from typing import Optional from pathlib import Path import yaml import psycopg2 import platformdirs from hanabi import constants from hanabi import logger class LazyDBCursor: def __init__(self): self.__cur: Optional[psycopg2.cursor] = None def __getattr__(self, item): if self.__cur is None: raise ValueError( "DB cursor used in uninitialized state. Did you forget to initialize the DB connection?" ) return getattr(self.__cur, item) def set_cur(self, cur): self.__cur = cur class LazyDBConnection: def __init__(self): self.__conn: Optional[psycopg2.connection] = None def __getattr__(self, item): if self.__conn is None: raise ValueError( "DB connection used in uninitialized state. Did you forget to initialize the DB connection?" ) return getattr(self.__conn, item) def set_conn(self, conn): self.__conn = conn class DBConnectionManager: def __init__(self): self.lazy_conn: LazyDBConnection = LazyDBConnection() self.lazy_cur: LazyDBCursor = LazyDBCursor() self.config_file = Path(platformdirs.user_config_dir(constants.APP_NAME, ensure_exists=True)) / 'config.yaml' self.db_name: str = constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME self.db_user: str = constants.DEFAULT_DB_USER self.db_pass: Optional[str] = None def read_config(self): logger.debug("DB connection configuration read from {}".format(self.config_file)) if self.config_file.exists(): with open(self.config_file, "r") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) self.db_name = config.get('dbname', None) self.db_user = config.get('dbuser', None) self.db_pass = config.get('dbpass', None) if self.db_name is None: logger.verbose("Falling back to default database name {}".format(constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME)) self.db_name = constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME if self.db_user is None: logger.verbose("Falling back to default database user {}".format(constants.DEFAULT_DB_USER)) self.db_user = constants.DEFAULT_DB_USER else: "No configuration file for database connection found, falling back to default values " "(dbname={}, dbuser={}).".format( constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME, constants.DEFAULT_DB_USER ) ) "Note: To turn off this message, create a config file at {}".format(self.config_file) ) def create_config_file(self): if self.config_file.exists(): raise FileExistsError("Configuration file already exists, not overriding.") self.config_file.write_text( "dbname: {}\n" "dbuser: {}\n" "dbpass: null".format( constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME, constants.DEFAULT_DB_USER ) )"Initialised default config file {}".format(self.config_file)) def connect(self): conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname={} user={}".format(self.db_name, self.db_user, self.db_pass)) cur = conn.cursor() self.lazy_conn.set_conn(conn) self.lazy_cur.set_cur(cur)