We will now discuss another application of Kolmogorov's $0-1$-law, percolation.
Consider the graph with nodes $\Z^d$, $d \ge2$, where edges from the lattice are added with probability $p$. The added edges are called \vocab[Percolation!Edge!open]{open};
all other edges are called
More formally, we consider
\item$\Omega=\{0,1\}^{\bE_d}$, where $\bE_d$ are all edges in $\Z^d$,
\item$\bP\coloneqq\left(p \underbrace{\delta_{\{1\}}}_{\text{edge is open}}+(1-p)\underbrace{\delta_{\{0\}}}_{\text{edge is absent closed}}\right)^{\otimes\bE_d}$.
Starting at the origin, what is the probability, that there exists
an infinite path (without moving backwards)?
An \vocab{infinite path} consists of an infinite sequence of distinct points
$x_0, x_1, \ldots$
such that $x_n$ is connected to $x_{n+1}$, i.e.~the edge $\{x_n, x_{n+1}\}$ is open.
Let $C_\infty\coloneqq\{\omega | \text{an infinite path exists}\}$.
Show that changing the presence / absence of finitely many edges
does not change the existence of an infinite path.
Therefore $C_\infty$ is an element of the tail $\sigma$-algebra.
Hence $\bP(C_\infty)\in\{0,1\}$.
Obviously, $\bP(C_\infty)$ is monotonic with respect to $p$.
For $d =2$ it is known that $p =\frac{1}{2}$ is the critical value.
For $d > 2$ this is unknown.
% TODO: more in the notes
We'll get back to percolation later.
\section{Characteristic functions, weak convergence and the central limit theorem}