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# abstractnonsense/pages
These are scripts that we use on [git.abstractnonsense.se][git]
to have deployment to a [GitLab pages ](gl-pages )-like environment.
They are meant to be used in conjunction with [actions/pages][action-pages]
to deploy to [pages.abstractnonsen.se][pages],
but could be set up for any other domain.
## Requirements
You need
- a webserver with webroot
- write-access to the webroot by some user
- the ability to add ssh-keys to that user
## Setup
### initial setup
We recommend a system-user that is solely used for the pages
deployment. We will call it `pages` for the rest of this file.
Create it with
sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'Pages deployment' --group --disabled-password --no-create-home pages
Copy `deploy.sh` to `/home/pages/deploy.sh` (or some other place where you want to store it).
Edit the configuration variables in the file to your liking.
Here, you have to ensure that the `pages` user has write access to `WEB_ROOT` and `STORAGE_ROOT` .
Also make sure that `STORAGE_ROOT` has permissions so that other users cannot read it
with `sudo chmod 600 <STORAGE_ROOT>` .
### Settting up a new repository
For each new repository, you want to do the following:
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Run `setup-key.sh <owner> <repository>` to generate a ssh keypair and set up the `pages` user to accept this.
Here, `<owner>` and `<repository>` can be anything, it will be the path relative to the webroot where this ssh key
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will be able to deploy to, but this would be the recommended pattern for git instances.
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In your repository, add the displayed ssh key as a secret (Settings -> Actions -> Secrets, note that Actions need to be enabled, see Settings -> Repository -> Advanced Settings)
named `PAGES_SSH_KEY` .
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Now you should be fine to use the action as described in [actions/pages][action-pages].
[git]: https://git.abstractnonsen.se
[gl-pages]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/
[action-pages]: https://git.abstractnonsen.se/actions/pages
[pages]: https://pages.abstractnonsen.se