def print_suits_and_attrs(): with open("variants.json") as f: variants = json.loads( x = set() c = [] for var in variants: for k in var.keys(): x.add(k) for s in var['suits']: if s not in c: c.append(s) for y in x: print(y) print() for s in c: print(s) attributes = { "nativeColors": ["Red"], "ranks": 1, # 0: none, 1: default, 2: all "colors": 1, # 0: none, 1: default, 2: all, 3: prism "dark": False, "reversed": False, "prism": False } d = OrderedDict((s, attributes) for s in c) if not os.path.isfile("colors.json"): with open("colors.json", "w") as f: f.writelines(json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=False)) # need: suit name -> colors def create_suit_graph(): with open("variants.json") as f: variants = json.loads( G = nx.DiGraph() for var in variants: suits = var['suits'] for suit in suits: if suit not in G.nodes: G.add_node(suit) for i in range(0, len(suits) - 1): G.add_edge(suits[i], suits[i + 1], var=var['name']) H = nx.DiGraph() try: while True: cycle = nx.find_cycle(G) # J = nx.DiGraph() # J.add_edges_from(cycle) # nx.draw(J, with_labels=True) H.add_edges_from(cycle) G.remove_edges_from(cycle) except nx.NetworkXNoCycle: pass nx.draw(H, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')