extern crate getopts; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate rand; extern crate crossbeam; mod game; mod simulator; mod strategies { pub mod examples; pub mod cheating; } mod info; use getopts::Options; use std::str::FromStr; struct SimpleLogger; impl log::Log for SimpleLogger { fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::LogMetadata) -> bool { metadata.level() <= log::LogLevel::Trace } fn log(&self, record: &log::LogRecord) { if self.enabled(record.metadata()) { println!("{} - {}", record.level(), record.args()); } } } fn print_usage(program: &str, opts: Options) { print!("{}", opts.usage(&format!("Usage: {} [options]", program))); } fn main() { let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); let program = args[0].clone(); let mut opts = Options::new(); opts.optopt("l", "loglevel", "Log level, one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', and 'error'", "LOGLEVEL"); opts.optopt("n", "ntrials", "Number of games to simulate", "NTRIALS"); opts.optopt("t", "nthreads", "Number of threads to use for simulation", "NTHREADS"); opts.optopt("s", "seed", "Seed for PRNG", "SEED"); opts.optopt("p", "nplayers", "Number of players", "NPLAYERS"); opts.optopt("g", "strategy", "Which strategy to use. One of 'random' and 'cheat'", "STRATEGY"); opts.optflag("h", "help", "Print this help menu"); let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => { m } Err(f) => { print_usage(&program, opts); panic!(f.to_string()) } }; if matches.opt_present("h") { return print_usage(&program, opts); } if !matches.free.is_empty() { return print_usage(&program, opts); } let log_level_str : &str = &matches.opt_str("l").unwrap_or("info".to_string()); let log_level = match log_level_str { "trace" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Trace } "debug" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Debug } "info" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Info } "warn" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Warn } "error" => { log::LogLevelFilter::Error } _ => { print_usage(&program, opts); panic!("Unexpected log level argument {}", log_level_str); } }; log::set_logger(|max_log_level| { max_log_level.set(log_level); Box::new(SimpleLogger) }).unwrap(); let n = u32::from_str(&matches.opt_str("n").unwrap_or("1".to_string())).unwrap(); let seed = matches.opt_str("s").map(|seed_str| { u32::from_str(&seed_str).unwrap() }); let n_threads = u32::from_str(&matches.opt_str("t").unwrap_or("1".to_string())).unwrap(); let n_players = u32::from_str(&matches.opt_str("p").unwrap_or("4".to_string())).unwrap(); let hand_size = match n_players { 2 => 5, 3 => 5, 4 => 4, 5 => 4, _ => { panic!("There should be 2 to 5 players, not {}", n_players); } }; let game_opts = game::GameOptions { num_players: n_players, hand_size: hand_size, num_hints: 8, num_lives: 3, // hanabi rules are a bit ambiguous about whether you can give hints that match 0 cards allow_empty_hints: false, }; let strategy_str : &str = &matches.opt_str("g").unwrap_or("cheat".to_string()); let strategy_config : Box = match strategy_str { "random" => { Box::new(strategies::examples::RandomStrategyConfig { hint_probability: 0.4, play_probability: 0.2, }) as Box }, "cheat" => { Box::new(strategies::cheating::CheatingStrategyConfig::new()) as Box }, _ => { print_usage(&program, opts); panic!("Unexpected strategy argument {}", strategy_str); }, }; simulator::simulate(&game_opts, strategy_config, seed, n, n_threads); }