from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, List from import is_recent, get_latest_commit from PyTeX import PackageFormatter, ClassFormatter, DictionaryFormatter from .pytex_msg import pytex_msg from .build_information import BuildInfo class TexFileToFormat: def __init__( self, src_path: Path, build_dir: Path, latex_name: str, current_build_info: BuildInfo, last_build_info: Optional[dict], allow_dirty: bool = False, overwrite_existing_files: bool = False, build_all: bool = False): self.src_path = src_path self.build_path = build_dir self.tex_name = latex_name # Still an identifier on how to name the package when being formatted self.current_build_info = current_build_info self.last_build_info = last_build_info self.allow_dirty = allow_dirty self.overwrite_existing_files: overwrite_existing_files self.build_all = build_all self._header: Optional[List[str]] = None self.__format_header() self.dirty = not is_recent(self.src_path, self.current_build_info.package_repo, compare=None) self.pytex_dirty: bool = self.current_build_info.pytex_repo.is_dirty( working_tree=True, untracked_files=True ) if self.last_build_info: self.recent: bool = is_recent( file=self.src_path, repo=self.current_build_info.package_repo, compare=self.current_build_info.package_repo.commit(self.last_build_info['source commit hash']) ) self.pytex_recent: bool = get_latest_commit( self.current_build_info.pytex_repo ).hexsha == self.last_build_info['pytex commit hash'] else: self.recent = False self.pytex_recent = False def format(self) -> dict: if self.dirty or self.pytex_dirty: if not self.allow_dirty: raise Exception( '{file} is dirty, but writing dirty files not allowed.'.format( if self.dirty else 'Submodule PyTeX') ) # TODO: add this to the header...? return self.__format() # Dirty files are always built, since we have no information about them elif self.build_all: return self.__format() # Build file since we build all of them elif not self.pytex_recent or not self.recent: return self.__format() # Build file since either pytex or package repo is not recent elif self.last_build_info and self.last_build_info['dirty']: return self.__format() # Build file since we do not know in what state it is else: return self.last_build_info def __format_header(self): new_header = [] for line in self.current_build_info.header: if '.pysty' in latex_file_type = 'package' elif '.pycls' in latex_file_type = 'class' elif '.pydict' in latex_file_type = 'dictionary' else: raise Exception('Programming error. Please contact the developer.') new_header.append(line.format(, latex_file_type=latex_file_type )) self._header = new_header def __format(self) -> dict: if '.pysty' in formatter = PackageFormatter( package_name=self.src_path.with_suffix('').name,, extra_header=self._header) elif '.pycls' in formatter = ClassFormatter( class_name=self.src_path.with_suffix('').name,, extra_header=self._header) elif '.pydict' in formatter = DictionaryFormatter( kind=self.src_path.with_suffix('').name,, header=self._header ) else: raise Exception('Programming error. Please contact the developer.') pytex_msg('Writing file {}'.format(formatter.file_name)) formatter.make_default_macros() formatter.format_file(self.src_path, self.build_path) info = { 'name': formatter.file_name, 'source file':, 'build time': self.current_build_info.build_time, 'source version': self.current_build_info.packages_version, 'source commit hash': self.current_build_info.packages_hash, 'pytex version': self.current_build_info.pytex_version, 'pytex commit hash': self.current_build_info.pytex_hash, 'dirty': self.dirty } return info