# actions/pages GitHub/Gitea action to deploy a static webpage, similar to GitLab actions (which Gitea has not implented as of October 2023). With default configuration, on [git.abstractnonsen.se](https://git.abstractnonsen.se), this is used as an action to deploy pipeline artifacts to `pages.abstractnonsen.se///`. See [abstractnonsense/pages](https://git.abstractnonsen.se/abstractnonsense/pages) for scripts and detailed explanations on how to set up the webserver part that you need for this action to work. ## Existing deploy Here on `git.abstractnonsen.se`, we already have an instance deployed. If you want to use it, contact [Max](https://git.abstractnonsen.se/max) or [Josia](https://git.abstractnonsen.se/josia) to set up ssh keys. ## Inputs Regarding access to the server (defaults in parantheses): - `host-user` (`pages`): The Linux user of your webserver for which you have configured the ssh key. - `host` (`abstractnonsen.se`): Hostname to access, typically your domain. - `host-key` (`ssh-ed25519 AAA...`): Public ssh hostkey (the one that would usually be in `~/.ssh/known_hosts`, including the key type but not the hostname - `ssh-key`: SSH private key for authentication (the one usually in `~/.ssh/id_rsa`. If not specified, the `PAGES_SSH_KEY` secret (from gitea) will be read, this is the preferred and secure way to use this. - `directory` (`public`): Directory to deploy. All files *in* this directory will be deployed. - `index` (`true`): If `true`, `tree` will be used to generate a list of files into `index.html`. - `index-title` (name of repository): Header and title of the generated `index.html`. ## Example ``` jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: prepare pages run: | mkdir public mv some_file.txt public mv some_other_file.html public - uses: actions/pages@v1 with: index-title: "CI test" ```