#!/usr/bin/python3 from pathlib import Path import yaml import warnings from lectures import Lectures from notes import Notes from config import ROOT, CURRENT_COURSE_ROOT, CURRENT_COURSE_SYMLINK, CURRENT_COURSE_WATCH_FILE, COURSE_IGNORE_FILE, \ COURSE_INFO_FILE_NAME, FALLBACK_COURSE_INFO_FILE from utils import merge_dictionaries class Course: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.name = path.stem if (path / COURSE_INFO_FILE_NAME).is_file(): self.info = yaml.safe_load((path / COURSE_INFO_FILE_NAME).open()) else: warnings.warn(f"No course info file found in directory '{path.stem}'. Place a {COURSE_INFO_FILE_NAME} " f"file in the directory or add the directory to the course ignore file named" f" '{COURSE_IGNORE_FILE}' in your root directory ({ROOT})") self.info = {'title': str(path.stem) + ' (unnamed course)'} if FALLBACK_COURSE_INFO_FILE.is_file(): fallback_file = yaml.safe_load(FALLBACK_COURSE_INFO_FILE.open()) else: warnings.warn(f"No fallback course info file found. Program might crash if your provided info files do not" f"have the correct file format or are missing specified values. Provide the fallback course" f"file at {FALLBACK_COURSE_INFO_FILE}.") fallback_file = {} self.info = merge_dictionaries(self.info, fallback_file) self._notes = None @property def notes(self): if not self._notes: self._notes = Notes(self) return self._notes def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self.path == other.path def ignored_courses(): if (ROOT / COURSE_IGNORE_FILE).is_file(): with open(ROOT / COURSE_IGNORE_FILE) as ignore: lines = ignore.readlines() paths = [] for line in lines: paths.append(ROOT / line.strip()) return paths return [] def read_files(): course_directories = [x for x in ROOT.iterdir() if x.is_dir() and x not in ignored_courses()] _courses = [Course(path) for path in course_directories] return sorted(_courses, key=lambda c: c.name) class Courses(list): def __init__(self): list.__init__(self, read_files()) @property def current(self): return Course(CURRENT_COURSE_ROOT.resolve()) @current.setter def current(self, course): CURRENT_COURSE_SYMLINK.unlink() CURRENT_COURSE_SYMLINK.symlink_to(course.path) CURRENT_COURSE_WATCH_FILE.write_text('{}\n'.format(course.info['short']))