import json import psycopg2 from typing import Optional, Dict ## global connection conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=hanab-live user=postgres") ## cursor cur = conn.cursor() # cur.execute("DROP TABLE games;") # conn.commit() # exit(0) ## check if table exists, else create it def create_games_table(): tablename = "games" cur.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format(tablename)) a = cur.fetchone() if a[0] is False: print("Creating table '{}'".format(tablename)) cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE {} (" "id INT PRIMARY KEY," "num_players SMALLINT NOT NULL," "score SMALLINT NOT NULL," "seed TEXT NOT NULL," "variant_id SMALLINT NOT NULL," "deck_plays BOOLEAN," "one_extra_card BOOLEAN," "one_less_card BOOLEAN," "all_or_nothing BOOLEAN," "num_turns SMALLINT," "actions TEXT" ")".format(tablename)) conn.commit() # else: # print("table already exists") def create_seeds_table(): tablename = 'seeds' cur.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format(tablename)) a = cur.fetchone() if a[0] is False: print("Creating table '{}'".format(tablename)) cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE {} (" "seed TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," "num_players SMALLINT NOT NULL," "variant_id SMALLINT NOT NULL," "feasible BOOLEAN," # theoretical solvability "max_score_theoretical SMALLINT," # if infeasible, max score "deck VARCHAR(60)" ")".format(tablename)) conn.commit() def create_static_tables(): cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS suits CASCADE;") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE suits (" "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY," "name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE," "display_name TEXT NOT NULL," "abbreviation CHAR(1) NOT NULL," "ranks SMALLINT NOT NULL," # 0: not touched by rank, 1: touched by actual rank, 2: touched by all ranks "colors SMALLINT NOT NULL," # 0: not touched by color, 1: touched by native colors, 2: touched by all colors "prism BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "dark BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "reversed BOOLEAN NOT NULL" ")" ) cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS colors CASCADE;") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE colors (" "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY," "name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE" ")" ) cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS suit_colors CASCADE;") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE suit_colors (" "suit_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "color_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY (suit_id) REFERENCES suits (id) ON DELETE CASCADE," "FOREIGN KEY (color_id) REFERENCES colors (id) ON DELETE CASCADE" ")" ) cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS variants CASCADE") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE variants (" "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY," "name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE," "clue_starved BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "throw_it_in_a_hole BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "alternating_clues BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "synesthesia BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "chimneys BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "funnels BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "no_colors BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "no_ranks BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "odds_and_evens BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "up_or_down BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "critical_fours BOOLEAN NOT NULL," "num_suits SMALLINT NOT NULL," "special_rank_ranks SMALLINT NOT NULL," "special_rank_colors SMALLINT NOT NULL," "special_rank SMALLINT" ")" ) cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS variant_suits CASCADE") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE variant_suits (" "variant_id INT NOT NULL," "suit_id INT NOT NULL," "FOREIGN KEY (variant_id) REFERENCES variants (id) ON DELETE CASCADE," "FOREIGN KEY (suit_id) REFERENCES suits (id) ON DELETE CASCADE" ")" ) conn.commit() def init_static_tables(): # check if table already exists create = False tables = ['suits', 'colors', 'suit_colors', 'variants', 'variant_suits'] for table in tables: cur.