initial commit
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 597 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# Configuration (File extensions, tools to be used, etc)
ifeq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "opt"
# flags used for linking and compilation
# These flags are for compilation (not linking) only
# -MMD auto-genenerates .d files in Make format when .o files are created
COMPILE_FLAGS=-MMD -Werror -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pipe $(OPTFLAGS)
# Flags for linking only.
# C / C++ specific compilation flags
# Collect files to be compiled
CXX_SRCS=$(foreach ext, $(CXX_SRC_EXTS), $(shell find . -name "*.$(ext)"))
C_SRCS=$(foreach ext, $(C_SRC_EXTS), $(shell find . -name "*.$(ext)"))
OBJS=$(foreach ext, $(SRC_EXTS), $(patsubst %.$(ext), $(BUILDDIR)/%$(LIBEXT).o, $(filter %.$(ext), $(SRCS))))
# If there is at least one C++ source use the c++ compiler CXX to link.
ifneq "$(strip $(CXX_SRCS))" ""
# The set of Make-files influencing the build, hence everything depends on them
# Include Make.config to modify variables above
-include $(MAKECONFIG)
# The supported meta targets, dependencies
.PHONY: clean debug opt default check
default: $(DEFAULT_TARGET)
clean debug opt: check
opt debug: $(EXECUTABLE)
# include autogenerated .d files
-include $(OBJS:.o=.d)
# Rules
define CXX_TO_OBJ
define C_TO_OBJ
@$(MKDIR) -p $$($(DIRNAME) $@)
$(BUILDDIR)/%$(LIBEXT).o: %.cpp
$(BUILDDIR)/%$(LIBEXT).o: %.c
$(LINKER) $(OBJS) -o $@
# Create link in opt/debug target
opt debug:
check: $(BUILDDIR)
@forbidden=$$(find $(BUILDDIR) -not -type d $(foreach filext, .o .d, -not -name "*$(filext)") $(foreach libext, $(LIBEXTS) "", -not -name "$(EXECUTABLE_REL)$(libext)")); \
if [ "$${forbidden}x" != "x" ]; then echo "Error: $(BUILDDIR) contains non-autogenerated files $${forbidden}"; exit 1; fi
@$(MKDIR) $@
@$(TOUCH) $@
@$(RM) -rf $(BUILDDIR)
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Sample Code
## Graph class
`graph.hpp` and `graph.cpp` contain a simple class to model unweighed undirected graphs that you may use if you wish.
For convenience, the graph already supports input and output from and to the DIMACS format.
## Main routine
`example.cpp` contains a toy `main` routine that, for demonstration purposes,
reads in a graph in DIMACS format, greedily removes edges until
every node is incident to at most one edge and outputs the result to stdout.
## Makefiles
This code also contains a Makefile that you can use for compilation if you prefer it to a manual compilation command (but you don't have to).
In the Make.config file, you can change e.g. the c++ compiler which should be used (`CXX`).
In order to to use the make setup, open up a terminal and navigate to this folder.
You can write `make debug` in order to create an executable in which the compiler stayed close
to your code and generated debug symbols which can e.g. be used in the gnu debugger gdb.
You can also write `make opt` in order to create an executable in which the compiler was
allowed to do a lot of optimization as long as the result stays the same.
This executable is much faster, but not as usefull if you are still testing
if your program correctly, or why it does not.
Both variants use all the error flags used in the problem specification,
meaning the compilation will fail if there are any warnings.
This is as otherwise one might miss important warnings,
which can save a lot of time one would otherwise spend debugging!
Finally you can write `make clean` in order to remove everything generated when building
one of the other make targets, including the executables and the output directory.
You do not need to read the Makefile itself, but you can if you want to.
It automatically compiles all files ending with `.cpp`, `.C` and `.CPP` using the C++ compiler specified as `CXX` in the Make.config,
and compiles all files ending with `.c` using the C compiler specified as `CC` in the same file.
