\documentclass[full]{l3doc} \title{The \pkg{mkessler-vocab} package} \author{Maximilian Keßler} \usepackage{mkessler-vocab} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} When defining lots of new notions in a document, it is useful to index these at the point of their definition, to let users easily look up the spots where notions are introduced in a document. Also, one often wants to highlight these when defining a new notion. We combined both approaches. \end{abstract} \begin{documentation} \section{Macros} \begin{function}{\vocab} \begin{syntax} \cs{vocab}\oarg{index entry}\marg{vocab} \end{syntax} Highlights \meta{vocab} in the text (bold blue). Also indexes this under \oarg{index entry}. If \oarg{index entry} is empty, \meta{vocab} itself will appear in the index. \end{function} \begin{function}{\printvocabindex, \PrintVocabIndex} Prints the index of vocabs. The \cs{printvocabindex} is deprecated, use the better named \cs{PrintVocabIndex}. \end{function} \section{Package options} You can specify the two options \texttt{index} and \texttt{noindex}. The default is \texttt{noindex}. Index entries are only generated if \texttt{index} has been specified. Of course, \cs{PrintVocabIndex} results in an error if the package has been loaded with \texttt{noindex}. \end{documentation} \end{document}