2023-07-15 02:00:04 +02:00

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First, we will prove some of the most important facts about Fourier transforms.
We consider $(\R, \cB(\R))$.
By $M_1 (\R)$ we denote the set of all probability measures on $\left( \R, \cB(\R) \right)$.
For all $\bP \in M_1(\R)$ we define $\phi_{\bP}(t) = \int_{\R} e^{\i t x}\bP(\dif x)$.
If $X: (\Omega, \cF) \to (\R, \cB(\R))$ is a random variable, we write
$\phi_X(t) \coloneqq \bE[e^{\i t X}] = \phi_{\mu}(t)$,
where $\mu = \bP X^{-1}$.
We will prove that the limit in the RHS of \autoref{invf}
exists and is equal to the LHS.
Note that the term on the RHS is integrable, as
\lim_{t \to 0} \frac{e^{-\i t b} - e^{-\i t a}}{- \i t} \phi(t) = a - b
and note that $\phi(0) = 1$ and $|\phi(t)| \le 1$.
% TODO think about this
We have
&&\lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{-T}^T \int_{\R} \frac{e^{-\i t b}- e^{-\i t a}}{-\i t} e^{\i t x} \dif t \bP(\dif x)\\
&\overset{\text{Fubini for $L^1$}}{=}& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{\R} \int_{-T}^T \frac{e^{-\i t b}- e^{-\i t a}}{-\i t} e^{\i t x} \dif t \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{\R} \int_{-T}^T \frac{e^{\i t (b-x)}- e^{\i t (x-a)}}{-\i t} \dif t \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{\R} \underbrace{\int_{-T}^T \left[ \frac{\cos(t (x-b)) - \cos(t(x-a))}{-\i t}\right] \dif t}_{=0 \text{, as the function is odd}} \bP(\dif x) \\
&& + \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{\R}\int_{-T}^T \frac{\sin(t ( x - b)) - \sin(t(x-a))}{-t} \dif t \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{\pi} \int_\R \int_{0}^T \frac{\sin(t(x-a)) - \sin(t(x-b))}{t} \dif t \bP(\dif x)\\
&\overset{\substack{\text{\autoref{fact:sincint},}\\\text{dominated convergence}}}{=}&
\frac{1}{\pi} \int -\frac{\pi}{2} \One_{x < a} + \frac{\pi}{2} \One_{x > a}
- (- \frac{\pi}{2} \One_{x < b} + \frac{\pi}{2} \One_{x > b}) \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \frac{1}{2} \bP(\{a\} ) + \frac{1}{2} \bP(\{b\}) + \bP((a,b))\\
&=& \frac{F(b) + F(b-)}{2} - \frac{F(a) - F(a-)}{2}
\int_0^\infty \frac{\sin x}{x} \dif x = \frac{\pi}{2}
where the LHS is an improper Riemann-integral.
Note that the LHS is not Lebesgue-integrable.
It follows that
\lim_{T \to \infty} \int_0^T \frac{\sin(t(x-a))}{t} \dif t &=&
- \frac{\pi}{2} &\text{if }x < a,\\
0 &\text{if }x = a,\\
\frac{\pi}{2}&\text{if } x > a.
\begin{theorem} % Theorem 3
Let $\bP \in M_1(\R)$ such that $\phi_\bP \in L^1(\lambda)$.
Then $\bP$ has a continuous probability density given by
f(x) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{\R} e^{-\i t x} \phi_{\bP}(t) \dif t.
\item Let $\bP = \delta_{0}$.
\phi_{\bP}(t) = \int e^{\i t x} \delta_0(\dif x) = e^{\i t 0 } = 1
\item Let $\bP = \frac{1}{2} \delta_1 + \frac{1}{2} \delta_{-1}$.
\phi_{\bP}(t) = \frac{1}{2} e^{\i t} + \frac{1}{2} e^{- \i t} = \cos(t)
Let $f(x) \coloneqq \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{\R} e^{ - \i t x} \phi(t) \dif t$.
If $x_n \to x$, then $f(x_n) \to f(x)$.
Suppose that
$e^{-\i t x_n} \phi(t) \xrightarrow{n \to \infty} e^{-\i t x} \phi(t)$
for all $t$.
|e^{-\i t x} \phi(t)| \le |\phi(t)|
and $\phi \in L^1$,
we get $f(x_n) \to f(x)$
by the dominated convergence theorem.
We'll show that for all $a < b$ we have
\bP\left( (a,b] \right) = \int_a^b f(x) \dif x.\label{thm10_3eq1}
Let $F$ be the distribution function of $\bP$.
It is enough to prove \autoref{thm10_3eq1}
for all continuity points $a $ and $ b$ of $F$.