Finally it links everything together into a binary which is referenced by the symlink `build/main`.
Note exactly one of your `.C` and `.c` files should include a main function!
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#include <iostream> // For writing to the standard output.
#include <fstream> // For reading input files.
#include "graph.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 2)
std::cout << "Expected one argument, found " << argc - 1 << std::endl;
return EXIT_FAILURE; // return 1 would do the same, but is way too easy to mix up!
std::fstream input_file_graph{argv[1]};
ED::Graph const graph = ED::Graph::read_dimacs(input_file_graph);
ED::Graph greedy_matching_as_graph{graph.num_nodes()};
for (ED::NodeId node_id = 0; node_id < graph.num_nodes(); ++node_id)
if (greedy_matching_as_graph.node(node_id).neighbors().empty())
for (ED::NodeId neighbor_id : graph.node(node_id).neighbors())
if (greedy_matching_as_graph.node(neighbor_id).neighbors().empty())
greedy_matching_as_graph.add_edge(node_id, neighbor_id);
break; // Do not add more edges incident to this node!
std::cout << greedy_matching_as_graph;
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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#include "graph.hpp" // always include corresponding header first
* Note this included everything from the header similar to copy-pasting it here,
* including our two classes, the function declarations and all the includes.
* In this file we will actually implement the in- and output routines though,
* so we need to include the actual implementation of std::istream and std::ostream.
#include <iostream>
* We are also going to use stringstream in order to treat a line,
* which we have already read from the input, like an input stream.
#include <sstream>
* The execption header is used to terminate our program
* in the case of unexpected input,
* which is often the best way to handle such input.
* More complex programs may want to catch exceptions in
* surrouding code and either try to recover or help debug them.
#include <stdexcept>
// Anonymous name spaces may be used to show the reader
// that a function will only be used in the current file.
// Using a function for converting the DIMACS node ids to and from our node ids
// makes the in and output code more understandable.
ED::NodeId from_dimacs_id(ED::size_type dimacs_node_id)
if (dimacs_node_id <= 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Non-positive DIMACS node id can not be converted.");
return dimacs_node_id - 1;
ED::size_type to_dimacs_id(ED::NodeId node_id)
return node_id + 1;
// Returns the first line which is not a comment, i.e. does not start with c.
std::string read_next_non_comment_line(std::istream & input)
std::string line;
if (!std::getline(input, line))
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected end of DIMACS stream.");
while (line[0] == 'c');
return line;
} // end of anonymous namespace
namespace ED
//! \c Node definitions
void Node::add_neighbor(NodeId const id)
//! \c Graph definitions
// Whenever reasonably possible you should prefer to use `:`
// to initalize the members of your class, instead of
// assigning values to them after they were default initialized.
// Note you should initialize them in the same order
// they were declare in back in the class body!
Graph::Graph(NodeId const num_nodes)
: _nodes(num_nodes)
, _num_edges(0)
void Graph::add_edge(NodeId node1_id, NodeId node2_id)
// It is ok if your program crashes for garbage input,
// but it should be an explicit, deliberate choice, e.g. like this.
if (node1_id == node2_id)
throw std::runtime_error("ED::Graph class does not support loops!");
Graph Graph::read_dimacs(std::istream & input)
// Unfortunatley the common std input functions require us to first declare
// our variables and assign them the correct values only later.
// Because we want to avoid unitizalized variables, we use a new syntax
// added in c++17 to call the constuctor with no arguments,
// often called the default constructor: We write {} behind the variable name.
// When parsing the DIMACS format, there are some words we are not interested in.
// We read them into this variable and never use the afterwards.
std::string unused_word{};
// As we need to watch out for comments, we first need to read the input by line.
// In order to split non-comment lines into multiple variables we use a std::stringstream.
std::stringstream first_buffering_stream{};
// Note if you do not plan to modify a variable, always declare it as constant.
