These are my notes on the lecture Logic II taught by \textsc{Ralf Schindler} in winter 23/24 at the University Münster. Many thanks to \textsc{Fakhar Ahmad}, \textsc{Mirko Bartsch} and \textsc{Shiguma Kawamoto} for providing notes for lectures I was unable attend! If you find errors or want to improve something, please send me a message:\\ \texttt{}. \begin{warning} This is not an official script. %The official lecture notes can be found on % \href{TODO}{here}. \end{warning} % Many thanks to \textsc{Mirko Bartsch} for feedback and spotting mistakes! These notes follow the way the material was presented in the lecture rather closely. Additions (e.g.~from exercise sheets) and slight modifications have been marked with $\dagger$. Cut off for the exam is Christmas.