// ==UserScript== // @name onlinetichu.com card counter // @version 1.0.0 // @description automatically count cards at onlinetichu.com // @author kesslermaximilian // @match *://*.onlinetichu.com/Site/Game/Table/* // ==/UserScript== // disable auto fold functionality completely if (ot.AutoFold) { ot.$autoFold.click() ot.$autoFold.hide() } var myStyles = ` #playedHigh { position: absolute; top: 620px; width: 850px; height: 580px; } #playedLow { position: absolute; top: 750px; width: 850px; height: 580px; } .playedCardsLayout { position: absolute; height: 125px; } .playedCardsLayout .card { width: 80px; height: 120px; border-radius: 5px; float: left; margin-left: -50px; text-align: left; } .playedCardsLayout .card:hover { z-index: 1400; } ` var styleSheet = document.createElement("style") styleSheet.innerText = myStyles; console.log(styleSheet); document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); // add an extra field where we will put down the played cards var playedHigh = document.createElement('div'); playedHigh.id = 'playedHigh'; playedHigh.style.marginLEft = '25px'; playedHigh.className = 'row'; var playedLow = document.createElement('div'); playedLow.id = 'playedLow'; playedLow.style.marginLEft = '25px'; playedLow.className = 'row'; tableIG = document.getElementById('gameField').parentNode; tableIG.appendChild(playedHigh); tableIG.appendChild(playedLow); var createCardPlace = function(value, shift, node) { var playedCards = document.createElement('ul'); playedCards.id = 'playedCards' + value; // playedCards.className = 'layoutPlayedCards list-unstyled col-lg-2'; playedCards.className = 'playedCardsLayout list-unstyled'; playedCards.style.width = '160px'; playedCards.style.marginLeft = '25px'; playedCards.style.left = shift*135 + 'px'; node.appendChild(playedCards); } createCardPlace(1, 0, document.getElementById('playedHigh')); for(let i = 14; i > 8; i--) { createCardPlace(i, 14 - i + 1, document.getElementById('playedHigh')); } for(let i = 8; i > 1; i--) { createCardPlace(i, 8 - i, document.getElementById('playedLow')); } // playedCards. // ot.$gameField.insertAfter(playedCards, ot.$gameField.lastChild); // set up counting of played cards var OnlineTichuCounter = { $playedCards: {}, played: {}, total_played: [], action: { handlePlayedCard: function(card) { // console.log('Handling a card:'); // console.log(card); // console.log(otc.played); index = 0; if(card.Shape > 4) { index = 1; } else { index = card.Value; } otc.played[index].push(card); otc.total_played.push(card); otc.played[index].sort(function(c1, c2){ return c2.Shape - c1.Shape; }); }, handlePlayedCards: function(cards) { if (cards.length > 0) { contained = false; // console.log(message.Table.TableCards[0].Shape); // console.log(message.Table.TableCards[0].Value); $(otc.total_played).each(function (index, item) { if (item.Shape == cards[0].Shape) { if (item.Value == cards[0].Value) { contained = true; } } }); if(!contained) { $(message.Table.TableCards).each( (index, card) => otc.action.handlePlayedCard(card) ); } } }, resetPlayedCards: function() { for(let i = 1; i < 15; i++) { otc.played[i] = []; } }, drawPlayedCards: function() { console.log('drawing played cards'); console.log(otc.played); for(let i = 1; i < 15; i++) { displayCardsHtmlString = ""; $(otc.played[i]).each(function () { var value = this.Value; if (this.Shape == 7) { value = 0; } displayCardsHtmlString += '
  • '; }); otc.$playedCards[i].html(displayCardsHtmlString); } } } } if (!window.otc) { window.otc = OnlineTichuCounter; } for(let i = 1; i < 15; i++) { otc.$playedCards[i] = $('#playedCards' + i); } otc.action.resetPlayedCards(); MyTableState = (function() { var cached_function = ot.reaction.TableState; return function() { var result = cached_function.apply(this, arguments); message = arguments[0]; // console.log('detected table state change event'); console.log(message.Table.Status); // reset played cards at start of round if(message.Table.Status == 'WaitForNextCards') { otc.action.resetPlayedCards(); } if(message.Table.Status == 'Playing') { otc.action.handlePlayedCards(message.Table.TableCards); } otc.action.drawPlayedCards(); // otc.$playedCardsQ.html(displayCardsHtmlString); // $('.horizontalLayouta .card').css('margin-left', '-64px'); // $('#playedCards').css('margin-left', '32px'); // ot.HorizontalAlign(otc.$playedCards); } return result; })(); ot.reaction.TableState = MyTableState;