\documentclass[full]{l3doc} \title{The \pkg{mkessler-enumerate} package} \author{Maximilian Ke\ss ler} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{documentation} \begin{abstract} This is some small wrapper around the package \pkg{enumerate} that provides some additional tweaks. \end{abstract} We load \pkg{enumitem} with the \texttt{shortlabels} option. \begin{function}{\setItemnumber, \SetItemNumber} \begin{syntax} \cs{SetItemNumber}\marg{numeric expression} \end{syntax} Sets the item number in the current enumeration. The \cs{setItemnumber} is deprecated, use \cs{SetItemNumber} instead if you can. \end{function} We now provide for standard variants for enumerations: \begin{function}{circled, propery, equivalent, holds} \begin{description} \item[circled] This circles the (arabic) item numbers \item[property] This numbers as \enquote{(\cs{roman}*)}, i.e.~\enquote{i)}, \enquote{ii)},\ldots \item[equivalent] This numbers as \enquote{(\cs{arabic}*)}, i.e.~\enquote{(1)},\enquote{(2)},\ldots \item[holds] This numbers as \enquote{\cs{arabic}*)}., i.e.~\enquote{1)},\enquote{2)},\ldots \end{description} \end{function} All of these are available as \begin{description} \item[ShortLabel] Specify \texttt{c}, \texttt{p}, \texttt{e} or \texttt{h} as the first option to \env{enumerate}. \item[Label Value] Specify \texttt{label = circled } and similar. \item[Key] Just specify \texttt{circled} as an option directly and similar. \end{description} \end{documentation} \end{document}