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169 lines
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__HEADER__(Definitions of categories with automatic indexing)%% Wrapper commands specific for defining categories
\NewDocumentCommand{\category}{ m }
\NewDocumentCommand{\DeclareCategory}{ O{} m }
\DeclareSymbol[group = categories, #1]{#2}
\NewDocumentCommand{\DeclareSimpleCategory}{ o m o}
\DeclareCategory[operator = \category, description = #3, #1]{#2}
\DeclareCategory[operator = \category, #1]{#2}
\DeclareCategory[operator = \category, description = #3]{#2}
\DeclareCategory[operator = \category]{#2}
\NewDocumentCommand{\MakeCategoryIndex}{ }
name = categories,
title = \translate{Index~of~categories}
%%%% Categories
{ Top }
{ hTop }
{ Set }
{ CHaus }
{ Grp }
{ Ab }
{ CRing }
{ Ring }
defaultargs = _k
{ Vect }
{ Cat }
defaultargs = _R
{ Mod }
defaultargs = _k
{ Alg }
{ Field }
defaultargs = _k
{ AffVar }
{ Sch }
{ GrAb }
{ CGHaus }
{ SimplicialSet }
formula = S,
operator = \operatorname,
formula = \Delta,
ordered = Ordinal,
description = \translate{Ordinal ~ number ~ category ~ (Category ~ description)}