import * as core from "@actions/core"; import * as path from "path"; import * as cacheHttpClient from "./cacheHttpClient"; import { Events, Inputs, State } from "./constants"; import { extractTar } from "./tar"; import * as utils from "./utils/actionUtils"; async function run(): Promise { try { // Validate inputs, this can cause task failure if (!utils.isValidEvent()) { utils.logWarning( `Event Validation Error: The event type ${ process.env[Events.Key] } is not supported because it's not tied to a branch or tag ref.` ); return; } const primaryKey = core.getInput(Inputs.Key, { required: true }); core.saveState(State.CacheKey, primaryKey); const restoreKeys = core .getInput(Inputs.RestoreKeys) .split("\n") .filter(x => x !== ""); const keys = [primaryKey, ...restoreKeys]; core.debug("Resolved Keys:"); core.debug(JSON.stringify(keys)); if (keys.length > 10) { core.setFailed( `Key Validation Error: Keys are limited to a maximum of 10.` ); return; } for (const key of keys) { if (key.length > 512) { core.setFailed( `Key Validation Error: ${key} cannot be larger than 512 characters.` ); return; } const regex = /^[^,]*$/; if (!regex.test(key)) { core.setFailed( `Key Validation Error: ${key} cannot contain commas.` ); return; } } const compressionMethod = await utils.getCompressionMethod(); try { const cacheEntry = await cacheHttpClient.getCacheEntry(keys, { compressionMethod: compressionMethod }); if (!cacheEntry?.archiveLocation) {`Cache not found for input keys: ${keys.join(", ")}`); return; } const archivePath = path.join( await utils.createTempDirectory(), utils.getCacheFileName(compressionMethod) ); core.debug(`Archive Path: ${archivePath}`); // Store the cache result utils.setCacheState(cacheEntry); try { // Download the cache from the cache entry await cacheHttpClient.downloadCache( cacheEntry.archiveLocation, archivePath ); const archiveFileSize = utils.getArchiveFileSize(archivePath); `Cache Size: ~${Math.round( archiveFileSize / (1024 * 1024) )} MB (${archiveFileSize} B)` ); await extractTar(archivePath, compressionMethod); } finally { // Try to delete the archive to save space try { await utils.unlinkFile(archivePath); } catch (error) { core.debug(`Failed to delete archive: ${error}`); } } const isExactKeyMatch = utils.isExactKeyMatch( primaryKey, cacheEntry ); utils.setCacheHitOutput(isExactKeyMatch); `Cache restored from key: ${cacheEntry && cacheEntry.cacheKey}` ); } catch (error) { utils.logWarning(error.message); utils.setCacheHitOutput(false); } } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run(); export default run;