389 lines
18 KiB
389 lines
18 KiB
import copy
from pysmt.shortcuts import Symbol, Bool, Not, Implies, Iff, And, Or, AtMostOne, ExactlyOne, get_model, get_atoms, get_formula_size, get_unsat_core
from pysmt.rewritings import conjunctive_partition
import json
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from hanabi import DeckCard, Action, ActionType, GameState, HanabiInstance
from compress import link, decompress_deck
from greedy_solver import GreedyStrategy
from constants import COLOR_INITIALS
# literals to model game as sat instance to check for feasibility
# variants 'throw it in a hole not handled', 'clue starved' and 'up or down' currently not handled
class Literals():
# num_suits is total number of suits, i.e. also counts the dark suits
# default distribution among all suits is assumed
def __init__(self, instance: HanabiInstance):
# clues[m][i] == "after move m we have at least i clues"
self.clues = {
-1: { i: Bool(i < 9) for i in range(0, 10) } # we have 8 clues after turn -1
, **{
m: {
0: Bool(True), # always at least 0 clues
**{ i: Symbol('m{}clues{}'.format(m, i)) for i in range(1, 9) },
9: Bool(False) # never 9 or more clues. This will implicitly forbid discarding at 8 clues later
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# half_clue[m] == "after move we have (an additional) half a clue [relevant for ClueStarved variants]"
self.half_clue = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Symbol('m{}halfclue'.format(m))
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# strikes[m][i] == "after move m we have at least i strikes"
self.strikes = {
-1: {i: Bool(i == 0) for i in range(0, instance.num_strikes + 1)} # no strikes when we start
, **{
m: {
0: Bool(True),
**{ s: Symbol('m{}strikes{}'.format(m,s)) for s in range(1, instance.num_strikes) },
instance.num_strikes: Bool(False) # never so many clues that we lose. Implicitly forbids striking out
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# extraturn[m] = "turn m is a move part of the extra round or a dummy turn"
self.extraround = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Bool(False) if m < instance.draw_pile_size else Symbol('m{}extra'.format(m)) # it takes at least as many turns as cards in the draw pile to start the extra round
for m in range(0, instance.max_winning_moves)
# dummyturn[m] = "turn m is a dummy nurn and not actually part of the game"
self.dummyturn = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Bool(False) if m < instance.draw_pile_size + instance.num_players else Symbol('m{}dummy'.format(m))
for m in range(0, instance.max_winning_moves)
# draw[m][i] == "at move m we play/discard deck[i]"
self.discard = {
m: {i: Symbol('m{}discard{}'.format(m, i)) for i in range(instance.deck_size)}
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# draw[m][i] == "at move m we draw deck card i"
self.draw = {
-1: { i: Bool(i == instance.num_dealt_cards - 1) for i in range(instance.num_dealt_cards - 1, instance.deck_size) }
, **{
m: {
instance.num_dealt_cards - 1: Bool(False),
**{i: Symbol('m{}draw{}'.format(m, i)) for i in range(instance.num_dealt_cards, instance.deck_size)}
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# strike[m] = "at move m we get a strike"
self.strike = {
-1: Bool(False)
, **{
m: Symbol('m{}newstrike'.format(m))
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
# progress[m][card = (suitIndex, rank)] == "after move m we have played in suitIndex up to rank"
self.progress = {
-1: {(s, r): Bool(r == 0) for s in range(0, instance.num_suits) for r in range(0, 6)} # at start, have only played rank zero
, **{
m: {
**{(s, 0): Bool(True) for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)},
**{(s, r): Symbol('m{}progress{}{}'.format(m, s, r)) for s in range(0, instance.num_suits) for r in range(1, 6)}
for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)
## Utility variables
# discard_any[m] == "at move m we play/discard a card"
self.discard_any = { m: Symbol('m{}discard_any'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves) }
# draw_any[m] == "at move m we draw a card"
self.draw_any = {m: Symbol('m{}draw_any'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# play[m] == "at move m we play a card"
self.play = {m: Symbol('m{}play'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# play5[m] == "at move m we play a 5"
self.play5 = {m: Symbol('m{}play5'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