// This does not only prevent you from doing so accidently,
// but also helps anybody reading your code understand what you are doing,
// as there are less possiblities what can happen.
std::string const first_line = read_next_non_comment_line(input);
size_type num_nodes{};
size_type num_edges{};
first_buffering_stream << first_line;
first_buffering_stream >> unused_word >> unused_word >> num_nodes >> num_edges;
// Now we successively add edges to our graph;
Graph graph(num_nodes);
for (size_type i = 1; i <= num_edges; ++i)
// This works just as parsing the first line!
std::stringstream ith_buffering_stream{};
std::string const ith_line = read_next_non_comment_line(input);
size_type dimacs_node1{};
size_type dimacs_node2{};
ith_buffering_stream << ith_line;
ith_buffering_stream >> unused_word >> dimacs_node1 >> dimacs_node2;
graph.add_edge(from_dimacs_id(dimacs_node1), from_dimacs_id(dimacs_node2));
return graph;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & output, Graph const & graph)
// We use std::endl to write new lines here.
// If you prefer the new line character, \n on linux, that one works fine, too.
output << "c Recall each line starting with c encodes a comment in DIMACS format!" << std::endl
<< "c The first non-comment line specifies the number of nodes and edges:" << std::endl
<< "p edge " << graph.num_nodes() << " " << graph.num_edges() << std::endl
<< "c Each of the remaining non-comment lines specifys an edge by two nodes:" << std::endl;
// We will need the id of the node we are at, so we write a plain old loop here.
for (NodeId node_id = 0; node_id < graph.num_nodes(); ++node_id)
Node const & node = graph.node(node_id);
// We do not need to keep track of the index neighbor_id has in node,
// so we can use this cool loop syntax introduced in c++11.
for (NodeId const & neighbor_id : node.neighbors())
// Note we iterate over each edge two times, so we use the following
// comparism to check if the edge was not yet written to str!
if (node_id < neighbor_id)
output << "e " << to_dimacs_id(node_id) << " " << to_dimacs_id(neighbor_id) << std::endl;
output << "c If you use this graph class in your solution, you should probably remove this comments!" << std::endl;
// Streams sometimes buffer their output.
// Once one is done with some output routine, it can make sense to flush them,
// which clears the buffer and writes the remaining output.
output << std::flush;
return output;
} // namespace ED
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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
// A so called include guard uses the preprocessor to make sure nothing happens when
// this header is include a second time. This becomes important if there are many headers
// including each other, as undirected cycles can usually not be avoided.
#ifndef GRAPH_HPP
#define GRAPH_HPP
@file graph.hpp
@brief This file provides a simple class @c Graph to model unweighted undirected graphs.
* In and output in the standard library is done using streams.
* In this header we only need to know std::istream and std::ostream are classes,
* since we only declare the function which read write our graph
* from an std::istream or to an std::ostream, so we only include the forward declaration.
#include <iosfwd>
* This header defined many different integer types,
* enabling us to choose what integers we want to use.
#include <cstdint>
* Limits are provided by the standard library to check
* e.g. if some value can be represented in a certain integer type.
#include <limits>
* Vectors are implemented in the standard library as std::vector.
* They encapsulate an array of dynamic size,
* so that you don't have to know about the exact implementation.
* If you add an element in the end (aka push_back) but the dynamic array is full,
* it will automatically be resized.
* See for documentation.
#include <vector>
* Namespaces can be used in order to make sure different modules,
* possibly implemented by different people don't have classes/functions/...
* with the same name. If you want to refer to some symbol S,
* which is defined in a namespace N from outside of that namespace,
* you need to write N::S.
* The most prominent example is std, the namespace used by the standard library.
* This namespace is intended to be used for Edmonds.
* */
namespace ED
* Using names for types has many advantages.
* One of them is being able to switch type with very little effort.
