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gist for lecture 13
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2024-01-25 14:01:05 +01:00
Merge branch 'main' of 2024-01-25 12:38:55 +01:00
small changes 2024-01-25 12:38:52 +01:00
7 changed files with 177 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -103,7 +103,9 @@
Let $X$ be a completely metrizable space.
Then every comeager set of $X$ is dense in $X$.
\todo{Proof (copy from some other lecture)}
}{Not proved in the lecture.}
Let $X$ be a topological space.
The following are equivalent:
@ -118,7 +120,21 @@
\todo{Proof (short)}
(i) $\implies$ (ii)
Consider a comeager set $A$.
Let $U\neq \emptyset$ be any open set. Since $U$ is
non-meager, we have $A \cap U \neq \emptyset$.
}{The intersection of a comeager and a non-meager set is nonempty.}
(ii) $\implies$ (iii)
The complement of an open dense set is nwd.
Hence the intersection of countable
many open dense sets is comeager.
(iii) $\implies$ (i)
Let us first show that $X$ is non-meager.

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
sets that are not clopen)}{}.
\subsection{Turning Borels Sets into Clopens}
\subsection{Turning Borel Sets into Clopens}
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
into $B$.
Pick $\cT_B \supset \cT$
such that $(X, \cT_B)$ is Polish,
$B$ is clopen in $\cT_B$ and
@ -121,10 +122,17 @@
Consider $f\colon 2^{\omega} \to B \subseteq (X, \cT)$.
This is still continuous as $\cT \subseteq \cT_B$.
Since $2^{\omega}$ is compact, $f$ is an embedding.
%\todo{Think about this}
Clopenize $B$.
We can embed $2^{ \omega}$ into Polish spaces.
Clopenization makes the topology finer,
so this is still continuous wrt.~the original topology.
$2^{\omega}$ is compact, so this is an embedding.
We show that
A \coloneqq \{B \subseteq \cB(X, \cT)&:\exists & \cT_B \supseteq \cT .\\
@ -134,18 +142,26 @@
is equal to the set of Borel sets.
The proof rests on two lemmata:
Let $A$ be the set of clopenizable sets.
We show that $A = \cB(X)$.
\gist{The proof rests on two lemmata:}{}
Let $(X,\cT)$ be a Polish space.
Then for any $F \overset{\text{closed}}{\subseteq} X$ (wrt. $\cT$)
there is $\cT_F \supseteq \cT$
such that $\cT_F$ is Polish,
$\cB(\cT) = \cB(\cT_F)$
and $F$ is clopen in $\cT_F$.
Closed sets can be clopenized.
Consider $(F, \cT\defon{F})$ and $(X \setminus F, \cT\defon{X \setminus F})$.
Both are Polish spaces.
Take the coproduct%
@ -154,10 +170,13 @@
This space is Polish,
and the topology is generated by $\cT \cup \{F\}$,
hence we do not get any new Borel sets.
}{Consider $(F, \cT\defon{F}) \oplus (X \setminus F, \cT\defon{X \setminus F})$.}
So all closed sets are in $A$.
Furthermore $A$ is closed under complements,
since complements of clopen sets are clopen.
}{So $\Sigma^0_1(X), \Pi^0_1(X) \subseteq A$.}
@ -170,11 +189,11 @@
is Polish
and $\cB(\cT_\infty) = \cB(T)$.
We have that $\cT_\infty$ is the smallest
topology containing all $\cT_n$.
To get $\cT_\infty$
To get $\cT_\infty$ consider
\cF \coloneqq \{A_1 \cap A_2 \cap \ldots \cap A_n : A_i \in \cT_i\}.
@ -186,6 +205,7 @@
since we may assume that the $A_1, \ldots, A_n$ in the
definition of $\cF$ belong to
a countable basis of the respective $\cT_n$).
% Proof was finished in lecture 8
Let $Y = \prod_{n \in \N} (X, \cT_n)$.
@ -195,6 +215,7 @@
$\delta$ is a homeomorphism.
Clearly $\delta$ is a bijection.
We need to show that it is continuous and open.
@ -219,21 +240,26 @@
\delta(V) = D \cap (X \times X \times \ldots \times U_{n_1} \times \ldots \times U_{n_2} \times \ldots \times U_{n_u} \times X \times \ldots) \overset{\text{open}}{\subseteq} D.
This will finish the proof since
D = \{(x,x,\ldots) \in Y : x \in X\} \overset{\text{closed}}{\subseteq} Y
Why? Let $(x_n) \in Y \setminus D$.
$D = \{(x,x,\ldots) \in Y : x \in X\} \overset{\text{closed}}{\subseteq} Y.$
Let $(x_n) \in Y \setminus D$.
Then there are $i < j$ such that $x_i \neq x_j$.
Take disjoint open $x_i \in U$, $x_j \in V$.
\[(x_n) \in X \times X \times \ldots \times U \times \ldots \times X \times \ldots \times V \times X \times \ldots\]
is open in $Y\setminus D$.
Hence $Y \setminus D$ is open, thus $D$ is closed.
It follows that $D$ is Polish.
We need to show that $A$ is closed under countable unions.
By \yaref{thm:clopenize:l2} there exists a topology
$\cT_\infty$ such that $A = \bigcup_{n < \omega} A_n$ is open in $\cT_\infty$
@ -243,4 +269,5 @@
$(X, \cT_\infty')$ is Polish,
$\cB(\cT_\infty') = \cB(\cT)$
and $A $ is clopen in $\cT_{\infty}'$.

