\subsection{Topological Dynamics} \begin{fact}[\url{https://math.stackexchange.com/a/801106}] \label{fact:topsubgroupclosure} Let $H$ be a topological group and $G \subseteq H$ a subgroup. Then $\overline{G}$ is a topological group. Moreover if $H$ is Hausdorff and $G$ is abelian, then is $\overline{G}$ is abelian. \end{fact} \begin{proof} Let $g,h \in \overline{G}$. We need to show that $g\cdot h \in \overline{G}$. Take some open neighbourhood $g \cdot h \in U \overset{\text{open}}{\subseteq} H$. Let $V \overset{\text{open}}{\subseteq} H \times H$ be the preimage of $U$ under $(a,b) \mapsto a \cdot b$. Let $A \times B \subseteq V$ for some open neighbourhoods of $g$ resp.~$h$. Take $g' \in A \cap G$ and $h' \in B \cap G$. Then $g'h' \in U \cap G$, hence $U \cap G \neq \emptyset$. Similarly one shows that $\overline{G}$ is closed under inverse images. Now suppose that $H$ is Hausdorff and $G$ is abelian. Consider $f\colon (g,h) \mapsto [g,h]$\footnote{Recall that the \vocab{commutator} is $[g,h] \coloneqq g^{-1}h gh^{-1}$.}. Clearly this is continuous. Since $G$ is abelian, we have $f(G\times G) = \{1\}$. Since $H$ is Hausdorff, $\{1\}$ is closed, so \[ \{1\} = \overline{f(G \times G)} \supseteq f(\overline{G \times G}) = f(\overline{G} \times \overline{G}). \] \end{proof}