* For now, we are going to use unsigned (i.e. non negative)
* 32 bit integers for all sizes and indices.
* But if there was some large graph for which we need 64 bit indices,
* we would only need to change the type once, right here!
using size_type = uint32_t;
* Another advantage of naming types is making your code more readable.
* For example an Id is usually a light weight object (read: few bits)
* which uniquely determines some object, in this case a node in our graph.
* Note the same Id may be used by different graphs though!
using NodeId = size_type;
@class Node
@brief A @c Node stores an array of neighbors (via their ids).
@note The neighbors are not necessarily ordered, so searching for a specific neighbor takes O(degree)-time.
class Node
/** @brief Create an isolated node (you can add neighbors later). **/
Node() = default;
/** @return The number of neighbors of this node. **/
size_type degree() const;
/** @return The array of ids of the neighbors of this node. **/
std::vector<NodeId> const & neighbors() const;
// This allows each Graph to access private members of this class,
// in our case the add_neighbor function
friend class Graph;
@brief Adds @c id to the list of neighbors of this node.
@warning Does not check whether @c id is already in the list of neighbors (a repeated neighbor is legal, and
models parallel edges).
@warning Does not check whether @c id is the identity of the node itself (which would create a loop!).
void add_neighbor(NodeId const id);
std::vector<NodeId> _neighbors;
}; // class Node
@class Graph
@brief A @c Graph stores an array of @c Node s, but no array of edges. The list of edges is implicitly given
by the fact that the nodes know their neighbors.
This class models undirected graphs only (in the sense that the method @c add_edge(node1, node2) adds both @c node1
as a neighbor of @c node2 and @c node2 as a neighbor of @c node1). It also forbids loops, but parallel edges are
@warning Nodes are numbered starting at 0, as is usually done in programming,
instead starting at 1, as is done in the DIMACS format that your program should take as input!
Be careful.
class Graph
@brief Creates a @c Graph with @c num_nodes isolated nodes.
The number of nodes in the graph currently cannot be changed. You can only add edges between the existing nodes.
Graph(NodeId const num_nodes);
/** @return The number of nodes in the graph. **/
NodeId num_nodes() const;
/** @return The number of edges in the graph. **/
size_type num_edges() const;
@return A reference to the id-th entry in the array of @c Node s of this graph.
Node const & node(NodeId const id) const;
@brief Adds the edge <tt> {node1_id, node2_id} </tt> to this graph.
Checks that @c node1_id and @c node2_id are distinct and throws an exception otherwise.
This method adds both @c node1_id as a neighbor of @c node2_id and @c node2_id as a neighbor of @c node1_id.
@warning Does not check that the edge does not already exist, so this class can be used to model non-simple graphs.
void add_edge(NodeId node1_id, NodeId node2_id);
// Static functions are not called on an object of the class, but on the class itself.
* Reads a graph in DIMACS format from the given istream and returns that graph.
static Graph read_dimacs(std::istream & str);
@brief Prints the graph to the given ostream in DIMACS format.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & str, Graph const & graph);
std::vector<Node> _nodes;
size_type _num_edges;
}; // class Graph
// Calling a function usually has some constant time overhead.
// The compiler is capable of "inlining" function calls,
// which means when your code calls this function,
// the compiler will instead insert the content of the function.
// This has no affect on your code, but will get rid of this overhead.
// The inline keywoard recommends the compiler to inline a function.
// If you use it for some, you must implement that function
// in the header! For readablility, we put all implementations
// of inline function into the following inline section.
//BEGIN: Inline section
size_type Node::degree() const
return neighbors().size();
std::vector<NodeId> const & Node::neighbors() const
return _neighbors;
NodeId Graph::num_nodes() const
return _nodes.size();
size_type Graph::num_edges() const
return _num_edges;
Node const & Graph::node(NodeId const id) const
return _nodes[id];
//END: Inline section
} // namespace ED
#endif /* GRAPH_HPP */
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