start migration to pysty files
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 209 additions and 224 deletions
@ -1 +1,2 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
__HEADER__(Package to easily print bibliography and image attributions in document)
%%%%Bibliography management
%Provide simpler commands to properly print image attributions and literature
\def\imageattributionstitle{\ifenglish Image attributions \else Bildquellen\fi}
\printbibliography[title={\imageattributionstitle}, type=image]
\def\literaturetitle{\ifenglish Literature\else Literatur\fi}
\printbibliography[title={\literaturetitle}, nottype=image]
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
__HEADER__(Simple enumeration package wrapper. Handles custom number setting and beamer class.)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
__HEADER__(Include exercise sheets into lecture notes easily.)
\declaretheorem[style=thmgreenmargin, numberwithin=__PACKAGE_PREFIX__sheet, name=__IF__(english) Exercise\else Aufgabe\fi]{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__aufgabe}
\newcommand\blatt{\refstepcounter{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__sheet}\subsection*{\the__PACKAGE_PREFIX__sheet. Übungsblatt}\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\the__PACKAGE_PREFIX__sheet. Übungsblatt}}
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
__HEADER__(Packages related to inclusion of figures.)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
__HEADER__(Numbering of environments with a fractional environment number)
% For the stack exchange source, see
% However, for a reason i don't understand the posted answer does not work for me, but i had to replace theorem with definition in the definition of the gag environment (so apparently, i have to do this for each environment separately). It seems that the definitions of this document do use \thedefinition and not \thetheorem, although by default this is not the case.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% Input / encoding
__HEADER__(Packages related to language input. Still work in progress, not intended for use.)
\RequirePackage[\ifutf utf8\else utf8x\fi]{inputenc}
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
\ProvidesPackage{mkessler-bibliography}[2021-09-06 - Package to easily print bibliography and image attributions in document]
\DeclareOptionX*{\PackageWarning{mkessler-bibliography}{Unknown '\CurrentOption'}}
%%%%Bibliography management
%Provide simpler commands to properly print image attributions and literature
\def\imageattributionstitle{\ifenglish Image attributions \else Bildquellen\fi}
\printbibliography[title={\imageattributionstitle}, type=image]
\def\literaturetitle{\ifenglish Literature\else Literatur\fi}
\printbibliography[title={\literaturetitle}, nottype=image]
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{mkessler-exsheet}{Unknown '\CurrentOption'}}
\declaretheorem[style=thmgreenmargin, numberwithin=mkessler@exsheet@sheet, name=\ifmkessler@exsheet@english Exercise\else Aufgabe\fi]{mkessler@exsheet@aufgabe}
\newcommand\blatt{\refstepcounter{mkessler@exsheet@sheet}\subsection*{\themkessler@exsheet@sheet. Übungsblatt}\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\themkessler@exsheet@sheet. Übungsblatt}}
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
%Numbering of environments with a fractional environment number, see
%However, for a reason i don't understand the posted answer does not work for me, but i had to replace theorem with definition in the definition of the gag environment (so apparently, i have to do this for each environment separately). It seems that the definitions of this document do use \thedefinition and not \thetheorem, although by default this is not the case.
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
%%%% This package will be developed for proofs with automatic references to theorems
% for claims numbered within these profos
% and for nice subproof / proof of claim environments
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{mkessler-proof}{Unknown '\CurrentOption'}}
%%Give claim an own counter and let it reset at each proof
%See also at:
\newtheorem{claim}{\ifmkessler@proof@english Claim\else Behauptung\fi}
\newtheorem*{claim*}{\ifmkessler@proof@english Claim\else Behauptung\fi}
\AtBeginDocument{\def\claimautorefname{\ifmkessler@proof@english Claim\else Behauptung\fi}}
\def\mkessler@proof@blankref#1{\expandafter\grab\csname r@#1\endcsname}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{rproof}{m O{}}{\def\mkessler@proof@aster{\relax}\begin{mkessler@fancythm@rproof@impl}{#1}[#2]}{\end{mkessler@fancythm@rproof@impl}}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{rproof*}{m O{}}{\def\mkessler@proof@aster{*}\begin{mkessler@fancythm@rproof@impl}{#1}[#2]}{\end{mkessler@fancythm@rproof@impl}}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{mkessler@fancythm@rproof@impl}{m O{}}
% Restore correct counter for claim
\def\mkessler@proof@proofprefix{\ifmkessler@proof@english Continuation of proof\mkessler@proof@aster\space of\else Fortsetzung des Beweises\mkessler@proof@aster\space zu\fi}
