delete deprecated packages
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 441 deletions
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
\ProvidesPackage{mymath}[2021/03/31 - Math package by Maximilian Keßler (private use)]
%%%%%%Provides the basic math packages used for my lecture-note write-ups
%The language to pass to babel
% When working with beamer some things have to be done differently
%Options for onehalf-spacing of lines
\newif\ifonehalfspacing\onehalfspacingfalse %default is normalspace
%Options for utf8 or utf8x - encoding
\newif\ifutf\utftrue %by default, utf8 is not enabled
%Options for lukas
%Options for including theorem-environments or not.
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{mymath}{Unknown '\CurrentOption'}}
\RequirePackage[\ifenglish english \else ngerman\fi]{babel}
% When using utf8x, we have to load ucs and inputenc with utf8x option and must exclude bibtex
% When not using utf8x (plan utf8), we must NOT load ucs, and then load inputenc with utf8-option as well as bibtex
% also, when using plain utf8, we want to load the newunicodechar package
\RequirePackage[\ifutf utf8\else utf8x\fi]{inputenc}
\RequirePackage{bm} % bold math symbols
\else \RequirePackage[shortlabels]{enumitem}\fi
\RequirePackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} % Hyperlinks
\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections, through, quotes, angles, babel, positioning}
%Commutative diagrams
%%for small diagrams, similar to tikz-cd
\usepackage{xy} % for small diagrams, e.g. arrows
\newtheorem{theorem}{\ifenglish Theorem\else Satz\fi}
\newtheorem{corollary}{\ifenglish Corollary\else Korollar\fi}
\newtheorem{example}{\ifenglish Example\else Beispiel\fi}
\newtheorem*{remark}{\ifenglish Remark\else Bemerkung\fi}
%%Theorems needed in any case (fancy or not fancy theorems)
\newtheorem{claim}{\ifenglish Claim\else Behauptung\fi}
\newtheorem{variant}{\ifenglish Variant\else Variante\fi}
\newtheorem{assumption}{\ifenglish Assumption\else Annahme\fi}
\newtheorem*{fact}{\ifenglish Fact\else Fakt\fi}
\newtheorem*{note}{\ifenglish Note\else Anmerkung\fi}
\newtheorem*{warning}{\color{red}\ifenglish Warning \else Warnung\fi}
\newtheorem*{goal}{\ifenglish Goal \else Ziel\fi}
\newtheorem*{question}{\ifenglish Question \else Frage \fi}
\newtheorem*{answer}{\ifenglish Answer\else Antwort\fi}
\newtheorem*{observe}{\ifenglish Observe\else Beobachte\fi}
\newtheorem*{property}{\ifenglish Property\else Eigenschaft\fi}
\newtheorem*{recall}{\ifenglish Recall\else Erinnerung\fi}
\newtheorem*{idea}{\ifenglish Idea\else Idee\fi}
\newtheorem{exercise}{\ifenglish Exercise\else Aufgabe\fi}
\fi %end of theorem definitions
% Für Formeln
\RequirePackage{lastpage} %\pageref{LastPage} for reference on the last page
% Für Tabulatoren
\RequirePackage{pdfpages} % PDF-Dateien einbinden
% Für Zeilenumbruch
%Für Zeilenabstand 1,5
\RequirePackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} \else
%For setting counters of itemns in \enemerate
%Make circled symbols
\node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}
%Print a warning sign
% Add \contra symbol to denote contradiction
\usepackage{stmaryrd} % for \lightning
%Emphasize \vocabulary
\newcommand{\vocab}[1]{\textbf{\color{blue} #1}}
%%%%math operators
%Short commands for \mathbb{}
%Paired Delimiters
%Norm and absolute value
%Make them scaling by default and have \abs*{} as the non-scaling version of the command
%Fixes of common misbehaviour
%Used to start an exercise and resetting the equation number
\newcommand{\nr}[1]{\setcounter{equation}{0}\section*{\ifenglish Exercise \else Aufgabe \fi #1}~}
%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDUKTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\its}{Das gilt offentsichtlich.}
Es sei $P(\n)$ die Aussage, dass:
P(\n) : \equiv \qquad \left(#5 \right)
Diese soll nun per Induktion über $#3$ gezeigt werden.
\item [\underline{IA:}]Für den Induktionsanfang muss $P(#4)$ gezeigt werden, d.h.:
P(#4) \equiv \qquad \left(#5\right)
#1\ Also ist der Induktionsanfang gezeigt.
\item [\underline{IV:}] Angenommen $P(\n)$ gilt für ein $\n \in #3$, d.h. es gilt:
P(\n) \equiv \qquad \left(#5\right)
\item [\underline{IS:}]
Im Induktionsschritt von $\n$ auf $\n+1$ muss gezeigt werden, dass unter Annahme der Induktionsvoraussetzung auch die Induktionsbehauptung gilt:
P(\n) \equiv \qquad \left(#5\right)
Damit ist der Induktionsschritt erbracht und es gilt für alle $#2$ in $#3$:
\forall \n \in #3 : #5
%[Begründung IA]{$Variablenname$}{$Ursprungsmenge$}{$Startwert$}{$Aussage (variable ist \n, \kn)$}{Begründung IS}
%\n ist n oder n+1, \kn ist n oder (n+1)
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
\ProvidesPackage{operators}[2021-04-27 - Operator Package]
%Provides some commonly used Operators used in the write-ups of my lecture notes
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{operators}{Unknown '\CurrentOption'}}
%%%%%%%%%%% Operators
%Basic commands
\let\ggT\relax\DeclareMathOperator{\ggT}{\ifenglish gcd \else ggT\fi}
\let\kgV\relax\DeclareMathOperator{\kgV}{\ifenglish lcm \elese kgV\fi}
\DeclareMathOperator{\rhs}{RHS} %Right hand side
\DeclareMathOperator{\lhs}{LHS} %Left hand side
%Complex numbers
%Linear Algebra
%%Stochastic (Algorithmische Mathematik II)
\newcommand\DeclareDistribution[1]{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\distribution{#1}}}
%Category Theory
\newcommand{\cat}[1]{ \mathscr{#1} }
\newcommand\DeclareCategory[1]{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\category{#1}}}
% Characteristic function
%Set theory
Add table
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