# incr_clues[m] == "at move m we obtain a clue"
self.incr_clues = {m: Symbol('m{}c+'.format(m)) for m in range(instance.max_winning_moves)}
def solve_sat(starting_state: GameState | HanabiInstance) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[GameState]]:
if isinstance(starting_state, HanabiInstance):
instance = starting_state
game_state = GameState(instance)
elif isinstance(starting_state, GameState):
instance = starting_state.instance
game_state = starting_state
raise ValueError("Bad argument type")
ls = Literals(instance)
##### setup of initial game state
# properties used later to model valid moves
starting_hands = [[card.deck_index for card in hand] for hand in game_state.hands]
first_turn = len(game_state.actions)
if isinstance(starting_state, GameState):
# have to set additional variables
# set initial clues
for i in range(0,10):
ls.clues[first_turn - 1][i] = Bool(i <= game_state.clues)
# set initial strikes
for i in range(0, instance.num_strikes + 1):
ls.strikes[first_turn - 1][i] = Bool(i <= game_state.strikes)
# check if extraround has started (usually not)
ls.extraround[first_turn - 1] = Bool(game_state.remaining_extra_turns < game_state.num_players)
ls.dummyturn[first_turn -1] = Bool(False)
# set recent draws: important to model progress
# we just pretend that the last card drawn was in fact drawn last turn,
# regardless of when it was actually drawn
for neg_turn in range(1, min(9, first_turn + 2)):
for i in range(instance.num_players * instance.hand_size, instance.deck_size):
ls.draw[first_turn - neg_turn][i] = Bool(neg_turn == 1 and i == game_state.progress - 1)
# forbid re-drawing of the last card drawn
for m in range(first_turn, instance.max_winning_moves):
ls.draw[m][game_state.progress - 1] = Bool(False)
# model initial progress
for s in range(0, game_state.num_suits):
for r in range(0, 6):
ls.progress[first_turn - 1][s, r] = Bool(r <= game_state.stacks[s])
### Now, model all valid moves
valid_move = lambda m: And(
# in dummy turns, nothing can be discarded
Implies(ls.dummyturn[m], Not(ls.discard_any[m])),
# definition of discard_any
Iff(ls.discard_any[m], Or(ls.discard[m][i] for i in range(instance.deck_size))),
# definition of draw_any
Iff(ls.draw_any[m], Or(ls.draw[m][i] for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size))),
# ls.draw implies ls.discard (and converse true before the ls.extraround)
Implies(ls.draw_any[m], ls.discard_any[m]),
Implies(ls.discard_any[m], Or(ls.extraround[m], ls.draw_any[m])),
# ls.play requires ls.discard
Implies(ls.play[m], ls.discard_any[m]),
# definition of ls.play5
Iff(ls.play5[m], And(ls.play[m], Or(ls.discard[m][i] for i in range(instance.deck_size) if instance.deck[i].rank == 5))),
# definition of ls.incr_clues
Iff(ls.incr_clues[m], And(ls.discard_any[m], Not(ls.clues[m-1][8]), Implies(ls.play[m], ls.play5[m]))),
# change of ls.clues
Iff(ls.clues[m][i], Or(
And(ls.clues[m-1][i], Or(ls.discard_any[m], ls.dummyturn[m])),
And(ls.clues[m-1][i-1], ls.incr_clues[m], ls.half_clue[m-1] if instance.clue_starved else Bool(True))
for i in range(1, 9)
Iff(ls.half_clue[m], Or(And(ls.half_clue[m-1], Not(ls.incr_clues[m])), And(Not(ls.half_clue[m-1])), ls.incr_clues[m]))
if instance.clue_starved else Bool(True),
## more than 8 clues not allowed, ls.discarding produces a strike
# Note that this means that we will never strike while not at 8 clues.
# It's easy to see that if there is any solution to the instance, then there is also one where we only strike at 8 clues
# (or not at all) -> Just strike later if neccessary
# So, we decrease the solution space with this formulation, but do not change whether it's empty or not
Iff(ls.strike[m], And(ls.discard_any[m], Not(ls.play[m]), ls.clues[m-1][8])),
# change of strikes
*[Iff(ls.strikes[m][i], Or(ls.strikes[m-1][i], And(ls.strikes[m-1][i-1], ls.strike[m]))) for i in range(1, instance.num_strikes + 1)],
# less than 0 clues not allowed
Implies(Not(ls.discard_any[m]), Or(ls.clues[m-1][1], ls.dummyturn[m])),
# we can only draw card i if the last ls.drawn card was i-1
*[Implies(ls.draw[m][i], Or(And(ls.draw[m0][i-1], *[Not(ls.draw_any[m1]) for m1 in range(m0+1, m)]) for m0 in range(max(first_turn - 1, m-9), m))) for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size)],
# we can only draw at most one card (NOTE: redundant, FIXME: avoid quadratic formula)
AtMostOne(ls.draw[m][i] for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size)),