\def\mkessler@proof@proofprefix{\ifmkessler@proof@english Proof\mkessler@proof@aster\space of\else Beweis\mkessler@proof@aster\space von\fi}
% Set up counter number printing as subindexed by numbering of the reference
% Now, start the actual proof
\end{proof} % End proof
% Save current claim counter for later restoration
% Proof (with asterisk)
\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\begin{proof}[\ifmkessler@proof@english Proof\emph{*}\else Beweis\emph{*}\fi]\else\begin{proof}[#1\emph{*}]\fi
%%subproof environment - essentially copied proof environment from amsthm and modified its name + symbol
\ifmmode \mathqed
\leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill
\newenvironment{subproof}[1][\ifmkessler@proof@english Subproof\else Unterbeweis\fi]{\par
\normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax
%%%% This might be dropped, but for now is collected here
%%Solution (for exercises)
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
\PackageInfo{mkessler-restate}{Strict mode enabled. Undefined restates will throw errors.}%
\PackageInfo{mkessler-restate}{Strict mode disabled. Undefined restates will now print placeholder boxes}%
\PackageWarning{mkessler-restate}{Erroneous input to key 'strict' ignored. Provide =true or =false.}
\NewDocumentCommand{\restatetheorem}{s m}{
\PackageError{mkessler-restate}{Strict mode enabled but restate command not defined}{The theorem you tried to restate is not defined. Either make sure it is so that it can be printed or disable the strict mode with \noexpand\restatesetup{strict=false} to print a placeholder instead}
\missingfigure{\ifmkessler@restate@english Here theorem \textbf{#2} is missing, since it is not part of this document.\else Hier fehlt die Wiederholung von Satz \textbf{#2}, der nicht Teil dieses Dokumentes ist.\fi}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
__HEADER__(Automatic references to theorems in proofs. Claim counters within proofs)
%%Give claim an own counter and let it reset at each proof
%See also at:
\newtheorem{claim}{__IF__(english) Claim\else Behauptung\fi}
\newtheorem*{claim*}{__IF__(english) Claim\else Behauptung\fi}
\AtBeginDocument{\def\claimautorefname{__IF__(english) Claim\else Behauptung\fi}}
\def__PACKAGE_MACRO__(blankref)#1{\expandafter\grab\csname r@#1\endcsname}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{rproof}{m O{}}{\def__PACKAGE_MACRO__(aster){\relax}\begin{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__rproof@impl}{#1}[#2]}{\end{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__rproof@impl}}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{rproof*}{m O{}}{\def__PACKAGE_MACRO__(aster){*}\begin{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__rproof@impl}{#1}[#2]}{\end{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__rproof@impl}}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{__PACKAGE_PREFIX__rproof@impl}{m O{}}
% Restore correct counter for claim
\def__PACKAGE_MACRO__(proofprefix){__IF__(english) Continuation of proof__PACKAGE_MACRO__(aster)\space of\else Fortsetzung des Beweises__PACKAGE_MACRO__(aster)\space zu\fi}
\def__PACKAGE_MACRO__(proofprefix){__IF__(english) Proof__PACKAGE_MACRO__(aster)\space of\else Beweis__PACKAGE_MACRO__(aster)\space von\fi}
% Set up counter number printing as subindexed by numbering of the reference
% Now, start the actual proof
\end{proof} % End proof
% Save current claim counter for later restoration
% Proof (with asterisk)
\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\begin{proof}[__IF__(english) Proof\emph{*}\else Beweis\emph{*}\fi]\else\begin{proof}[#1\emph{*}]\fi
%%subproof environment - essentially copied proof environment from amsthm and modified its name + symbol
\ifmmode \mathqed
\leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill
\newenvironment{subproof}[1][__IF__(english) Subproof\else Unterbeweis\fi]{\par
\normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax
%%%% This might be dropped, but for now is collected here
%%Solution (for exercises)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% Quotations
__HEADER__((For now) removed parts of other packages. Not intended for use right now.)% Quotations
\RequirePackage{csquotes} % quotations
%%%% Utilities
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
__HEADER__(Replacement package)
__NEW_IF__(english, true)
__INFO__(Strict mode enabled. Undefined restates will throw errors.)%
__INFO__(Strict mode disabled. Undefined restates will now print placeholder boxes)%
__WARNING__({Erroneous input to key 'strict' ignored. Provide =true or =false.)
\NewDocumentCommand{\restatetheorem}{s m}{
\PackageError{__PACKAGE_NAME__}{Strict mode enabled but restate command not defined}{The theorem you tried to restate is not defined. Either make sure it is so that it can be printed or disable the strict mode with \noexpand\restatesetup{strict=false} to print a placeholder instead}
\missingfigure{__IF__(english) Here theorem \textbf{#2} is missing, since it is not part of this document.\else Hier fehlt die Wiederholung von Satz \textbf{#2}, der nicht Teil dieses Dokumentes ist.\fi}
Add table
Reference in a new issue