%% %% This is file `thmstyle.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% thmstyle.dtx (with options: `package') %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% For the copyright see the source file. %% %% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed %% with new filenames distinct from thmstyle.sty. %% %% For distribution of the original source see the terms %% for copying and modification in the file thmstyle.dtx. %% %% This generated file may be distributed as long as the %% original source files, as listed above, are part of the %% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be %% in the same archive or directory.) %% File: thmstyle.dtx \ProvidesExplPackage{thmstyle}{2022/01/17}{0.0.1}{Styles for thmtools theorems.} \RequirePackage{amsthm} \RequirePackage{thmtools} \RequirePackage{mdframed} \RequirePackage{xcolor} \RequirePackage{l3keys2e} \bool_new:N \g__thmstyle_default_styles_bool \definecolor{gold}{RGB}{218,165,32} \keys_define:nn { thmstyle } { default styles .bool_set:N = \g__thmstyle_default_styles_bool, default styles .default:n = { true }, } \ProcessKeysOptions { thmstyle } \cs_new:Npn \__thmstyle_mdframed_define_style:nn #1 #2 { \mdfdefinestyle{#2}{#1} } \cs_new:Npn \__thmstyle_thmtools_declare_style:nn #1 #2 { \declaretheoremstyle[#1]{#2} } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \__thmstyle_thmtools_declare_style:nn { x x } \cs_new:Npn \thmstyle_declare_mdf_style:nnn #1 #2 #3 { \__thmstyle_mdframed_define_style:nn { linecolor = #2, linewidth = 2pt, leftmargin = 0pt, rightmargin = 0pt, rightline = false, topline = false, bottomline = false, backgroundcolor = #3, skipabove = 0.7\baselineskip, skipbelow = 0pt, innerrightmargin = 10pt, innerbottommargin = 5pt } { #1 } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \thmstyle_declare_mdf_style:nnn { x n x } \NewDocumentCommand { \DeclareFancyMdfStyle } { o m o } { \thmstyle_declare_mdf_style:xnx { \IfValueTF { #3 } { #3 } { md #2 margin \IfValueT { #1 } { and #1 fill } } } { #2 } { \IfValueTF { #1 } { #1 } { white } } } \NewDocumentCommand { \DeclareFancyThmStyle } { o m o } { \DeclareFancyMdfStyle [ #1 ] { #2 } \__thmstyle_thmtools_declare_style:xx { mdframed = { style = md #2 margin \IfValueT { #1 } { and #1 fill } }, postheadspace = { 0.3em }, notefont = \noexpand\mdseries, } { \IfValueTF { #3 } { #3 } { thm #2 margin \IfBooleanT { #1 } { and #1 fill } } } } \bool_if:NT \g__thmstyle_default_styles_bool { \DeclareFancyThmStyle[red!8]{red}[thmredmarginandfill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle[orange!10]{orange}[thmorangemarginandfill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle[blue!7]{blue}[thmbluemarginandfill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{green!70!black}[thmgreenmargin] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{gold}[thmgoldmargin] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{yellow!80!orange}[thmyellowmargin] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{gray}[thmgraymargin] \DeclareFancyThmStyle[violet!7]{violet}[thmvioletmarginandfill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{violet}[thmvioletmargin] \DeclareFancyThmStyle[blue!7]{red}[thmredmarginbluefill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{red}[thmredmargin] \DeclareFancyThmStyle[blue!7]{orange}[thmorangemarginbluefill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle[violet!20!gray!20]{black}[thmblackmarginandfill] \DeclareFancyThmStyle{black}[thmblackmargin] } \endinput %% %% End of file `thmstyle.sty'.