from import DeckCard from enum import Enum from hanabi.database import conn from import HanabiInstance, pp_deck from import decompress_deck class InfeasibilityType(Enum): OutOfPace = 0 # idx denotes index of last card drawn before being forced to reduce pace, value denotes how bad pace is OutOfHandSize = 1 # idx denotes index of last card drawn before being forced to discard a crit NotTrivial = 2 CritAtBottom = 3 class InfeasibilityReason(): def __init__(self, infeasibility_type, idx, value=None): self.type = infeasibility_type self.index = idx self.value = value def __repr__(self): match self.type: case InfeasibilityType.OutOfPace: return "Deck runs out of pace ({}) after drawing card {}".format(self.value, self.index) case InfeasibilityType.OutOfHandSize: return "Deck runs out of hand size after drawing card {}".format(self.index) case InfeasibilityType.CritAtBottom: return "Deck has crit non-5 at bottom (index {})".format(self.index) def analyze_suit(occurrences): # denotes the indexes of copies we can use wlog picks = { 1: 0, **{ r: None for r in range(2, 5) }, 5: 0 } # denotes the intervals when cards will be played wlog play_times = { 1: [occurrences[1][0]], **{ r: None for _ in range(instance.num_suits) for r in range(2,6) } } print("occurrences are: {}".format(occurrences)) for rank in range(2, 6): # general analysis earliest_play = max(min(play_times[rank - 1]), min(occurrences[rank])) latest_play = max( *play_times[rank - 1], *occurrences[rank]) play_times[rank] = [earliest_play, latest_play] # check a few extra cases regarding the picks when the rank is not 5 if rank != 5: # check if we can just play the first copy if max(play_times[rank - 1]) < min(occurrences[rank]): picks[rank] = 0 play_times[rank] = [min(occurrences[rank])] continue # check if the second copy is not worse than the first when it comes, # because we either have to wait for smaller cards anyway # or the next card is not there anyway if max(occurrences[rank]) < max(earliest_play, min(occurrences[rank + 1])): picks[rank] = 1 return picks, play_times def analyze_card_usage(instance: HanabiInstance): storage_size = instance.num_players * instance.hand_size for suit in range(instance.num_suits): print("analysing suit {}: {}".format( suit, pp_deck((c for c in instance.deck if c.suitIndex == suit)) ) ) occurrences = { rank: [max(0, i - storage_size + 1) for (i, card) in enumerate(instance.deck) if card == DeckCard(suit, rank)] for rank in range(1,6) } picks, play_times = analyze_suit(occurrences) print("did analysis:") print("play times: ", play_times) print("picks: ", picks) print() def analyze(instance: HanabiInstance, find_non_trivial=False) -> InfeasibilityReason | None: if instance.deck[-1].rank != 5 and instance.deck[-1].suitIndex + instance.num_dark_suits >= instance.num_suits: return InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.CritAtBottom, instance.deck_size - 1) # we will sweep through the deck and pretend that we instantly play all cards # as soon as we have them (and recurse this) # this allows us to detect standard pace issue arguments stacks = [0] * instance.num_suits stored_cards = set() stored_crits = set() min_forced_pace = 100 worst_index = 0 ret = None for (i, card) in enumerate(instance.deck): if card.rank == stacks[card.suitIndex] + 1: # card is playable stacks[card.suitIndex] += 1 # check for further playables that we stored for check_rank in range(card.rank + 1, 6): check_card = DeckCard(card.suitIndex, check_rank) if check_card in stored_cards: stacks[card.suitIndex] += 1 stored_cards.remove(check_card) if check_card in stored_crits: stored_crits.remove(check_card) else: break elif card.rank <= stacks[card.suitIndex]: pass # card is trash elif card.rank > stacks[card.suitIndex] + 1: # need to store card if card in stored_cards or card.rank == 5: stored_crits.add(card) stored_cards.add(card) ## check for out of handsize: if len(stored_crits) == instance.num_players * instance.hand_size: return InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.OutOfHandSize, i) if find_non_trivial and len(stored_cards) == instance.num_players * instance.hand_size: ret = InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.NotTrivial, i) # the last - 1 is there because we have to discard 'next', causing a further draw max_remaining_plays = (instance.deck_size - i - 1) + instance.num_players - 1 needed_plays = 5 * instance.num_suits - sum(stacks) missing = max_remaining_plays - needed_plays if missing < min_forced_pace: # print("update to {}: {}".format(i, missing)) min_forced_pace = missing worst_index = i # check that we correctly walked through the deck assert(len(stored_cards) == 0) assert(len(stored_crits) == 0) assert(sum(stacks) == 5 * instance.num_suits) if min_forced_pace < 0: return InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.OutOfPace, worst_index, min_forced_pace) elif ret is not None: return ret else: return None def run_on_database(): cur = conn.cursor() cur2 = conn.cursor() for num_p in range(2, 6): cur.execute("SELECT seed, num_players, deck from seeds where variant_id = 0 and num_players = (%s) order by seed asc", (num_p,)) res = cur.fetchall() hand = 0 pace = 0 non_trivial = 0 d = None print("Checking {} {}-player seeds from database".format(len(res), num_p)) for (seed, num_players, deck) in res: deck = decompress_deck(deck) a = analyze(HanabiInstance(deck, num_players), True) if type(a) == InfeasibilityReason: if a.type == InfeasibilityType.OutOfHandSize: # print("Seed {} infeasible: {}\n{}".format(seed, a, deck)) hand += 1 elif a.type == InfeasibilityType.OutOfPace: pace += 1 elif a.type == InfeasibilityType.NotTrivial: non_trivial += 1 d = seed, deck print("Found {} seeds running out of hand size, {} running out of pace and {} that are not trivial".format(hand, pace, non_trivial)) if d is not None: print("example non-trivial deck (seed {}): [{}]" .format( d[0], ", ".join(c.colorize() for c in d[1]) ) ) print() # if p < 0: # print("seed {} ({} players) runs out of pace ({}) after drawing {}: {}:\n{}".format(seed, num_players, p, i, deck[i], deck)) # cur.execute("UPDATE seeds SET feasible = f WHERE seed = (%s)", seed) if __name__ == "__main__": # print(deck) # a = analyze(deck, 4) # print(a) # run_on_database() deck_str = "15bcfwnqsdmbnfuvhskrgfixwckklojxgemrhpqppuaaiyadultv" deck_str = "15misofrmvvuxujkphaqpcflegysdwqaakcilbxtuhwfrbgdnpkn" deck_str = "15wqpvhdkufjcrewyxulvarhgolkixmfgmndbpstqbupcanfisak" deck = decompress_deck(deck_str) print(pp_deck(deck)) instance = HanabiInstance(deck, 2) analyze_card_usage(instance)