\gist{% These are my notes on the lecture Logic 3: Abstract Topological Dynamics and Descriptive Set Theory taught by \textsc{Aleksandra Kwiatkowska} in the summer term 2023 at the University Münster. \begin{warning} This is not an official script. The official lecture notes can be found \href{https://sites.google.com/site/akwiatkmath/teaching/logic-3-abstract-topological-dynamics-and-descriptive-set-theory}{here}. \end{warning} If you find errors or want to improve something, please send me a message:\\ \texttt{lecturenotes@jrpie.de}. Many thanks to \textsc{Mirko Bartsch} for providing notes on lectures I could not attend! This notes follow the way the material was presented in the lecture rather closely. Additions (e.g.~from exercise sheets) and slight modifications have been marked with $\dagger$. }{ This document aims to give a very brief summary of my \href{https://josia-notes.users.abstractnonsen.se/w23-logic-3/logic3.pdf}{notes on the course Logic 3}. I try to omit most technical details and only summarize the most important ideas. Note that this is currently work in progress. Currently the differences to the original document are only minor (this is still mostly a technical test), but this document will get shorter as I work through and summarize it. }