migrate trivial to new fancythm version

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Maximilian Keßler 2022-02-16 02:08:26 +01:00
parent d2b155bf73
commit 915683c2c3

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@ -2305,9 +2305,9 @@ If $P_e $ with $e < d$ was $\neq 0$, it could not be a multiple of $P$ contradic
The bijectivity of the $\phi_{U, (U_i)_{i \in I}}$ is called the \vocab{sheaf axiom}.
A presheaf is a contravariant functor $\mathcal{G} : \mathcal{O}(X) \to C$ where $\mathcal{O}(X)$ denotes the category of open subsets of $X$ with inclusions as morphisms and $C$ is the category of sets, rings or (abelian) groups.
A subsheaf $\mathcal{G}'$ is defined by subsets (resp. subrings or subgroups) $\mathcal{G}'(U) \subseteq \mathcal{G}(U)$ for all open $U \subseteq X$ such that the sheaf axioms still hold.