__HEADER__(Find a package that provides some command) % This is just a quick packaging of the post by % 'Martin Nyolt' (https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/78783/martin-nyolt) % found at % https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/78783/martin-nyolt % Note that SO answers are by default CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed, see % https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ \def\find@load#1[#2]#3[#4]{% % load the package \find@fileswith@pti@ns{#1}[#2]{#3}[#4]% % check if commands exists now \ifcsname\find@command\endcsname \typeout{Package #3 introduces command \find@command.}% % command has been found, revert to original version without checks \let\@fileswith@pti@ns\find@fileswith@pti@ns \else % somehow, \@fileswith@pti@ns is restored after loading a package % thus, patch it again \let\@fileswith@pti@ns\find@load \fi }% \newcommand*{\findpackagebycommand}[1]{% % using this multiple times - esp. when the package has not been found yet - % will break things. Thus, check first that \find@command has never been defined before \ifx\find@command\undefined \def\find@command{#1}% % first, check if this command is already defined \ifcsname\find@command\endcsname % in this case, just issue a warning and do nothing \@latex@warning@no@line{Command \find@command \space is already defined}% \else % overwrite the internal \@fileswith@pti@ns command, which does the actual loading % \@fileswith@pti@ns is used internally by \usepackage and \RequirePackage \let\find@fileswith@pti@ns\@fileswith@pti@ns \let\@fileswith@pti@ns\find@load \fi \else % used multiple times - prevent and give a warning \@latex@warning@no@line{You can use \protect\findpackagebycommand \space only once}% \errmessage{Invalid use of command findpackagebycommand.}% \fi }