# we can only discard a card if we drew it earlier...
*[Implies(ls.discard[m][i], Or(ls.draw[m0][i] for m0 in range(m-instance.num_players, first_turn - 1, -instance.num_players))) for i in range(game_state.progress, instance.deck_size)],
# ...or if it was part of the initial hand
*[Not(ls.discard[m][i]) for i in range(0, game_state.progress) if i not in starting_hands[m % instance.num_players] ],
# we can only discard a card if we did not discard it yet
*[Implies(ls.discard[m][i], And(Not(ls.discard[m0][i]) for m0 in range(m-instance.num_players, first_turn - 1, -instance.num_players))) for i in range(instance.deck_size)],
# we can only discard at most one card (FIXME: avoid quadratic formula)
AtMostOne(ls.discard[m][i] for i in range(instance.deck_size)),
# we can only play a card if it matches the progress
And(ls.discard[m][i], ls.play[m]),
Not(ls.progress[m-1][instance.deck[i].suitIndex, instance.deck[i].rank]),
ls.progress[m-1][instance.deck[i].suitIndex, instance.deck[i].rank-1 ]
for i in range(instance.deck_size)
# change of progress
ls.progress[m][s, r],
ls.progress[m-1][s, r],
And(ls.play[m], Or(ls.discard[m][i]
for i in range(0, instance.deck_size)
if instance.deck[i] == DeckCard(s, r) ))
for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)
for r in range(1, 6)
# extra round bool
Iff(ls.extraround[m], Or(ls.extraround[m-1], ls.draw[m-1][instance.deck_size-1])),
# dummy turn bool
*[Iff(ls.dummyturn[m], Or(ls.dummyturn[m-1], ls.draw[m-1 - instance.num_players][instance.deck_size-1])) for i in range(0,1) if m >= instance.num_players]
win = And(
# maximum progress at each color
*[ls.progress[instance.max_winning_moves-1][s, 5] for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)],
# played every color/value combination (NOTE: redundant, but makes solving faster)
And(ls.discard[m][i], ls.play[m])
for m in range(first_turn, instance.max_winning_moves)
for i in range(instance.deck_size)
if game_state.deck[i] == DeckCard(s, r)
for s in range(0, instance.num_suits)
for r in range(1, 6)
if r > game_state.stacks[s]
constraints = And(*[valid_move(m) for m in range(first_turn, instance.max_winning_moves)], win)
# print('Solving instance with {} variables, {} nodes'.format(len(get_atoms(constraints)), get_formula_size(constraints)))
model = get_model(constraints)
if model:
print_model(model, game_state, ls)
solution = evaluate_model(model, copy.deepcopy(game_state), ls)
return True, solution
#conj = list(conjunctive_partition(constraints))
#print('statements: {}'.format(len(conj)))
#ucore = get_unsat_core(conj)
#print('unsat core size: {}'.format(len(ucore)))
#for f in ucore:
# print(f.serialize())
return False, None
def print_model(model, cur_game_state, ls: Literals):
deck = cur_game_state.deck
first_turn = len(cur_game_state.actions)
if first_turn > 0:
print('[print_model] Note: Omitting first {} turns, since they were fixed already.'.format(first_turn))
for m in range(first_turn, cur_game_state.instance.max_winning_moves):
print('=== move {} ==='.format(m))
print('clues: ' + ''.join(str(i) for i in range(1, 9) if model.get_py_value(ls.clues[m][i])))
print('strikes: ' + ''.join(str(i) for i in range(1, 3) if model.get_py_value(ls.strikes[m][i])))
print('draw: ' + ', '.join('{}: {}'.format(i, deck[i]) for i in range(cur_game_state.progress, 50) if model.get_py_value(ls.draw[m][i])))
print('discard: ' + ', '.join('{}: {}'.format(i, deck[i]) for i in range(50) if model.get_py_value(ls.discard[m][i])))
for s in range(0, cur_game_state.instance.num_suits):
print('progress {}: '.format(COLOR_INITIALS[s]) + ''.join(str(r) for r in range(1, 6) if model.get_py_value(ls.progress[m][s, r])))
flags = ['discard_any', 'draw_any', 'play', 'play5', 'incr_clues', 'strike', 'extraround', 'dummyturn']
print(', '.join(f for f in flags if model.get_py_value(getattr(ls, f)[m])))
# given the initial game state and the model found by the SAT solver,
# evaluates the model to produce a full game history
def evaluate_model(model, cur_game_state: GameState, ls: Literals) -> GameState:
for m in range(len(cur_game_state.actions), cur_game_state.instance.max_winning_moves):
if model.get_py_value(ls.dummyturn[m]) or cur_game_state.is_over():
if model.get_py_value(ls.discard_any[m]):
card_idx = next(i for i in range(0, cur_game_state.instance.deck_size) if model.get_py_value(ls.discard[m][i]))
if model.get_py_value(ls.play[m]) or model.get_py_value(ls.strike[m]):
return cur_game_state
def run_deck():
puzzle = True
if puzzle:
deck_str = 'p5 p3 b4 r5 y4 y4 y5 r4 b2 y2 y3 g5 g2 g3 g4 p4 r3 b2 b3 b3 p4 b1 p2 b1 b1 p2 p1 p1 g1 r4 g1 r1 r3 r1 g1 r1 p1 b4 p3 g2 g3 g4 b5 y1 y1 y1 r2 r2 y2 y3'
deck = [DeckCard(COLOR_INITIALS.index(c[0]), int(c[1])) for c in deck_str.split(" ")]
num_p = 5
deck_str = "15gfvqluvuwaqnmrkpkaignlaxpjbmsprksfcddeybfixchuhtwo"
deck_str = "15diuknfwhqbplsrlkxjuvfbwyacoaxgtudcerskqfnhpgampmiv"
deck_str = "15jdxlpobvikrnhkslcuwggimtphafquqfvcwadampxkeyfrbnsu"
deck = decompress_deck(deck_str)
num_p = 6
gs = GameState(HanabiInstance(deck, num_p))
if puzzle:
strat = GreedyStrategy(gs)
for _ in range(17):
solvable, sol = solve_sat(gs)
if solvable:
if __name__ == "__main__":