2021-10-06 20:35:06 +02:00

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__HEADER__(Math Operator Package)
%Provides some commonly used Operators used in the write-ups of my lecture notes
%%%%%Package dependencies
%%%%Different types of operator wrappers:
% For simple math operators that are just to be printed as their name
\expandafter\providecommand\csname #1\endcsname{\operatorname{#1}}
%%%For distributions
%Introduce synonym for \operatorname
%Easily declare new distributions
\newcommand\DeclareDistribution[1]{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{__PACKAGE_MACRO__(distribution){#1}}}
%%%For categories
%Introduce synonym for \operatorname
%Easily declare new categories
\newcommand\DeclareCategory[1]{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{__PACKAGE_MACRO__(category){#1}}}
%%%%%%%%%%% Operators
%Basic commands
\DeclareMathOperator{\rhs}{RHS} %Right hand side of equation
\DeclareMathOperator{\lhs}{LHS} %Left hand side of equation
%%Provide \ggT \gcd \kgV \lcm for 'greatest common denominator' and 'least common multiple'
% \ggT und \gcd, as well as \kgV and \lcm are synonyms and language-aware, so that
% e.g. when the german language option is loaded, even
% \lcm would print 'kgV'
% The starred versions of the four commands will ignore the language option and print their
% exact names (without the *, of course)
\DeclareMathOperator{\@@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__ggT}{\if@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__english gcd\else ggT\fi}
\DeclareMathOperator{\@@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__gcd}{\if@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__english gcd\else ggT\fi}
\DeclareMathOperator{\@@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__kgV}{\if@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__english lcm\else kgV\fi}
\DeclareMathOperator{\@@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__lcm}{\if@__PACKAGE_PREFIX__english lcm\else kgV\fi}
%Complex numbers
%Linear Algebra
\newcommand{\tensor}{\otimes} %Synonym for tensoring
%%Stochastic (Algorithmische Mathematik II)
\def\twedge{\vee} % Semantically correct macros for wedge product
\def\tsmash{\wedge} % Semantically correct macro for smash product
%Category Theory
%Set theory
\newcommand{\del}{\partial} % Semantically correct operator for boundary maps
% Characteristic function
%Paired Delimiters
%Norm and absolute value
%Make them scaling by default and have \abs*{} as the non-scaling version of the command