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
In the beginning of the lecture, we finished
the proof of \yaref{thm:clopenize:l2}.
This has been moved to the notes on lecture 7.%
%\todo{choose better title}
@ -22,13 +23,14 @@ where $X$ is a metrizable, usually second countable space.
\item $\{U_y : y \in Y\} = \Gamma(X)$.
Let $X = \omega^\omega$, $Y = 2^{\omega}$
and consider $\Gamma = \Sigma^0_{\omega+5}(\omega^\omega)$.
We will show that there is a $2^{\omega}$-universal
set for $\Gamma$.

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
we have that $\Sigma^0_\xi(X) \neq \Pi^0_\xi(X)$.
Fix $\xi < \omega_1$.
Towards a contradiction assume $\Sigma^0_\xi(X) = \Pi^0_\xi(X)$.
By \autoref{thm:cantoruniversal},
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
\[z \in A \iff z \in \cU_z \iff (z,z) \in \cU.\]
But by the definition of $A$,
we have $z \in A \iff (z,z) \not\in \cU \lightning$.
Let $\cU$ be $X$-universal for $\Sigma^0_\xi(X)$.
Consider $\{y \in X : (y,y) \not\in \cU\} \in \Pi^0_\xi(X) \setminus \Sigma^0_\xi(X)$.
@ -33,8 +38,10 @@
f(B) = A.
Trivially, every Borel set is analytic.
We will see that not every analytic set is Borel.
In the definition we can replace the assertion that
$f$ is continuous
@ -64,6 +71,7 @@ We will see that not every analytic set is Borel.
To show (i) $\implies$ (ii):
take $B \in \cB(Y')$
and $f\colon Y' \to X$
@ -73,11 +81,16 @@ We will see that not every analytic set is Borel.
such that $B$ is clopen with respect to the new topology.
Then let $g = f\defon{B}$
and $Y = (B, \cT\defon{B})$.
}{(i) $\implies$ (ii):
Clopenize the Borel set, then restrict.
(ii) $\implies$ (iii):
Any Polish space is the continuous image of $\cN$.
Let $g_1: \cN \to Y$
and $h \coloneqq g \circ g_1$.
(iii) $\implies$ (iv):
Let $h\colon \cN \to X$ with $h(\cN) = A$.

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@ -99,9 +99,10 @@
(continuous wrt.~to the topology of $X$)
On the other hand
X \hookrightarrow\cN \overset{\text{continuous embedding}}{\hookrightarrow}\cC
X \hookrightarrow\cN \overset{\text{continuous embedding\footnotemark}}{\hookrightarrow}\cC
\todo{second inclusion was on a homework sheet}
For the first inclusion,
recall that there is a continuous bijection $b\colon D \to X$,
where $D \overset{\text{closed}}{\subseteq} \cN$.

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@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ with $(f^{-1}(\{1\}), <)$.
The set $\LO \setminus \WO$
(resp.~$2^{\Q} \setminus \WO$)
@ -89,19 +87,23 @@ with $(f^{-1}(\{1\}), <)$.
We will find a continuous function
$f\colon \Tr \to \LO$ such that
x \in \WF \iff f(x) \in \WO
(equivalently $x \in \IF \iff f(x) \in \LO \setminus \WO$).
This suffices, since $\IF \subseteq \Tr$ is $\Sigma^1_1$-complete
$f^{-1}(\LO \setminus \WO) = \IF$.
This suffices
(see \yaref{cor:ifs11c}).
Fix a bijection $b\colon \N \to \N^{<\N}$.
For $T \in \Tr$ consider
Let $\alpha \in \Tr$.
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ with $(f^{-1}(\{1\}), <)$.
(i.e.~$m \le_{f(\alpha)} n$)
\item $(\alpha(b(m)) = \alpha(b(n)) = 1$
\item $\alpha(b(m)) = \alpha(b(n)) = 1$
and $b(m) \le_{KB} b(n)$
(recall that we identified $\Tr$
with a subset of ${2^{\N}}^{<\N}$),
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ with $(f^{-1}(\{1\}), <)$.
% TODO: new section?
Recall that a \vocab{rank} on a set $C$
is a map $\phi\colon C \to \Ord$.
@ -132,6 +134,7 @@ is a map $\phi\colon C \to \Ord$.
x &\longmapsto & \text{the unique $\alpha \in \Ord$ such that $x \cong \alpha$}.
A \vocab{prewellordering} $\preceq$
@ -141,7 +144,7 @@ is a map $\phi\colon C \to \Ord$.
\item reflexive,
\item transitive,
\item total (any two $x,y$ are comparable),
\item $\prec$ ($x \prec y \iff x \preceq y \land y \not\preceq x$) is well-founded,
\item $\prec$ \gist{($x \prec y \iff x \preceq y \land y \not\preceq x$)}{} is well-founded,
in the sense that there are no descending infinite chains.
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ is a map $\phi\colon C \to \Ord$.
\item A prewellordering may not be a linear order since
it is not necessarily antisymmetric.
\item The linearly ordered wellfounded sets are exactly the wellordered sets.
%\item The linearly ordered wellfounded sets are exactly the wellordered sets.
\item Modding out $x \sim y :\iff x \preceq y \land y \preceq x$
turns a prewellordering into a wellordering.
@ -163,11 +166,11 @@ between downwards-closed ranks and prewellorderings:
\phi_{\preceq}&\longmapsfrom& \preceq,
where $\phi_\preceq(x)$ is defined as
\phi_{\preceq}(x) &\coloneqq &0 \text{ if $x$ is minimal},\\
\phi_{\preceq}(x) &\coloneqq & \sup \{\phi_{\preceq}(y) + 1 : y \prec x\},
\phi_{\preceq}(x) = \otp\left(\faktor{\{y \in C : y \prec x\}}{\sim}\right).

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
If $C$ is coanalytic,
then there exists a $\Pi^1_1$-rank on $C$.