import alive_progress from typing import Dict, Optional import psycopg2.errors import platformdirs from hanabi import hanab_game from hanabi import constants from hanabi import logger from hanabi import database from import site_api from import compress from import variants from import hanab_live class GameExportError(ValueError): def __init__(self, game_id, msg): super().__init__("When exporting game {}: {}".format(game_id, msg)) pass class GameExportNoResponseFromSiteError(GameExportError): def __init__(self, game_id): super().__init__(game_id, "No response from site") class GameExportInvalidResponseTypeError(GameExportError): def __init__(self, game_id, response_type): super().__init__(game_id, "Invalid response type (expected json, got {})".format( response_type, game_id )) pass class GameExportInvalidFormatError(GameExportError): def __init__(self, game_id, msg): super().__init__(game_id, "Invalid response format: {}".format(msg)) class GameExportInvalidNumberOfPlayersError(GameExportInvalidFormatError): def __init__(self, game_id, expected, received): super().__init__( game_id, "Received invalid list of players: Expected {} many, got {}".format(expected, received) ) # def detailed_export_game( game_id: int , score: Optional[int] = None , var_id: Optional[int] = None , seed_exists: bool = False ) -> None: """ Downloads full details of game from, inserts seed and game into DB If seed is already present, it is left as is If game is already present, game details will be updated :param game_id: id of game to export :param score: If given, this will be inserted as score of the game. If not given, score is calculated :param var_id: If given, this will be inserted as variant id of the game. If not given, this is looked up :param seed_exists: If specified and true, assumes that the seed is already present in database. If this is not the case, call will raise a DB insertion error :raises GameExportError and its child classes """ logger.debug("Importing game {}".format(game_id)) game_json = site_api.get("export/{}".format(game_id)) if game_json is None: raise GameExportNoResponseFromSiteError(game_id) if type(game_json) != dict: raise GameExportInvalidResponseTypeError(game_id, type(game_json)) if game_json.get('id', None) != game_id: raise GameExportInvalidFormatError(game_id, "Unexpected game_id {} received, expected {}".format( game_json.get('id'), game_id )) players = game_json.get('players', []) num_players = len(players) if num_players < 2: raise GameExportInvalidNumberOfPlayersError(game_id, "≥2", num_players) seed = game_json.get('seed', None) if type(seed) != str: raise GameExportInvalidFormatError(game_id, "Unexpected seed, expected string, got {}".format(seed)) options = game_json.get('options', {}) var_id = var_id or variants.variant_id(options.get('variant', 'No Variant')) deck_plays = options.get('deckPlays', False) one_extra_card = options.get('oneExtraCard', False) one_less_card = options.get('oneLessCard', False) all_or_nothing = options.get('allOrNothing', False) starting_player = options.get('startingPlayer', 0) try: actions = [hanab_game.Action.from_json(action) for action in game_json.get('actions', [])] except hanab_game.ParseError as e: raise GameExportInvalidFormatError(game_id, "Failed to parse actions") from e try: deck = [hanab_game.DeckCard.from_json(card) for card in game_json.get('deck', None)] except hanab_game.ParseError as e: raise GameExportInvalidFormatError(game_id, "Failed to parse deck") from e if score is None: # need to play through the game once to find out its score game = hanab_live.HanabLiveGameState( hanab_live.HanabLiveInstance( deck, num_players, var_id, deck_plays=deck_plays, one_less_card=one_less_card, one_extra_card=one_extra_card, all_or_nothing=all_or_nothing ), starting_player ) for action in actions: game.make_action(action) score = game.score try: compressed_deck = compress.compress_deck(deck) except compress.InvalidFormatError as e: logger.error("Failed to compress deck while exporting game {}: {}".format(game_id, deck)) raise GameExportInvalidFormatError(game_id, "Failed to compress deck") from e try: compressed_actions = compress.compress_actions(actions) except compress.InvalidFormatError as e: logger.error("Failed to compress actions while exporting game {}".format(game_id)) raise GameExportInvalidFormatError(game_id, "Failed to compress actions") from e if not seed_exists: database.cur.execute( "INSERT INTO seeds (seed, num_players, starting_player, variant_id, deck)" "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" "ON CONFLICT (seed) DO NOTHING", (seed, num_players, starting_player, var_id, compressed_deck) ) logger.debug("New seed {} imported.".format(seed)) database.cur.execute( "INSERT INTO games (" "id, num_players, score, seed, variant_id, deck_plays, one_extra_card, one_less_card," "all_or_nothing, actions" ")" "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" "ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET (" "deck_plays, one_extra_card, one_less_card, all_or_nothing, actions" ") = (" "EXCLUDED.deck_plays, EXCLUDED.one_extra_card, EXCLUDED.one_less_card, EXCLUDED.all_or_nothing," "EXCLUDED.actions" ")", ( game_id, num_players, score, seed, var_id, deck_plays, one_extra_card, one_less_card, all_or_nothing, compressed_actions ) ) logger.debug("Imported game {}".format(game_id)) def _process_game_row(game: Dict, var_id, export_all_games: bool = False): game_id = game.get('id', None) seed = game.get('seed', None) num_players = game.get('num_players', None) users = game.get('users', "").split(", ") score = game.get('score', None) if any(v is None for v in [game_id, seed, num_players, score]): raise ValueError("Unknown response format on") if len(users) != num_players: logger.error("Invalid number of players reported when processing row {}".format(game)) f = platformdirs.user_data_dir(constants.APP_NAME, ensure_exists=True) + '/invalid_game_ids.txt' with open(f, "a+") as invalid_games_file: invalid_games_file.writelines( "{}, {}, {}, {}\n".format(game_id, var_id, num_players, ", ".join(users)) ) return # raise GameExportInvalidNumberOfPlayersError(game_id, num_players, users) if export_all_games: detailed_export_game(game_id, score=score, var_id=var_id) logger.debug("Imported game {}".format(game_id)) return database.cur.execute("SAVEPOINT seed_insert") try: database.cur.execute( "INSERT INTO games (id, seed, num_players, score, variant_id)" "VALUES" "(%s, %s ,%s ,%s ,%s)" "ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING", (game_id, seed, num_players, score, var_id) ) except psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: # Sometimes, seed is not present in the database yet, then we will have to query the full game details # (including the seed) to export it accordingly database.cur.execute("ROLLBACK TO seed_insert") detailed_export_game(game_id, score=score, var_id=var_id) database.cur.execute("RELEASE seed_insert") logger.debug("Imported game {}".format(game_id)) def download_games(var_id, export_all_games: bool = False): name = variants.variant_name(var_id) page_size = 100 if name is None: raise ValueError("{} is not a known variant_id.".format(var_id)) url = "variants/{}".format(var_id) r = site_api.api(url, refresh=True) if not r: raise RuntimeError("Failed to download request from") num_entries = r.get('total_rows', None) if num_entries is None: raise ValueError("Unknown response format on") database.cur.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM games WHERE variant_id = %s AND id <= " "(SELECT COALESCE (last_game_id, 0) FROM variant_game_downloads WHERE variant_id = %s)", (var_id, var_id) ) num_already_downloaded_games = database.cur.fetchone()[0] assert num_already_downloaded_games <= num_entries, "Database inconsistent, too many games present." next_page = num_already_downloaded_games // page_size last_page = (num_entries - 1) // page_size if num_already_downloaded_games == num_entries:"Already downloaded all games ({} many) for variant {} [{}]".format(num_entries, var_id, name)) return "Downloading remaining {} (total {}) entries for variant {} [{}]".format( num_entries - num_already_downloaded_games, num_entries, var_id, name ) ) with alive_progress.alive_bar( total=num_entries - num_already_downloaded_games, title='Downloading games for variant id {} [{}]'.format(var_id, name), enrich_print=False ) as bar: for page in range(next_page, last_page + 1): for refresh in [False, True]: r = site_api.api(url + "?col[0]=0&page={}".format(page), refresh=(page == last_page) or refresh) rows = r.get('rows', []) if page == next_page: rows = rows[num_already_downloaded_games % 100:] if not (page == last_page or len(rows) == page_size): if not refresh: # row count does not match, maybe this is due to an old cached version of the api query, # try again with a forced refresh of the query logger.verbose("refreshing page {} due to unexpected row count".format(page)) continue # If refreshing did not fix the error, log a warning logger.warn('WARN: received unexpected row count ({}, expected {}) on page {}'.format( len(rows), page_size, page) ) for row in rows: _process_game_row(row, var_id, export_all_games) bar() database.cur.execute( "INSERT INTO variant_game_downloads (variant_id, last_game_id) VALUES" "(%s, %s)" "ON CONFLICT (variant_id) DO UPDATE SET last_game_id = EXCLUDED.last_game_id", (var_id, r['rows'][-1]['id']) ) database.conn.commit() # we need this so that we don't execute the iteration with forced refresh # if stuff already checked out without refreshing break