We have
RHS &\overset{\text{Fubini}}{=}& \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{\R} \int_{a}^b e^{-\i t x} \phi(t) \dif x \dif t\\
&=& \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_\R \phi(t) \int_a^b e^{-\i t x} \dif x \dif t\\
&=& \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{\R} \phi(t) \left( \frac{e^{-\i t b} - e^{-\i t a}}{- \i t} \right) \dif t\\
&\overset{\text{dominated convergence}}{=}& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-T}^{T} \phi(t) \left( \frac{e^{-\i t b} - e^{- \i t a}}{- \i t} \right) \dif t
By \autoref{inversionformula}, the RHS is equal to $F(b) - F(a) = \bP\left( (a,b] \right)$.
However, Fourier analysis is not only useful for continuous probability density functions:
\begin{theorem}[Bochner's formula for the mass at a point]\label{bochnersformula} % Theorem 4
Let $\bP \in M_1(\lambda)$.
\forall x \in \R .~ \bP\left( \{x\} \right) = \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 T} \int_{-T}^T e^{-\i t x } \phi(t) \dif t.
We have
RHS &=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 T} \int_{-T}^T e^{-\i t x} \int_{\R} e^{\i t y} \bP(\dif y) \\
\lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 T} \int_\R \int_{-T}^T
e^{-\i t (y - x)} \dif t \bP(\dif y)\\
&=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2 T} \int_\R \int_{-T}^T
\cos(t(y-x)) + \underbrace{\i \sin(t (y-x))}_{\text{odd}}
\dif t \bP(\dif y)\\
&=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2T}\int_{\R}
\int_{-T}^T \cos(t(y - x)) \dif t \bP(\dif y)\\
&=& \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{2T}\int_{\R}
2T \sinc(T(y-x))
\footnote{$\sinc(x) = \begin{cases}
\frac{\sin(x)}{x} &\text{if } x \neq 0,\\
1 &\text{otherwise.}
\end{cases}$} \bP(\dif y)\\
&\overset{\text{DCT}}{=}& \int_{\R}\lim_{T \to \infty}
\sinc(T(y-x)) \bP(\dif y)\\
&=& \bP(\{x\}).
\begin{theorem} % Theorem 5
Let $\phi$ be the characteristic function of $\bP \in M_1(\lambda)$.
\item $\phi(0) = 1$, $|\phi(t)| \le 1$ and $\phi(\cdot )$ is continuous.
\item $\phi$ is a \vocab{positive definite function},
\[\forall t_1,\ldots, t_n \in \R, (c_1,\ldots,c_n) \in \C^n ~ \sum_{j,k = 1}^n c_j \overline{c_k} \phi(t_j - t_k) \ge 0
Equivalently, the matrix $(\phi(t_j- t_k))_{j,k}$ is positive definite.
Part (a) is obvious.
For part (b) we have:
\sum_{j,k} c_j \overline{c_k} \phi(t_j - t_k) &=& \sum_{j,k} c_j \overline{c_k} \int_\R e^{\i (t_j - t_k) x} \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \int_{\R} \sum_{j,k} c_j \overline{c_k} e^{\i t_j x} \overline{e^{\i t_k x}} \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \int_{\R}\sum_{j,k} c_j e^{\i t_j x} \overline{c_k e^{\i t_k x}} \bP(\dif x)\\
&=& \int_{\R} \left| \sum_{l} c_l e^{\i t_l x}\right|^2 \ge 0
\begin{theorem}[Bochner's theorem]\label{thm:bochner}
The converse to \autoref{thm:lec_10thm5} holds, i.e.~any
$\phi: \R \to \C$ satisfying (a) and (b) of \autoref{thm:lec_10thm5}
must be the Fourier transform of a probability measure $\bP$
on $(\R, \cB(\R))$.
Unfortunately, we won't prove \autoref{thm:bochner} in this lecture.
\begin{definition}[Convergence in distribution / weak convergence]
We say that $\bP_n \in M_1(\R)$ \vocab[Convergence!weak]{converges weakly} towards $\bP \in M_1(\R)$ (notation: $\bP_n \implies \bP$), iff
\forall f \in C_b(\R)~ \int f \dif\bP_n \to \int f \dif\bP.
C_b(\R) \coloneqq \{ f: \R \to \R \text{ continuous and bounded}\}
In analysis, this is also known as $\text{weak}^\ast$ convergence.
This notion of convergence makes $M_1(\R)$ a separable metric space.
We can construct a metric on $M_1(\R)$ that turns $M_1(\R)$ into a complete
and separable metric space:
Consider the sets
\{\bP \in M_1(\R): \forall i=1,\ldots,n ~ \int f \dif\bP - \int f_i \dif\bP < \epsilon \}
for any $f,f_1,\ldots, f_n \in C_b(\R)$.
These sets form a basis for the topology on $M_1(\R)$.
More of this will follow later.
\item Let $\bP_n = \delta_{\frac{1}{n}}$.
Then $\int f \dif\bP_n = f(\frac{1}{n}) \to f(0) = \int f d \delta_0$
for any continuous, bounded function $f$.
Hence $\bP_n \to \delta_0$.
