import copy from typing import Tuple from database import conn from compress import decompress_deck, decompress_actions, link from hanabi import GameState from hanab_live import HanabLiveInstance, HanabLiveGameState from sat import solve_sat from log_setup import logger # returns minimal number T of turns (from game) after which instance was infeasible # and a replay achieving maximum score while following the replay for the first (T-1) turns: # if instance is feasible, returns number of turns + 1 # returns 0 if instance is infeasible # returns 1 if instance is feasible but first turn is suboptimal # ... # # turns + 1 if the final state is still winning def check_game(game_id: int) -> Tuple[int, GameState]: logger.debug("Analysing game {}".format(game_id)) with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT games.num_players, deck, actions, score, games.variant_id FROM games " "INNER JOIN seeds ON seeds.seed = games.seed " "WHERE = (%s)", (game_id,) ) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: raise ValueError("No game associated with id {} in database.".format(game_id)) (num_players, compressed_deck, compressed_actions, score, variant_id) = res deck = decompress_deck(compressed_deck) actions = decompress_actions(compressed_actions) instance = HanabLiveInstance(deck, num_players, variant_id=variant_id) # check if the instance is already won if instance.max_score == score: game = HanabLiveGameState(instance) for action in actions: game.make_action(action) # instance has been won, nothing to compute here return len(actions) + 1, game # first, check if the instance itself is feasible: game = HanabLiveGameState(instance) solvable, solution = solve_sat(game) if not solvable: return 0, solution logger.verbose("Instance {} is feasible after 0 turns: {}".format(game_id, link(solution))) # store lower and upper bounds of numbers of turns after which we know the game was feasible / infeasible solvable_turn = 0 unsolvable_turn = len(actions) while unsolvable_turn - solvable_turn > 1: try_turn = (unsolvable_turn + solvable_turn) // 2 try_game = copy.deepcopy(game) assert len(try_game.actions) == solvable_turn for a in range(solvable_turn, try_turn): try_game.make_action(actions[a]) logger.debug("Checking if instance {} is feasible after {} turns.".format(game_id, try_turn)) solvable, potential_sol = solve_sat(try_game) if solvable: solution = potential_sol game = try_game solvable_turn = try_turn logger.verbose("Instance {} is feasible after {} turns: {}#{}" .format(game_id, solvable_turn, link(solution), solvable_turn + 1)) else: unsolvable_turn = try_turn logger.verbose("Instance {} is not feasible after {} turns.".format(game_id, unsolvable_turn)) assert unsolvable_turn - 1 == solvable_turn return unsolvable_turn, solution