name: Build LaTeX packages on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: latex-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive fetch-depth: 0 # We need all history to correctly parse tag names fetch-tags: true - name: Setup git credentials and committer run: .ci/ env: DEPLOY_SSH_KEY: ${{ secrets.deploy_ssh_key }} - name: Clone build repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: latex/latex-packages-build path: build/packages ref: master - name: Checkout correct branch in build repository run: | .ci/ env: REF_NAME: ${{ github.ref_name }} - name: Build packages incrementally run: make - name: Push packages to build repo run: | .ci/ env: REF_NAME: ${{ github.ref_name }} - name: Clean up git files from build repo if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' run: rm -rf build/packages/.git - name: Save built packages to cache if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/cache/save@v3 with: path: build/packages/ key: ${{ github.ref }}-packages pages: runs-on: latex-latest requires: build if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Load package cache uses: actions/cache/restore@v3 with: path: build/packages/ key: ${{ github.ref }}-packages - name: Load compilation cache uses: actions/cache/restore@v3 with: path: .compile key: ${{ github.ref }}-doc - name: Compile documentation run: make doc env: TEXINPUTS: '${{ github.workspace }}/build/packages//:' - name: Prepage pages run: | cd build rm -rf packages/.git # Don't deploy the git files zip -r packages/ -x '*.git*' zip -r doc/ - name: Deploy to pages uses: actions/pages@v1 with: directory: build/ - name: Upload compilation cache uses: actions/cache/save@v3 with: path: .compile key: ${{ github.ref }}-doc