopicConfig
currentTopicConfig = fmap topicConfig XS.get
currentTopicConfig = do
dir <- currentDirTopicConfig
shallow <- currentShallowTopicConfig
return $ combineConfigs dir shallow
-- | Put initial topic Config into X state at startup
-- Add this to the XConfig startupHook
-- working directories of topics with no explicit directory set
-- are restored from the last XMonad run
topicStartupHook :: TopicConfig -> X ()
topicStartupHook = updateTopicConfig
topicStartupHook tc = do
lastDirs <- currentDirTopicConfig
updateDirTopicConfig $ union (topicDirs tc) lastDirs
updateShallowTopicConfig $ shallowTopicConfig tc
@ -125,11 +208,9 @@ spawnInTopicDir cmd = do
setTopicDir :: Dir -> X ()
setTopicDir dir = do
ws <- gets (W.currentTag . windowset)
tc <- currentTopicConfig
updateTopicConfig tc {
topicDirs = insert ws dir $ topicDirs tc
dtc <- currentDirTopicConfig
updateDirTopicConfig $ insert ws dir dtc
-- | Prompt for the new working directory
promptSetTopicDir :: XPConfig -> X ()
promptSetTopicDir xpc = workspacePrompt xpc setTopicDir
promptSetTopicDir xpc = directoryPrompt xpc "Set working dir:" setTopicDir