\documentclass[full]{l3doc} \title{The \pkg{thmstyle} package} \author{Maximilian Keßler} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Just a convenience package that provides easy-to-use interface for creating \pkg{mdframed} and \pkg{thmtools} styles. Also provides some defaults. \end{abstract} \begin{documentation} \section{User macros} \begin{function}{\declarefancymdfstyle} \begin{syntax} \cs{declarefancymdfstyle}\oarg{background color}\marg{left margin color}\oarg{name} \end{syntax} Makes \meta{name} a \pkg{mdframed} style with given background and left margin color. If \meta{name} is not given, it is defaulted to \enquote{md\meta{left margin color}margin} or \enquote{md\meta{left margin color}and\meta{background color}fill} corresponding to whether the \meta{background color} has been given. \end{function} \begin{function}{\declarefancythmstyle} \begin{syntax} \cs{declarefancythmstyle}\oarg{background color}\marg{left margin color}\oarg{name} \end{syntax} Same as \cs{declarefancymdstyle}, but directly declares a style for \pkg{thmtools}. The naming behaves the same except \texttt{md} is replaced with \texttt{thm} \end{function} \section{Default styles} \subsection{colors} We use the \pkg{xcolor package}. You can load this package with the \texttt{default styles} option. This will make the \pkg{thmtools} styles available given in \autoref{tab:default-styles}. \begin{table}[htpb] \centering \begin{tabular}{c | c | c} Name & Left margin color & Background color \\ \hline thmredmarginandfill & red & red!8 \\ thmorangemarginandfill & orange & orange!10 \\ thmbluemarginandfill & blue & blue!7 \\ thmgreenmargin & green!70!black & none \\ thmgoldmargin & RGB(218,165,32) & none \\ thmyellowmargin & yellow!80!orange & none \\ thmgraymargin & gray & none \\ thmvioletmarginandfill & violet & violet!7 \\ thmvioletmargin & violet & none \\ thmredmarginandbuliefill & red & blue!7 \\ thmredmargin & red & none \\ thmorangemarginbluefill & orange & blue!7 \\ thmblackmargindandfill & black & violet!20!gray!20 \\ thmblackmargin & black & none \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Default styles provided by \pkg{thmstyle}} \label{tab:default-styles} \end{table} \end{documentation} \end{document}