from pathlib import Path import git from typing import Optional, Union, List import PyTeX from build_scripts.git_hook import get_latest_commit, is_recent from .build_information import build_information, BuildInfo def pytex_msg(msg: str): print('[PyTeX] ' + msg) class TexFileToFormat: def __init__(self, src_path: Path, build_dir: Path): self.src_path = src_path self.build_path = build_dir def format(self): if '.pysty' in formatter = PyTeX.PackageFormatter( package_name=self.src_path.with_suffix('').name, extra_header=[]) # TODO: extra header else: formatter = PyTeX.ClassFormatter( class_name=self.src_path.with_suffix('').name, extra_header=[]) # TODO pytex_msg('Writing file {}'.format(formatter.file_name)) formatter.make_default_macros() formatter.format_file(self.src_path, self.build_path) def build( src_dir: Optional[Path] = None, build_dir: Optional[Path] = None, input_file: Optional[Path] = None, author: Optional[str] = None, latex_name: str = 'prepend-author', # name handling recursive: bool = False, # input control include_timestamp: bool = False, # header include_pytex_version: bool = False, # header include_license: bool = False, # header include_git_version: bool = False, # header include_pytex_info_text: bool = False, # header use_git: bool = False, # versioning allow_dirty: bool = False, # versioning overwrite_existing_files: bool = False, # output control build_all: bool = False, # output control / versioning write_build_information: bool = True, # meta ): pytex_msg('Getting git repository information...') current_build_info = BuildInfo( include_timestamp=include_timestamp, include_pytex_version=include_pytex_version, include_license=include_license, include_git_version=include_git_version, include_pytex_info_text=include_pytex_info_text, author=author, pytex_repo=None, # TODO packages_repo=None # TODO ) old_build_info = {} # TODO: read this in from file # extra_header += ['WARNING: Local changes to git repository detected.', # ' The build will not be reproducible (!)'] files = [] if input_file: files.append(input_file) if src_dir: if recursive: for file in src_dir.rglob('*.pysty'): files.append(file) for file in src_dir.rglob('*.pycls'): files.append(file) else: for file in src_dir.glob('*.pysty'): files.append(file) for file in src_dir.glob('*.pycls'): files.append(file) input_dir = src_dir if src_dir else input_file.parent output_dir = build_dir if build_dir else input_file.parent sources_to_build = [] for file in files: sources_to_build.append( TexFileToFormat( src_path=file, build_dir=output_dir / file.parent.relative_to(input_dir) )) for source in sources_to_build: source.format() current_build_info = { 'build_time': '', 'packages': { 'built': '', 'skipped': '' }, 'classes': { 'built': '', 'skipped': '' }, 'LatexPackages': { 'version': '', 'branch': '', 'commit': '', 'dirty': '' }, 'PyTeX': { 'version': '', 'branch': '', 'commit': '', 'dirty': '' } } pytex_msg('Build done')