from typing import Optional, List from enum import Enum from termcolor import colored import constants class DeckCard(): def __init__(self, suitIndex: int, rank: int, deck_index=None): self.suitIndex: int = suitIndex self.rank: int = rank self.deck_index: Optional[int] = deck_index @staticmethod def from_json(deck_card): return DeckCard(**deck_card) def colorize(self): color = ["green", "blue", "magenta", "yellow", "white", "cyan"][self.suitIndex] return colored(str(self), color) def __eq__(self, other): return self.suitIndex == other.suitIndex and self.rank == other.rank def __repr__(self): return constants.COLOR_INITIALS[self.suitIndex] + str(self.rank) def __hash__(self): # should be injective enough, we never use cards with ranks differing by 1000 return 1000 * self.suitIndex + self.rank def pp_deck(deck: List[DeckCard]) -> str: return "[" + ", ".join(card.colorize() for card in deck) + "]" class ActionType(Enum): Play = 0 Discard = 1 ColorClue = 2 RankClue = 3 EndGame = 4 VoteTerminate = 5 ## hack: online, this is encoded as a 10 class Action(): def __init__(self, type_: ActionType, target: int, value: Optional[int] = None): self.type = type_ = target self.value = value @staticmethod def from_json(action): return Action( ActionType(action['type']), int(action['target']), action.get('value', None) ) def __repr__(self): match self.type: case ActionType.Play: return "Play card {}".format( case ActionType.Discard: return "Discard card {}".format( case ActionType.ColorClue: return "Clue color {} to player {}".format(self.value, case ActionType.RankClue: return "Clue rank {} to player {}".format(self.value, case ActionType.EndGame: return "Player {} ends the game (code {})".format(, self.value) case ActionType.VoteTerminate: return "Players vote to terminate the game (code {})".format(self.value) return "Undefined action" class HanabiInstance(): def __init__( self, deck: List[DeckCard], # assumes a default deck, every suit has to be distributed either [1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5] or [1,2,3,4,5] num_players: int, # number of players that play this deck, in range [2,6] hand_size: Optional[int] = None, # number of cards that each player holds num_strikes: Optional[int] = None, # number of strikes that leads to game loss variant_id: Optional[int] = None # optional: variant id of, useful if instance gets exported to be viewed in browser ): assert(2 <= num_players <= 6) # defining properties self.deck = deck self.num_players = num_players self.hand_size = hand_size or constants.HAND_SIZES[self.num_players] self.num_strikes = num_strikes or constants.NUM_STRIKES # normalize deck indices for (idx, card) in enumerate(self.deck): card.deck_index = idx # deducable properties, to be calculated once self.num_suits = max(map(lambda c: c.suitIndex, deck)) + 1 self.num_dark_suits = (len(deck) - 10 * self.num_suits) // (-5) self.player_names = constants.PLAYER_NAMES[:self.num_players] self.deck_size = len(self.deck) ## maximum number of moves in any game that can achieve max score # each suit gives 15 moves, as we can play and discard 5 cards each and give 5 clues. dark suits only give 5 moves, since no discards are added # number of cards that remain in players hands after end of game. they cost 2 turns each, since we cannot discard them and also have one clue less # 8 clues at beginning, one further clue for each suit but one (the clue of the last 5 is never useful since it is gained in the extra-round) # subtract a further move for a second 5-clue that can't be used in 5 or 6-player games, since the extraround starts too soon self.max_winning_moves = 15 * self.num_suits - 10 * self.num_dark_suits \ - 2 * self.num_players * (self.hand_size - 1) \ + 8 + (self.num_suits - 1) \ + (-1 if self.num_players >= 5 else 0) # TODO: set a meaningful default here for export? self._variant_id: Optional[int] = variant_id @property def num_dealt_cards(self): return self.num_players * self.hand_size @property def draw_pile_size(self): return self.deck_size - self.num_dealt_cards @property def variant_id(self): if self._variant_id is not None: return self._variant_id else: # ensure no key error can happen assert(self.is_standard()) return constants.VARIANT_IDS_STANDARD_DISTRIBUTIONS[self.num_suits][self.num_dark_suits] # returns True if the instance has values matching hanabi-live rules # (i.e. standard + extra variants with 5 / 6 suits) def is_standard(self): return all([ 2 <= self.num_players <= 6, self.hand_size == constants.HAND_SIZES[self.num_players], self.num_strikes == constants.NUM_STRIKES, 3 <= self.num_suits <= 6, 0 <= self.num_dark_suits <= 2, 4 <= self.num_suits - self.num_dark_suits or self.num_suits == 3 # TODO: check that variant id matches deck distribution ] ) class GameState(): def __init__(self, instance: HanabiInstance): # will not be modified self.instance = instance # dynamic game state self.progress = self.instance.num_players * self.instance.hand_size # index of next card to be drawn self.hands = [self.instance.deck[self.instance.hand_size * p : self.instance.hand_size * (p+1)] for p in range(0, self.instance.num_players)] self.stacks = [0 for i in range(0, self.instance.num_suits)] self.strikes = 0 self.clues = 8 self.turn = 0 self.pace = self.instance.deck_size - 5 * self.instance.num_suits - self.instance.num_players * (self.instance.hand_size - 1) self.remaining_extra_turns = self.instance.num_players + 1 self.trash = [] # can be set to true if game is known to be in a lost state self.in_lost_state = False # will track replay as game progresses self.actions = [] ## Methods to control game state change def make_action(self, Action): match Action.ActionType: case ActionType.clue: self.clue() case ActionType.Play: def play(self, card_idx): card = self.instance.deck[card_idx] if card.rank == self.stacks[card.suitIndex] + 1: self.stacks[card.suitIndex] += 1 if card.rank == 5 and self.clues != 8: self.clues += 1 else: self.strikes += 1 assert (self.strikes < self.instance.num_strikes) self.trash.append(self.instance.deck[card_idx]) self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.Play, target=card_idx)) self.__replace(card_idx) self.__make_turn() def discard(self, card_idx): assert(self.clues < 8) self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.Discard, target=card_idx)) self.clues += 1 self.pace -= 1 self.trash.append(self.instance.deck[card_idx]) self.__replace(card_idx) self.__make_turn() def clue(self): assert(self.clues > 0) self.actions.append( Action( ActionType.RankClue, target=(self.turn +1) % self.instance.num_players, # clue next plyaer value=self.hands[(self.turn +1) % self.instance.num_players][0].rank # clue index 0 ) ) self.clues -= 1 self.__make_turn() # Forward some properties of the underlying instance @property def num_players(self): return self.instance.num_players @property def num_suits(self): return self.instance.num_suits @property def num_dark_suits(self): return self.instance.num_dark_suits @property def deck(self): return self.instance.deck @property def hand_size(self): return self.instance.hand_size @property def deck_size(self): return self.instance.deck_size # Properties of GameState def is_over(self): return all(s == 5 for s in self.stacks) or (self.remaining_extra_turns == 0) or (self.is_known_lost()) def is_won(self): return self.score == 5 * instance.num_suits def is_known_lost(self): return self.in_lost_state @property def score(self): return sum(self.stacks) @property def cur_hand(self): return self.hands[self.turn] # Utilities def holding_players(self, card): for (player, hand) in enumerate(self.hands): if card in hand: yield player def to_json(self): # ensure we have at least one action if len(self.actions) == 0: self.actions.append(Action( ActionType.EndGame, target=0 ) ) return { "deck": self.instance.deck, "players": self.instance.player_names, "actions": self.actions, "first_player": 0, "options": { "variant": "No Variant", } } # Private helpers # increments turn counter and tracks extra round def __make_turn(self): assert(self.remaining_extra_turns > 0) self.turn = (self.turn + 1) % self.instance.num_players if self.progress == self.instance.deck_size: self.remaining_extra_turns -= 1 # replaces the specified card (has to be in current player's hand) with the next card of the deck (if nonempty) def __replace(self, card_idx): idx_in_hand = next((i for (i, card) in enumerate(self.cur_hand) if card.deck_index == card_idx), None) assert(idx_in_hand is not None) for i in range(idx_in_hand, self.instance.hand_size - 1): self.cur_hand[i] = self.cur_hand[i + 1] if self.progress < self.instance.deck_size: self.cur_hand[self.instance.hand_size - 1] = self.instance.deck[self.progress] self.progress += 1