import enum from typing import List, Optional from hanabi import DeckCard, ActionType from database.database import cur def variant_id(name) -> Optional[int]: cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM variants WHERE name = %s", (name,) ) var_id = cur.fetchone() if var_id is not None: return var_id[0] def variant_name(var_id) -> Optional[int]: cur.execute( "SELECT name FROM variants WHERE id = %s", (var_id,) ) name = cur.fetchone() if name is not None: return name[0] def num_suits(var_id) -> Optional[int]: cur.execute( "SELECT num_suits FROM variants WHERE id = %s", (var_id,) ) num = cur.fetchone() if num is not None: return num class ClueBehaviour(enum.Enum): none = 0 default = 1 all = 2 class Suit: def __init__(self, name, display_name, abbreviation, rank_clues, color_clues, prism, dark, rev, colors): = name self.display_name = display_name self.abbreviation = abbreviation self.rank_clues = ClueBehaviour(rank_clues) self.color_clues = ClueBehaviour(color_clues) self.prism = prism self.dark = dark self.reversed = rev self.colors = colors def rank_touches(self, card_rank: int, clue_rank: int) -> bool: match self.rank_clues: case ClueBehaviour.none: return False case ClueBehaviour.default: return card_rank == clue_rank case ClueBehaviour.all: return True def color_touches(self, clue_color: int) -> bool: match self.color_clues: case ClueBehaviour.none: return False case ClueBehaviour.default: return clue_color in self.colors case ClueBehaviour.all: return True def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__) @staticmethod def from_db(suit_id): cur.execute( "SELECT name, display_name, abbreviation, rank_clues, color_clues, prism, dark, reversed " "FROM suits " "WHERE id = %s", (suit_id,) ) suit_properties = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "SELECT color_id FROM suit_colors WHERE suit_id = %s", (suit_id,) ) colors = list(map(lambda t: t[0], cur.fetchall())) return Suit(*suit_properties, colors) class Variant: def __init__( self, name, clue_starved, throw_it_in_a_hole, alternating_clues, synesthesia, chimneys, funnels, no_color_clues, no_rank_clues, empty_color_clues, empty_rank_clues, odds_and_evens, up_or_down, critical_fours, special_rank, special_rank_ranks, special_rank_colors, special_deceptive, suits: List[Suit] ): = name self.clue_starved = clue_starved self.throw_it_in_a_hole = throw_it_in_a_hole self.alternating_clues = alternating_clues # TODO: has to be somehow supported by game itself self.synesthesia = synesthesia # self.chimneys = chimneys # self.funnels = funnels # self.no_color_clues = no_color_clues # self.no_rank_clues = no_rank_clues # self.empty_color_clues = empty_color_clues # self.empty_rank_clues = empty_rank_clues # self.odds_and_evens = odds_and_evens # self.up_or_down = up_or_down # TODO: currently not supported self.critical_fours = critical_fours self.num_suits = len(suits) self.special_rank = special_rank # self.special_rank_ranks = special_rank_ranks # self.special_rank_colors = special_rank_colors # self.special_deceptive = special_deceptive self.suits = suits self.colors = [] if not self.no_color_clues: for suit in self.suits: for color in suit.colors: if color not in self.colors: self.colors.append(color) self.ranks = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if self.special_rank and self.special_rank_ranks != ClueBehaviour.default: self.ranks.remove(self.special_rank) if self.odds_and_evens: self.ranks = sorted([ next(i for i in self.ranks if i % 2 == 0), next(i for i in self.ranks if i % 2 == 1) ] ) if self.no_rank_clues or self.synesthesia: self.ranks = [] self.num_colors = len(self.colors) def _preprocess_rank(self, value: int) -> List[int]: if self.empty_rank_clues: return [] if self.chimneys: return [rank for rank in self.ranks if rank >= value] if self.funnels: return [rank for rank in self.ranks if rank <= value] if self.odds_and_evens: return [rank for rank in self.ranks if (rank - value) % 2 == 0] return [value] def _synesthesia_ranks(self, color_value: int) -> List[int]: return [rank for rank in self.ranks if (rank - color_value) % len(self.colors) == 0] def rank_touches(self, card: DeckCard, value: int): assert 0 <= card.suitIndex < self.num_suits,\ f"Unexpected card {card}, suitIndex {card.suitIndex} out of bounds for {self.num_suits} suits." assert not self.no_rank_clues, "Cluing rank not allowed in this variant." assert value in self.ranks, f"Cluing value {value} not allowed in this variant." if self.special_rank is not None and self.special_rank_ranks != ClueBehaviour.default: suit = self.suits[card.suitIndex] match suit.rank_clues: case ClueBehaviour.none: return False case ClueBehaviour.default: match self.special_rank_ranks: case ClueBehaviour.none: return False case ClueBehaviour.default: assert False, "Programming error" case ClueBehaviour.all: return True case ClueBehaviour.all: return True ranks = self._preprocess_rank(value) return any(self.suits[card.suitIndex].rank_touches(card.rank, rank) for rank in ranks) def color_touches(self, card: DeckCard, value: int): assert 0 <= card.suitIndex < self.num_suits, \ f"Unexpected card {card}, suitIndex {card.suitIndex} out of bounds for {self.num_suits} suits." assert not self.no_color_clues, "Cluing color not allowed in this variant." assert 0 <= value < len(self.colors), f"Color clue with index {value} does not exist in this variant." if self.special_rank is not None and self.special_rank_colors != ClueBehaviour.default: suit = self.suits[card.suitIndex] match suit.color_clues: case ClueBehaviour.none: return False case ClueBehaviour.default: match self.special_rank_colors: case ClueBehaviour.none: return False case ClueBehaviour.default: assert False, "Programming error" case ClueBehaviour.all: return True case ClueBehaviour.all: return True if self.empty_color_clues: return False if self.synesthesia and any(self.rank_touches(card, rank_val) for rank_val in self._synesthesia_ranks(value)): return True suit = self.suits[card.suitIndex] if suit.prism and value == ((card.rank - 1) % len(self.colors)): return True return suit.color_touches(self.colors[value]) @property def max_score(self): return self.num_suits * 5 @staticmethod def from_db(var_id): cur.execute( "SELECT " "name, clue_starved, throw_it_in_a_hole, alternating_clues, synesthesia, chimneys, funnels, " "no_color_clues, no_rank_clues, empty_color_clues, empty_rank_clues, odds_and_evens, up_or_down," "critical_fours, special_rank, special_rank_ranks, special_rank_colors, special_deceptive " "FROM variants WHERE id = %s", (var_id,) ) var_properties = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "SELECT suit_id FROM variant_suits " "WHERE variant_id = %s " "ORDER BY index", (var_id,) ) var_suits = [Suit.from_db(*s) for s in cur.fetchall()] return Variant(*var_properties, var_suits)