\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mkessler-mathfixes}[2021-04-27 - Hacky math packages for some (custom) fixes] %%%%% % This just brings together some (possibly ugly) hacks that I use when writing math. Likely, you do not want to use this except when building around this package (like I did), or already have similar shortcuts %Proper Degree command \def\mkessler@mathfixes@degree{^\circ} \AtBeginDocument{\def\degree{\mkessler@mathfixes@degree}} % Always put limits under \limit \let\oldlim\lim\def\lim{\oldlim\limits} % Print equal sign under subset by default to not confuse people % (I still write \subset, because this enables me remove this renewcommand and have the default \subset command evaluated instead \renewcommand\subset\subseteq \renewcommand\supset\supseteq %%Renew phi and epsilon to their proper versions, make the old ones available as % uglyphi and uglyepsilon \let\mkessler@mathfixes@oldphi\phi \renewcommand\phi\varphi \newcommand\uglyphi{\mkessler@mathfixes@oldphi} \let\mkessler@mathfixes@oldepsilon\epsilon \renewcommand\epsilon\varepsilon \newcommand\uglyepsilon{\mkessler@mathfixes@oldepsilon}