Sorry :(
226 lines
7.9 KiB
226 lines
7.9 KiB
extern crate getopts;
extern crate log;
extern crate rand;
extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate fnv;
mod helpers;
mod game;
mod simulator;
mod strategy;
mod strategies {
pub mod examples;
pub mod cheating;
pub mod information;
use getopts::Options;
use std::str::FromStr;
struct SimpleLogger;
impl log::Log for SimpleLogger {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::LogMetadata) -> bool {
metadata.level() <= log::LogLevel::Trace
fn log(&self, record: &log::LogRecord) {
if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
println!("{} - {}", record.level(), record.args());
fn print_usage(program: &str, opts: Options) {
print!("{}", opts.usage(&format!("Usage: {} [options]", program)));
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
let program = args[0].clone();
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optopt("l", "loglevel",
"Log level, one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', and 'error'",
opts.optopt("n", "ntrials",
"Number of games to simulate (default 1)",
opts.optopt("o", "output",
"Number of games after which to print an update",
opts.optopt("t", "nthreads",
"Number of threads to use for simulation (default 1)",
opts.optopt("s", "seed",
"Seed for PRNG (default random)",
opts.optopt("p", "nplayers",
"Number of players",
opts.optopt("g", "strategy",
"Which strategy to use. One of 'random', 'cheat', and 'info'",
opts.optflag("h", "help",
"Print this help menu");
opts.optflag("", "results-table",
"Print a table of results for each strategy");
opts.optflag("", "write-results-table",
"Update the results table in README.md");
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => { m }
Err(f) => {
print_usage(&program, opts);
if matches.opt_present("h") {
return print_usage(&program, opts);
if !matches.free.is_empty() {
return print_usage(&program, opts);
if matches.opt_present("write-results-table") {
return write_results_table();
if matches.opt_present("results-table") {
return print!("{}", get_results_table());
let log_level_str : &str = &matches.opt_str("l").unwrap_or("info".to_string());
let log_level = match log_level_str {
"trace" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Trace }
"debug" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Debug }
"info" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Info }
"warn" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Warn }
"error" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Error }
_ => {
print_usage(&program, opts);
panic!("Unexpected log level argument {}", log_level_str);
log::set_logger(|max_log_level| {
let n_trials = u32::from_str(&matches.opt_str("n").unwrap_or("1".to_string())).unwrap();
let seed = matches.opt_str("s").map(|seed_str| { u32::from_str(&seed_str).unwrap() });
let progress_info = matches.opt_str("o").map(|freq_str| { u32::from_str(&freq_str).unwrap() });
let n_threads = u32::from_str(&matches.opt_str("t").unwrap_or("1".to_string())).unwrap();
let n_players = u32::from_str(&matches.opt_str("p").unwrap_or("4".to_string())).unwrap();
let strategy_str : &str = &matches.opt_str("g").unwrap_or("cheat".to_string());
sim_games(n_players, strategy_str, seed, n_trials, n_threads, progress_info).info();
fn sim_games(n_players: u32, strategy_str: &str, seed: Option<u32>, n_trials: u32, n_threads: u32, progress_info: Option<u32>)
-> simulator::SimResult {
let hand_size = match n_players {
2 => 5,
3 => 5,
4 => 4,
5 => 4,
_ => { panic!("There should be 2 to 5 players, not {}", n_players); }
let game_opts = game::GameOptions {
num_players: n_players,
hand_size: hand_size,
num_hints: 8,
num_lives: 3,
// hanabi rules are a bit ambiguous about whether you can give hints that match 0 cards
allow_empty_hints: false,
let strategy_config : Box<strategy::GameStrategyConfig + Sync> = match strategy_str {
"random" => {
Box::new(strategies::examples::RandomStrategyConfig {
hint_probability: 0.4,
play_probability: 0.2,
}) as Box<strategy::GameStrategyConfig + Sync>
"cheat" => {
as Box<strategy::GameStrategyConfig + Sync>
"info" => {
as Box<strategy::GameStrategyConfig + Sync>
_ => {
panic!("Unexpected strategy argument {}", strategy_str);
simulator::simulate(&game_opts, strategy_config, seed, n_trials, n_threads, progress_info)
fn get_results_table() -> String {
let strategies = ["cheat", "info"];
let player_nums = (2..=5).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let seed = 0;
let n_trials = 20000;
let n_threads = 8;
let intro = format!("On the first {} seeds, we have these average scores and win rates:\n\n", n_trials);
let format_name = |x| format!(" {:7} ", x);
let format_players = |x| format!(" {}p ", x);
let format_percent = |x| format!(" {:05.2} % ", x);
let format_score = |x| format!(" {:07.4} ", x);
let space = String::from(" ");
let dashes = String::from("---------");
type TwoLines = (String, String);
fn make_twolines(player_nums: &Vec<u32>, head: TwoLines, make_block: &dyn Fn(u32) -> TwoLines) -> TwoLines {
let mut blocks = player_nums.iter().cloned().map(make_block).collect::<Vec<_>>();
blocks.insert(0, head);
fn combine(items: Vec<String>) -> String {
items.iter().fold(String::from("|"), |init, next| { init + next + "|" })
let (a, b): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = blocks.into_iter().unzip();
(combine(a), combine(b))
fn concat_twolines(body: Vec<TwoLines>) -> String {
body.into_iter().fold(String::default(), |output, (a, b)| (output + &a + "\n" + &b + "\n"))
let header = make_twolines(&player_nums, (space.clone(), dashes.clone()), &|n_players| (format_players(n_players), dashes.clone()));
let mut body = strategies.iter().map(|strategy| {
make_twolines(&player_nums, (format_name(strategy), space.clone()), &|n_players| {
let simresult = sim_games(n_players, strategy, Some(seed), n_trials, n_threads, None);
(format_score(simresult.average_score()), format_percent(simresult.percent_perfect()))
body.insert(0, header);
intro + &concat_twolines(body)
fn write_results_table() {
let separator = r#"
## Results (auto-generated)
To reproduce:
time cargo run --release -- --results-table
To update this file:
time cargo run --release -- --write-results-table
let readme = "README.md";
let readme_contents = std::fs::read_to_string(readme).unwrap();
let readme_init = {
let parts = readme_contents.splitn(2, separator).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if parts.len() != 2 {
panic!("{} has been modified in the Results section!", readme);
let table = get_results_table();
let new_readme_contents = String::from(readme_init) + separator + &table;
std::fs::write(readme, new_readme_contents).unwrap();