\subsection{Sheet 4} \tutorial{05}{2023-11-14}{} % 14 / 20 \nr 1 \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item $\langle X_\alpha : \alpha\rangle$ is a descending chain of closed sets (transfinite induction). Since $X$ is second countable, there cannot exist uncountable strictly decreasing chains of closed sets: Suppose $\langle X_{\alpha}, \alpha < \omega_1\rangle$ was such a sequence, then $X \setminus X_{\alpha}$ is open for every $\alpha$, Let $\{U_n : n < \omega\}$ be a countable basis. Then $N(\alpha) = \{n | U_n \cap (X \setminus X_\alpha) \neq \emptyset\}$, is a strictly ascending chain in $\omega$. \item We need to show that $X_{\alpha_0}$ is perfect and closed. It is closed since all $X_{\alpha}$ are, and perfect, as a closed set $F$ is perfect iff it coincides $F'$. $X \setminus X_{\alpha_0}$ is countable: $X_{\alpha} \setminus X_{\alpha + 1}$ is countable as for every $x$ there exists a basic open set $U$, such that $U \cap X_{\alpha} = \{x\}$, and the space is second countable. Hence $X \setminus X_{\alpha_0}$ is countable as a countable union of countable sets. \end{enumerate} \nr 2 \todo{handwritten} \nr 3 \begin{itemize} \item Let $Y \subseteq \R$ be $G_\delta$ such that $Y$ and $\R \setminus Y$ are dense in $\R$. Then $Y \cong \cN$. $Y$ is Polish, since it is $G_\delta$. $Y$ is 0-dimensional, since the sets $(a,b) \cap Y$ for $a, b \in \R \setminus Y$ form a clopen basis. Each compact subset of $Y$ has empty interior: Let $K \subseteq Y$ be compact and $U \subseteq K$ be open in $Y$. Then we can find cover of $U$ that has no finite subcover $\lightning$. \item Let $Y \subseteq \R$ be $G_\delta$ and dense such that $\R \setminus Y$ is dense as well. Define $Z \coloneqq \{x \in \R^2 | |x| \in Y\} \subseteq \R^2$. Then $Z$ is dense in $\R^2$ and $\R^2 \setminus \Z$ is dense in $\R^2$. We have that for every $y \in Y$ $\partial B_y(0) \subseteq Z$. Other example: Consider $\R^2 \setminus \Q^2$. \end{itemize} \nr 4 \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item Let $d$ be a compatible, complete metric on $X$, wlog.~$d \le 1$. Set $ U_{\emptyset} \coloneqq X$. Suppose that $U_{s}$ has already been chosen. Then $D_s \coloneqq X \setminus U_s$ is closed. Hence $U_s^{(n)} \coloneqq \{x \in X | \dist(x,D_s) > \frac{1}{n}\}$ is open. Let $m$ be such that $D_s^{(m)} \neq \emptyset$. Clearly $\overline{U_s^{(n)}} \subseteq U_s$. Let $(B_k)_{k < \omega}$ be a countable cover of $X$ consisting of balls of diameter $2^{-|s|-2}$. Take some bijection $\phi\colon \omega \to \omega \times (\omega \setminus m)$ and set $U_{s\concat i} \coloneqq U_s^{(\pi_1\left( \phi(i) \right))} \cap B_{\pi_2(\phi(i))}$, where there $\pi_i$ denote the projections (if this is empty, set $U_{s \concat i} \coloneqq U_s^{\pi_1(\phi(j))} \cap B_{\pi_2(\phi(j))}$ for some arbitarily chosen $j < \omega$ such that it is not empty). Then $\overline{U_{s \concat i}} \subseteq \overline{U_s^{(n)}} \subseteq U_s$, \[ \bigcup_{i < \omega} U_{s \concat i} = \bigcup_{n < \omega} U_{s}^{\left( n \right) } = U_s \] and $\diam(U_{s \concat i}) \le \diam(B_{\pi_2(\phi(i))})$. \item Let $s \in \omega^\omega$. Then \[ \bigcap_{n < \omega} \overline{U_{s\defon{n}}} \] contains exactly one point. Let $f$ be the function that maps an $s \in \omega^{\omega}$ to the unique point in the intersection of the $\overline{U_{s\defon{n}}}$. Let $x \in X$ be some point. Then by induction we can construct a sequence $s \in \omega^{\omega}$ such that $x \in U_{s\defon{n}}$ for all $n$, hence $x = f(s)$, i.e.~$f$ is surjective. Let $B \overset{\text{open}}{\subseteq} X$. Then $B = \bigcup_{i \in I} U_i$ for some $i \subseteq \omega^{<\omega}$, as every basic open set can be recovered as a union of $U_i$ and $f^{-1}(B) = \bigcup_{i \in I} \left( \{i_0\} \times \ldots \{i_{|i|-1}\} \right) \times \omega^{\omega}$ is open, hence $f$ is continuous. On the other hand, consider an open ball $B \coloneqq \{\prod_{i < n} \{x_i\}\} \times \omega^{\omega} \subseteq \omega^{\omega}$. Then $f(B) = U_{(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1})}$ is open, hence $f$ is open. \end{enumerate}