\item $\bP_n \coloneqq \delta_n$ does not converge weakly,
as for example
\int \cos(\pi x) \dif\bP_n(x)
does not converge.
\item $\bP_n \coloneqq \frac{1}{n} \delta_n + (1- \frac{1}{n}) \delta_0$.
Let $f \in C_b(\R)$ arbitrary.
\int f \dif\bP_n = \frac{1}{n}(n) + (1 - \frac{1}{n}) f(0) \to f(0)
since $f$ is bounded.
Hence $\bP_n \implies \delta_0$.
\item $\bP_n \coloneqq \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi n}} e^{-\frac{x^2}{2n}}$.
This ``converges'' towards the $0$-measure,
which is not a probability measure.
Hence $\bP_n$ does not converge weakly.
(Exercise) % TODO
We say that a series of random variables $X_n$
\vocab[Convergence!in distribution]{converges in distribution}
to $X$ (notation: $X_n \xrightarrow{\text{d}} X$), iff
$\bP_n \implies \bP$, where $\bP_n$ is the distribution of $X_n$
and $\bP$ is the distribution of $X$.
It is easy to see, that this is equivalent to $\bE[f(X_n)] \to \bE[f(X)]$
for all $f \in C_b(\R)$.
Let $X_n \coloneqq \frac{1}{n}$
and $F_n$ the distribution function, i.e.~$F_n = \One_{[\frac{1}{n},\infty)}$.
Then $\bP_n = \delta_{\frac{1}{n}} \implies \delta_0$
which is the distribution of $X \equiv 0$.
But $F_n(0) \centernot\to F(0)$.
\begin{theorem} % Theorem 1
$X_n \xrightarrow{\text{d}} X$ iff
$F_n(t) \to F(t)$ for all continuity points $t$ of $F$.
% \begin{proof}\footnote{This proof was not done in the lecture,
% but can be found in the official notes from lecture 13}
% ``$\implies$''
% Suppose $\mu_n \implies \mu$.
% Let $F_n$ and $F$ denote the respective density functions.
% Fix a continuity point $x_0 \in \R$ of $F$.
% We'll show
% \[
% \limsup_{n \to \infty} F_n(x_0) \le F(x_0) + \epsilon
% \]
% and
% \[
% \liminf_{ \to \infty} F_n(x_0) \ge F(x_0) - \epsilon
% \]
% for all $\epsilon > 0$.
% Fix some $\epsilon > 0$.
% Choose $\delta > 0$ such that $F(x_0 + \delta) < F(x_0) + \epsilon$
% and define
% \[
% g(x) \coloneqq \begin{cases}
% 1 &\text{if } x \le x_0,\\
% 1 - \frac{1}{\delta}(x - x_0)&
% \text{if } x \in (x_0, x_0 + \delta],\\
% 0 &\text{if } x \ge x_0 + \delta.
% \end{cases}
% \]
% Since $g$ is continuous and bounded, we have
% \[
% \int g \dif \mu_n \to \int g \dif \mu.
% \]
% It is clear that $\One_{(-\infty, x_0]} \le g$.
% Hence
% \[
% F_n(x_0) = \int \One_{(-\infty, x_0]} \dif \mu_n \le \int g \dif \mu_n.
% \]
% It follows that
% \begin{IEEEeqnarray*}{rCl}
% \limsup_{n} F_n(x_0)
% &\le& \limsup_n \int g \dif \mu_n\\
% &=& \lim_n \int g \dif \mu_n\\
% &=& \int g \dif \mu\\
% &\overset{g \le \One_{(-\infty, x + \delta]}}{=}& F(x + \delta)\\
% &=& F(x) + \epsilon.
% \end{IEEEeqnarray*}
% The assertion about $\liminf_{n \to \infty} F_n(x_0)$
% follows by a similar argument.
% ``$\impliedby$''
% Assume that $F_n(x) \to F(x)$ at all continuity points of $F$.
% We need to show
% \[
% \fgrall g \in C_b(\R) .~\int g \dif \mu_n \to \int g \dif \mu.
% \]
% Let $C$ denote the set of continuity points of $f$.
% We apply measure theoretic induction:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item For $g = \One_{(a,b]}$, $a< b \in C$,
% we have
% \[\int g \dif \mu_n = F_n(b) - F_n(a) \to F(b) - F(a) = \int g \dif \mu.\]
% \item For $g = \sum_{i} \alpha_i \One_{(a_i, b_i]}$,
% $a_i < b_i \in C$,
% we get $\int g \dif \mu_n \to \int g \dif \mu$
% by the same argument.
% \item % TODO continue from Lec13 page 21 (iii)
% \end{itemize}
% \end{proof}
\begin{theorem}[Levy's continuity theorem]\label{levycontinuity}
% Theorem 2
$X_n \xrightarrow{\text{d}} X$ iff
$\phi_{X_n}(t) \to \phi(t)$ for all $t \in \R$.
We will assume these two theorems for now and derive the central limit theorem.
The theorems will be proved later.