77 lines
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77 lines
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__HEADER__(Write up university exercise sheets)
% This is meant as a layouting class for easily writing up exercise sheets.
% Use \course \sheetnumber and \author to set metadata of the document
% Use option [largename] if the author(s) is/are too long and collide in the fancy header
% Use option [german|ngerman|english] to control language appearance
\def\@course{__ERROR__(No \noexpand\course given){Use \noexpand\course{<coursename>} to set the course.}}%
\def\@sheetnumber{__ERROR__(No \noexpand\sheetnumber given){Use \noexpand\sheetnumber{<num>} to set the current sheetnumber.}}%
\DeclareRobustCommand*{\sheetnumber}[1]{\gdef\@sheetnumber{__IF__(english) Sheet #1 \else Übungsblatt #1\fi}}
{\centering\usekomafont{subtitle}\@sheetnumber \par}
\ihead[]{__IF__(largename) \usekomafont{myauthor}\@author \\ \@course\;- \@sheetnumber\else \usekomafont{myauthor}\@author\fi }
\chead[]{__IF__(largename) \else \usekomafont{subtitle}\@course\;- \@sheetnumber\fi}
% Page layout
\RequirePackage[a4paper, left=2cm, right=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=3cm, head=15.0pt, headsep=10pt]{geometry}
%Für Zeilenabstand 1,5
\section*{__IF__(english)\nth{#1} exercise\else #1. Aufgabe\fi}