import json from site_api import get, api, replay from database import Game, store, load, commit, conn from compress import compress_deck, compress_actions, DeckCard, Action with open('variants.json') as f: variants = json.loads( def download_games(variant_id, name=None): url = "variants/{}".format(variant_id) r = api(url) if not r: print("Not a valid variant: {}".format(variant_id)) return num_entries = r['total_rows'] print("Downloading {} entries for variant {} ({})".format(num_entries, variant_id, name)) num_pages = (num_entries + 99) // 100 for page in range(0, num_pages): print("Downloading page {} of {}".format(page + 1, num_pages), end = '\r') r = api(url + "?page={}".format(page)) for row in r['rows']: row.pop('users') row.pop('datetime') g = Game(row) g.variant_id = variant_id store(g) print() print('Downloaded and stored {} entries for variant {} ({})'.format(num_entries, variant_id, name)) commit() # requires seed AND game to already have an entry in database # return: (successfully exported game, game without cheat options, null if not exported) def export_game(game_id) -> [bool, bool]: r = get("export/{}".format(game_id)) if r is None: print("Failed to export game id {}".format(game_id)) return False, None assert(r['id'] == game_id) deck = compress_deck([DeckCard.from_json(card) for card in r['deck']]) with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("UPDATE seeds SET deck=(%s) WHERE seed=(%s);", (deck, r['seed'])) try: actions = compress_actions([Action.from_json(a) for a in r['actions']]) except: print("Unknown action while exporting game id {}".format(game_id)) raise return False, None options = r.get('options', {}) deck_plays = options.get('deckPlays', False) one_extra_card = options.get('oneExtraCard', False) one_less_card = options.get('oneLessCard', False) all_or_nothing = options.get('allOrNothing', False) with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( "UPDATE games SET " "deck_plays = (%s)," "one_extra_card = (%s)," "one_less_card = (%s)," "all_or_nothing = (%s)," "actions = (%s) " "WHERE id = (%s);", (deck_plays, one_extra_card, one_less_card, all_or_nothing, actions, game_id)) conn.commit() return True, not any([deck_plays, one_extra_card, one_less_card, all_or_nothing]) if __name__ == "__main__": export_game(913436)