
245 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable file

#! /bin/python3
import json
import sys
import more_itertools
from enum import Enum
from termcolor import colored
from typing import List, Optional
from variants import variant_id, variant_name
from hanabi import DeckCard, ActionType, Action, GameState, HanabiInstance
# use same BASE62 as on to encode decks
BASE62 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
# Helper method, iterate over chunks of length n in a string
def chunks(s: str, n: int):
for i in range(0, len(s), n):
yield s[i:i+n]
# exception thrown by decompression methods if parsing fails
class InvalidFormatError(ValueError):
def compress_actions(actions: List[Action], game_id=None) -> str:
minType = 0
maxType = 0
if len(actions) != 0:
minType = min(map(lambda a: a.type.value, actions))
maxType = max(map(lambda a: a.type.value, actions))
typeRange = maxType - minType + 1
def compress_action(action):
## We encode action values with +1 to differentiate
# null (encoded 0) and 0 (encoded 1)
value = 0 if action.value is None else action.value + 1
if action.type == ActionType.VoteTerminate:
# This is currently a hack, the actual format has a 10 here
# but we cannot encode this
value = 0
a = BASE62[typeRange * value + (action.type.value - minType)]
b = BASE62[]
except IndexError as e:
raise ValueError("Encoding action failed, value too large, found {}".format(value)) from e
return a + b
return "{}{}{}".format(
''.join(map(compress_action, actions))
def decompress_actions(actions_str: str) -> List[Action]:
if not len(actions_str) >= 2:
raise InvalidFormatError("min/max range not specified, found: {}".format(actions_str))
minType = int(actions_str[0])
maxType = int(actions_str[1])
except ValueError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"min/max range of actions not specified, expected two integers, found {}".format(actions_str[:2])
) from e
if not minType <= maxType:
raise InvalidFormatError("min/max range illegal, found [{},{}]".format(minType, maxType))
typeRange = maxType - minType + 1
if not len(actions_str) % 2 == 0:
raise InvalidFormatError("Invalid action string length: Expected even number of characters")
for (index, char) in enumerate(actions_str[2:]):
if not char in BASE62:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Invalid character at index {}: Found {}, expected one of {}".format(
index, char, BASE62
def decompress_action(index, action):
action_type_value = (BASE62.index(action[0]) % typeRange) + minType
action_type = ActionType(action_type_value)
except ValueError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Invalid action type at action {}: Found {}, expected one of {}".format(
index, action_type_value,
[action_type.value for action_type in ActionType]
) from e
## We encode values with +1 to differentiate null (encoded 0) and 0 (encoded 1)
value = BASE62.index(action[0]) // typeRange - 1
if value == -1:
value = None
if action_type in [ActionType.Play, ActionType.Discard]:
if value is not None:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Invalid action value: Action at action index {} is Play/Discard, expected value None, found: {}".format(index, value)
target = BASE62.index(action[1])
return Action(action_type, target, value)
return [decompress_action(idx, a) for (idx, a) in enumerate(chunks(actions_str[2:], 2))]
def compress_deck(deck: List[DeckCard]) -> str:
assert(len(deck) != 0)
minRank = min(map(lambda c: c.rank, deck))
maxRank = max(map(lambda c: c.rank, deck))
rankRange = maxRank - minRank + 1
def compress_card(card):
return BASE62[rankRange * card.suitIndex + (card.rank - minRank)]
except IndexError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Could not compress card, suit or rank too large. Found: {}".format(card)
) from e
return "{}{}{}".format(
''.join(map(compress_card, deck))
def decompress_deck(deck_str: str) -> List[DeckCard]:
if len(deck_str) < 2:
raise InvalidFormatError("min/max rank range not specified, found: {}".format(deck_str))
minRank = int(deck_str[0])
maxRank = int(deck_str[1])
except ValueError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"min/max rank range not specified, expected two integers, found {}".format(deck_str[:2])
) from e
if not maxRank >= minRank:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Invalid rank range, found [{},{}]".format(minRank, maxRank)
rankRange = maxRank - minRank + 1
for (index, char) in enumerate(deck_str[2:]):
if not char in BASE62:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Invalid character at index {}: Found {}, expected one of {}".format(
index, char, BASE62
def decompress_card(card_char):
index = BASE62.index(card_char)
suitIndex = index // rankRange
rank = index % rankRange + minRank
return DeckCard(suitIndex, rank)
return [decompress_card(c) for c in deck_str[2:]]
# compresses a standard GameState object into format
# which can be used in json replay links
# The GameState object has to be standard / fitting variants,
# otherwise compression is not possible
def compress_game_state(state: GameState) -> str:
# if not state.instance.is_standard():
# raise ValueError("Cannot compress non-standard hanabi instance")
out = "{}{},{},{}".format(
state.instance.variant_id # Note that a sane default is chosen if construction did not provide one
with_dashes = ''.join(more_itertools.intersperse("-", out, 20))
return with_dashes
def decompress_game_state(game_str: str) -> GameState:
game_str = game_str.replace("-", "")
parts = game_str.split(",")
if not len(parts) == 3:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Expected 3 comma-separated parts of game, found {}".format(
[players_deck, actions, variant_id] = parts
if len(players_deck) == 0:
raise InvalidFormatError("Expected nonempty first part")
num_players = int(players_deck[0])
except ValueError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError(
"Expected number of players, found: {}".format(players_deck[0])
) from e
deck = decompress_deck(players_deck[1:])
except InvalidFormatError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError("Error while parsing deck") from e
actions = decompress_actions(actions)
except InvalidFormatError as e:
raise InvalidFormatError("Error while parsing actions") from e
variant_id = int(variant_id)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Expected variant id, found: {}".format(variant_id))
instance = HanabiInstance(deck, num_players, variant_id=variant_id)
game = GameState(instance)
# TODO: game is not in consistent state
game.actions = actions
return game
def link(game_state: GameState) -> str:
compressed = compress_game_state(game_state)
return "{}".format(compressed)
# add link method to GameState class = link
if __name__ == "__main__":
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
deck = decompress_deck(arg)
c = compress_deck(deck)
assert(c == arg)
inst = HanabiInstance(deck, 5, variant_id = 32)
game = GameState(inst)