import subprocess def rofi(prompt, options, rofi_args=[], fuzzy=True): optionstr = '\n'.join(option.replace('\n', ' ') for option in options) args = ['rofi', '-sort', '-no-levenshtein-sort'] if fuzzy: args += ['-matching', 'fuzzy'] args += ['-dmenu', '-p', prompt, '-format', 's', '-i'] args += rofi_args args = [str(arg) for arg in args] result =, input=optionstr, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) returncode = result.returncode stdout = result.stdout.strip() selected = stdout.strip() try: index = [opt.strip() for opt in options].index(selected) except ValueError: index = -1 # We handle the return code from rofi here: # 0 of course means successful, we pass this on # 1 means that the user exited the prompt without specifying an option # returns codes >=10 are custom return codes specified with '-kb-custom- ' options # that are passed to rofi. We subtract 9 from them to pass '' to the caller if returncode == 0: key = 0 elif returncode == 1: key = -1 elif returncode > 9: key = returncode - 9 else: # This case should never be reached key = -2 return key, index, selected