A course now does not handle its lectures directly, but has a 'script' property. The script essentially works as the course before, except that some methods have been moved from the lectures class to the script class as well. This ensures further modulation of the course class, to introduce e.g. an exercise class in the future that a course can also have. Additionally, with this come further configurations in the info.yaml file so that the script can have a different relative path from the course, and the lectures a relative path from the script.
115 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
115 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
import locale
import re
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from config import get_week, DATE_FORMAT, LOCALE, DEFAULT_MASTER_FILE_NAME
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, LOCALE)
def number2filename(n):
return 'lec_{0:02d}.tex'.format(n)
def filename2number(s):
return int(str(s).replace('.tex', '').replace('lec_', ''))
class Lecture:
def __init__(self, file_path, course):
with file_path.open() as f:
for line in f:
lecture_match = re.search(r'lecture{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*)}', line)
if lecture_match:
# number = int(lecture_match.group(1))
date_str = lecture_match.group(2)
date = datetime.strptime(date_str, DATE_FORMAT)
week = get_week(date)
title = lecture_match.group(3)
self.file_path = file_path
self.date = date
self.week = week
self.number = filename2number(file_path.stem)
self.title = title
self.course = course
def edit(self):
"-e", "zsh", "-i", "-c",
f"\\vim --servername kulak --remote-silent {str(self.file_path)}"
def __str__(self):
return f'<Lecture {self.course.info["short"]} {self.number} "{self.title}">'
class Lectures(list):
def __init__(self, script):
self.course = script.course
self.script = script
if 'lectures' in script.info:
self.info = script.info['lectures']
self.info = []
if 'path' in self.info:
self.root = script.root / self.info['path']
self.root = script.root
list.__init__(self, self.read_files())
def read_files(self):
files = self.root.glob('lec_*.tex')
return sorted((Lecture(f, self.course) for f in files), key=lambda l: l.number)
def parse_lecture_spec(self, string):
if len(self) == 0:
return 0
if string.isdigit():
return int(string)
elif string == 'last':
return self[-1].number
elif string == 'prev':
return self[-1].number - 1
def parse_range_string(self, arg):
all_numbers = [lecture.number for lecture in self]
if 'all' in arg:
return all_numbers
if '-' in arg:
start, end = [self.parse_lecture_spec(bit) for bit in arg.split('-')]
return list(set(all_numbers) & set(range(start, end + 1)))
return [self.parse_lecture_spec(arg)]
def new_lecture(self):
if len(self) != 0:
new_lecture_number = self[-1].number + 1
new_lecture_number = 1
new_lecture_path = self.root / number2filename(new_lecture_number)
today = datetime.today()
date = today.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)
lec = Lecture(new_lecture_path, self.course)
return lec