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format(table) ) a = cur.fetchone() if a[0] is False: create = True if not create: return create_static_tables() with open("suits.json", "r") as f: suits: Dict = json.loads( with open('variants.json', 'r') as f: variants = json.loads( suits_to_reverse = set() for var in variants: for suit in var['suits']: if 'Reversed' in suit: suits_to_reverse.add(suit.replace(' Reversed', '')) for suit in suits: name: str = suit['name'] display_name: str = suit.get('displayName', name) abbreviation = suit.get('abbreviation', name[0].upper()) all_colors = suit.get('allClueColors', False) no_colors = suit.get('noClueColors', False) all_ranks = suit.get('allClueRanks', False) no_ranks = suit.get('noClueRanks', False) prism = suit.get('prism', False) dark = suit.get('oneOfEach', False) assert([all_colors, no_colors, prism].count(True) <= 1) assert(not all([no_ranks, all_ranks])) colors = 2 if all_colors else (0 if no_colors else 1) ranks = 2 if all_ranks else (0 if no_ranks else 1) clue_colors = suit.get('clueColors', [name] if (colors == 1 and not prism) else []) for rev in [False, True]: if rev is True and name not in suits_to_reverse: break suit_name = name suit_name += ' Reversed' if rev else '' cur.execute( "INSERT INTO suits (name, display_name, abbreviation, ranks, colors, dark, reversed, prism)" "VALUES" "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (suit_name, display_name, abbreviation, ranks, colors, dark, rev, prism) ) cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM suits WHERE name = %s", (suit_name,) ) suit_id = cur.fetchone() for color in clue_colors: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO colors (name) VALUES (%s)" "ON CONFLICT (name) DO NOTHING", (color,) ) cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM colors WHERE name = %s", (color,) ) color_id = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO suit_colors (suit_id, color_id) VALUES" "(%s, %s)", (suit_id, color_id) ) for var in variants: var_id = var['id'] name = var['name'] clue_starved = var.get('clueStarved', False) throw_it_in_a_hole = var.get('throwItInHole', False) alternating_clues = var.get('alternatingClues', False) synesthesia = var.get('synesthesia', False) chimneys = var.get('chimneys', False) funnels = var.get('funnels', False) no_colors = var.get('colorCluesTouchNothing', False) no_ranks = var.get('rankCluesTouchNothing', False) odds_and_evens = var.get('oddsAndEvens', False) up_or_down = var.get('upOrDown', False) critical_fours = var.get('criticalFours', False) suits = var['suits'] num_suits = len(suits) special_rank_no_ranks = var.get('specialNoClueRanks', False) special_rank_all_ranks = var.get('specialAllClueRanks', False) special_rank_no_colors = var.get('specialNoClueColors', False) special_rank_all_colors = var.get('specialAllClueColors', False) special_rank = var.get('specialRank', None) clue_ranks = var.get('clueRanks', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) assert(not all([special_rank_all_ranks, special_rank_no_ranks])) assert(not all([special_rank_all_colors, special_rank_no_colors])) special_rank_ranks = 2 if special_rank_all_ranks else (0 if special_rank_no_ranks else 1) special_rank_colors = 2 if special_rank_all_colors else (0 if special_rank_no_colors else 1) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO variants (" "id, name, clue_starved, throw_it_in_a_hole, alternating_clues, synesthesia, chimneys, funnels, no_colors," "no_ranks, odds_and_evens, up_or_down, critical_fours, num_suits, special_rank_ranks, special_rank_colors," "special_rank" ")" "VALUES" "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( var_id, name, clue_starved, throw_it_in_a_hole, alternating_clues, synesthesia, chimneys, funnels, no_colors, no_ranks, odds_and_evens, up_or_down, critical_fours, num_suits, special_rank_ranks, special_rank_colors, special_rank ) ) for suit in suits: cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM suits WHERE name = %s", (suit,) ) suit_id = cur.fetchone() if suit_id is None: print(suit) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO variant_suits (variant_id, suit_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (var_id, suit_id) ) conn.commit() create_games_table() create_seeds_table() init_static_tables() class Game(): def __init__(self, info=None): = -1 self.num_players = -1 self.score = -1 self.seed = "" self.variant_id = -1 self.deck_plays = None self.one_extra_card = None self.one_less_card = None self.all_or_nothing = None self.num_turns = None if type(info) == dict: self.__dict__.update(info) @staticmethod def from_tuple(t): g = Game() = t[0] g.num_players = t[1] g.score = t[2] g.seed = t[3] g.variant_id = t[4] g.deck_plays = t[5] g.one_extra_card = t[6] g.one_less_card = t[7] g.all_or_nothing = t[8] g.num_turns = t[9] return g def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def load(game_id: int) -> Optional[Game]: cur.execute("SELECT * from games WHERE id = {};".format(game_id)) a = cur.fetchone() if a is None: return None else: return Game.from_tuple(a) def store(game: Game): stored = load( if stored is None: # print("inserting game with id {} into DB".format( cur.execute( "INSERT INTO games" "(id, num_players, score, seed, variant_id)" "VALUES" "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);", (, game.num_players, game.score, game.seed, game.variant_id) ) else: if not stored == game: print("Already stored game with id {}, aborting".format( print("Stored game is: {}".format(stored.__dict__)) print("New game is: {}".format(game.__dict__)) def commit(): conn.commit()